Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 281: side effect

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The gauntlet that flew fast from the air was accurately loaded onto Tony's outstretched palm.

In the next instant, Youlan's arc shock wave was launched from the palm of his hand, blasting the opposite Bakugoo directly.

Noticing the arrival of the armor, Hawkeye also slightly lowered the bow and arrow in his hand and handed the battle back to Tony at the scene.

"Look, what I said was right."

With a grin, and feeling the huge force coming from his palm, Tony swung his arm and said to Bakugou on the opposite side.

"Everything is fine, except for the time."

"You guy."

Although the power of the arc impact is strong, it is not a heavy attack for the clone. Holding his chest, Bakugou deliberately made a distorted expression and looked at Tony fiercely: "I will blow you up. Scum!"

"Who wouldn't say harsh words?"

The armor that raised his arm turned to Bakugou, and Tony raised his eyebrows and said, "The reality is, I just blasted you away with a shock wave."

Obviously, Tony's reply made Bakugou's already hot temper even more irritable. He gritted his teeth and turned his palms towards the back, and the blasting power that erupted from his palms in the next second turned into a huge driving force. Directly increases Bakugou's movement speed to high speed.

Using the characteristic [Blast] as a driving force, Bakugou rushed in front of Tony before he could react.


[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

Looking at Bakugou who suddenly rushed in front of him, Tony's face showed a look of astonishment.

He turned his palm subconsciously, wanting to launch an arc shock wave, but was blocked by a blast from Bakugou, who had been prepared in front of him.

"I'm going to blow your head up!"

Swinging the other arm, the dangerous explosive force condensed in his hand.


Looking at the fist coming straight towards his head and the terrifying explosion contained in it, Tony almost instinctively began to shout.

Just the second after Tony's voice fell, the remaining battle suits from mid-air also flew in one after another, and the armor that made up the helmet part was loaded on Tony's head almost instantly. It was also the moment after the head armor was assembled that Bakugou's fist landed on Tony's head, making a dull popping sound.



The blasts generated by the self-destructing fists and helmets blasted Tony into the air. He raised his arm with the gauntlet to launch a shock wave to offset the impact of the blast, and then the remaining battle suits found their positions and began to be loaded onto Tony's body in mid-air. Finally, The final mask that made up the helmet was also accurately attached to Tony's face.


As the last piece of armor arrived, Jarvis' voice sounded again inside the helmet.

Hearing the familiar voice in his ear, Tony bent the corner of his mouth: "Although it's a bit late, it's better to be late than never."

As he spoke, Tony opened his palms, and the impact from the palms and soles of his feet made him stop firmly in mid-air.

"Next, is the real battle moment."

Suspended in mid-air, Tony looked down at Bakugou on the ground and said confidently.

Before putting on the iron suit, Tony Stark may have some shortcomings, but at the moment of putting on the iron suit, he is a well-deserved Iron Man.

"Perhaps, I should also design a handsome debut style."

Looking at Iron Man in mid-air, Falcon turned to look at the steel wings on his back, and said with envy.

"For example, I'm Falcon!"



Falcon's appearance design has not yet been completed, and the father on the side directly pulled his mind back to the battle in front of him with a knife.

"Wake up, you daydream guy, the situation in front of you has not been resolved."

[From Falcon Sam Weir's reputation +30]

With a sudden jump, he also jumped into the air with the blasting power of his hands. Bakugou looked at Tony, who was wearing a steel battle suit, and grinned, making a reckless expression: "I want to see, The broken copper and iron on your body can withstand the force of my blasting several times."

"Broken copper and iron?"

Bakugou's description made Tony in the suit frown subconsciously.

"Sorry, can you repeat what you just said?"

Raising his eyebrows, Tony opened his palms at Bakugou in front of him.

Facing Tony's threat, Bakugou curled his lips. The next second, the blasting power in the palm of his hand instantly soared, forming a powerful flame and impact. He crossed his hands in the left and right opposite directions and blasted continuously to generate rotation. With this powerful firepower, he blasted The whole person was like a flying rocket, carrying a violent fire to the opposite Tony.

"Sir, the power contained in this explosion is almost the same as..."

Detecting the huge destructive power possessed by the opposite Bakugou, Jarvis immediately reminded Tony.

"I don't need you to say this, I can see it."

To this, Tony replied with a solemn expression.

Looking at Bakugou rushing towards him, Tony's palm radiated a dazzling light, and the two arc shock waves accurately hit Bakugou in the air. With the explosive power gathered on his body, Tony's two arc shock waves could not penetrate the rapidly advancing flames at all.

Noticing this scene, Tony quickly controlled himself to be the steel suit and climbed rapidly.

However, Bakugou flew faster than he expected. Through the continuous acceleration of the blast, Bakugou caught up with the flying Tony in a matter of seconds, and then he opened his mouth, accompanied by the sky of fire. The shock exploded within a distance of less than half a meter from Tony.



In the huge firelight, Tony, who was wearing a steel battle suit, fell fiercely from mid-air, making a clear mark on the ground. Immediately afterwards, with the sound of thunder, a large amount of metal armor peeled off Tony's body, exposing the internal structure of the suit full of lines under the armor.


The flames fell from his hands, and Bakuhao looked at Tony who was on the ground, and said with a mocking expression: "It seems that your so-called battle armor is not as strong as you said, and you only took one blast from me, and it's gone. It's turned into a real pile of junk."

"This is the helping hand you've been waiting for, and it doesn't look that great."

Looking at the fallen Tony, Dad started to make up for the knife.

Here, the Avengers are left speechless by Dad's blunt question.

