Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 264: powerful gold

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With a low drink.

Joseph Joestar's fist with ripples fell on the corpse on the opposite side like raindrops.

The power of the ripples, placed on ordinary people, may only be as warm as sunlight, but it is undoubtedly fatal to corpses. In the tragic howls, the body of the corpse who rushed forward was like ice and snow exposed to the scorching sun, and it was melted without even holding a breath.

"Is this the real power of Joseph Joestar, such a powerful ripple power."

Although Matt couldn't see the melted corpse, under the action of his super senses, he could clearly feel the sun-like ripple power that erupted from Joseph Joestar.

[The legend from Daredevil...]

[From the legend of Jessica Jones...]

【From Danny...】

[From the legend of Luke Cage...]

[From the legend of the vampire...]

[The legend from the corpse...]

Facing the irresistible power of the ripples displayed by Joseph Joestar, all the corpses showed a look of fear, and the vampires who were still leading did not dare to go up no matter how they reprimanded them. Although they have become inhuman monsters due to infection, perhaps because of the short time to transform corpses, at least their brains have not completely rotted away, and they can clearly perceive the threat of Joseph Joestar. .

Putting away the power of the ripples in his hand, and looking at the fearful corpse in front of him, Joseph Joestar turned his head and glanced at the similarly shocked defenders behind him, then turned to Matt's body and lowered his head. The voice taught: "Matt, feel the power of this ripple with your heart."

With that said, Joseph Joestar activated the power of ripples again.

"The magnetic ripple of life rushes away~"

In Matt's induction, the ripples on Joseph Joestar's body converged on his feet. In the next instant, the whole person appeared in front of the vampire hiding behind, raising his fist and the power of the ripples blooming in his hand. , hit the vampire's body by surprise.

In the shrill scream, the whole body of the vampire melted like a snowman.

After successfully killing the leading vampire, Joseph Joestar looked like he was gasping for breath, and a smile appeared on his weathered face.

"Joseph, be careful!"

However, at the moment when Joseph Joestar relaxed, Matt's super senses noticed something strange, his face suddenly changed and he blurted out.


However, before Matt's reminder came down, a figure suddenly sprang out like lightning, and the huge body burst out with amazing power, leaving a line of pit marks spreading like spider webs on the ground of the hall, completely matching the body. The unmatched amazing speed rushed in front of Joseph Joestar, setting off a violent wind and knocking Joseph Joestar out in front of him.

Under the tremendous strength, Joseph Joestar flew out several meters away like an arrow from a string, and wiped a deep ravine on the ground before stopping.

"Joseph Joestar!"

Seeing that Joseph Joestar, who had just shown his powerful fighting power, was knocked out by the figure, the expressions on the faces of the defenders changed.

Jessica withdrew her gaze and turned her head, looking at the huge figure appearing in the hall, her eyes were extremely solemn and said: "Jin Bing?!"

The defenders are no strangers to Jin Bing, but the power displayed by this Jin Bing has obviously exceeded the defenders' expectations.

"It seems that the helper you are looking for is not as powerful as you imagined, defender."

Glancing coldly from Joseph Joestar, Jin raised his head and glanced at the guards who looked alert, with a cruel smile on the indifferent face: "To be honest, for this battle, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, Defender, I'm tired of the boring cat-and-mouse tricks I used to play with you guys, so it's time to put an end to the past."

"Exactly, that's what we mean too."

In front of him, the power that Jin Ping showed made the defenders jealous.

However, Jessica also replied unconvincingly: "When the time comes, don't cry to find your mother, Jin Bing."

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths."

Said to Jessica with a cold face, Jin Bian took his steps, like a runaway train carrying unstoppable power, and rushed towards the defenders in front of him.

In the face of the menacing Jin Bing, Luke Cage stepped forward without hesitation, and also rushed forward not to be outdone.


With a dull loud noise, in the face of Jin Bing's violent impact, Luke Cage only insisted on blocking for a few seconds, and the whole person was knocked out like a wicker in the wind. Carrying unstoppable power, Jin Bing suddenly lifted his foot and stomped heavily on the ground. Under the action of this violent force, the ground under his feet collapsed and cracked instantly, shattering into large pieces of fine lines like spider webs.

Looking at Jin Ning, who was terrifying like a monster, the expression on Danny's face became extremely solemn.

He took a deep breath, and the power of the iron fist in his body quickly gathered on his hands, forming a dazzling golden color.

In the next instant, the golden iron fist hit Jin Bing fiercely.

Under the power of the iron fist from Kunlun, Jin Bing's progress was finally stopped.

"It seems that I underestimated you, defender..."

Jin Bing