On the other hand, Bakugou raised his palm, aimed at Tony on the ground, and said with a grin.

"This time, there should be no other way for you to do it, you just go to me obediently..."


Obviously, Bakugou clearly shows what it's like to die with a lot of words.

Before he could finish his words, another arc shock wave had already fallen from mid-air, knocking him out again.

Immediately afterwards, a black steel battle suit fell, protecting him in front of Tony on the ground.

Mark32 Romeo, the thirty-second set of armors Tony has produced and developed since this time.

Not only that, with the emergence of Mark32, various other forms of Mark series armors developed by Tony also flew.

"I just happen to have other preparations."

Controlling the broken Mark11 to stand up, Tony randomly found a steel suit closest to him and put it on again.

In fact, the moment Tony connected Jarvis, he ordered him to start the "house party" plan, and according to the order Jarvis woke up and activated the entire series of armor, and flew to help him deal with the next battle.

"God, this is so cool!"

Looking at the steel armor standing densely in front of him, Falcon couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Looks like I've missed my father."

Although he has always been aware of Tony's ability to make battle armor, seeing so many steel armors appearing on the same battlefield at once, even Li Ran, who was far away from the antique store, couldn't help showing a surprised expression. Through his father's mouth, he sighed.

However, although he was amazed at Tony's hands-on ability, Li Ran did not relax in the continuing battle.

Facing the silent steel battle suit that surrounded him neatly, Bakugou finally had an ugly look on his face. He looked at the fully equipped battle armor around him, then looked down at his hands, and was silent for a few seconds. After Zhong, his face changed back to his rebellious appearance again, and he controlled his hands to release violent blasting power, and raised his voice and shouted: "You bastard, do you think you can be defeated by numbers? With the unparalleled power endowed by the [Holy Lord]? Whether it is a scrap copper or a hundred scrap copper or a hundred scraps, I will blast them one by one with my own hands!"

"You can try."

With so many steel suits as trump cards, facing the shouting threat of Bakugou, Tony under the helmet didn't have the slightest panic on his face.

Following his order, all the steel suits raised their palms or weapons at the same time, and turned to Bakugou in front of him.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you at all!"

The dazzling Chiyan self-exploded Hao's hands condensed. Facing the aim of many steel battle suits, Bo Hao opened his mouth to reveal his consistent unrestrained appearance. The next moment, a huge fire broke out and surrounded the battle armor. After Tony rushed to get.

bang, bang—

Bang, bang, bang—


Looking at the rapidly approaching Bakugou, all the parts of the steel armored helmet in front of him flashed a red light at the same time, and the next moment, various shock wave missile flames were launched towards the advancing Bakugou.

The flames formed by so many explosions and shock waves lasted for five or six seconds before gradually dissipating.

Revealing the wreckage of six or seven iron suits and a wounded Bakugou.

"Unfortunately, if the power of the blasting was stronger, those who survived would be..."

He looked down at the steel battle suit he was holding in his hand, and then looked up at Tony who was not far away. Bakugou's charred face showed a trace of unwillingness, and in the next second, he looked like a deflated ball. Usually fell heavily. Immediately afterwards, a spell with an abstract dragon-shaped logo rolled down from his body.


"Spell, my spell, that's my power, you..."

Losing the restraint of Bakugou, facing so many armors activated by Tony and the attacks of the Avengers, even Sato, who is immortal, is unable to resist after all.

Under his father's command, [Uncle Long] grabbed the [Dog Charm] from Sato's hand.

And at the moment of losing the [Dog Charm], Sato, who was still middle-aged, has aged rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he seems to have finished his life for the next decades, from a thin appearance. The middle-aged man turned directly into a thin old man who was dying.

In this case, let alone fighting, it becomes extremely difficult for Sato to even take a step. You open your cloudy eyes, look at the opposite Avengers tremblingly, and stretch out your skinny body. With no arms at all, he implored very weakly: "Please, return the... talisman... talisman... to me... I need..."

[From the legend of Steve Rogers...]

[From the legend of Tony Stark...]

[The legend from Hawkeye Clinton...]

[From the legend of Falcon Sam Weir...]

【From Natasha...】

"Dad, this is?!"

The change in Sato's appearance made the Avengers and others look surprised.

[Uncle Long] cooperated and asked his father.

"Although the power of the spell is powerful, it comes from the power of the [Holy Lord] after all. Judging from the ending of this guy, it is clear that the ability of the [Dog Spell] to be immortal also has strong side effects. The ability is not without cost, but needs to overdraw his own life as the power of resurrection. He is too addicted to the power of the [dog spell], and frequently abuses the ability of causes the [dog spell] to leave the body At the moment, the side effects that had been suppressed by the [Dog Charm] and did not appear suddenly erupted, directly draining all the strength of the opponent's body, and becoming a guy older than my father and me."

As he spoke, the old man's eyes swept over the [Dog Spell] in [Uncle Long]'s hand, as if he casually revealed a sentence: "In the end, the [Dog Spell] is powerful in immortality, but obviously it needs to be matched with one of the twelve spells. Another undead body that has no flaws in the true sense can only have the [horse spell] that can heal and restore everything. Otherwise, the undead body that only holds the [dog spell] will end up with this guy. Same, pay a heavy price."

"[Horse Spell]."

Aside, listening to her father's remarks silently, Natasha's eyes flashed with light, and her expression changed slightly.

[The legend from Natasha...]

Although, the super agent of SHIELD has concealed it to an almost perfect level.

However, the popularity that appeared on the data panel still told Li Ran that his words were not in vain.

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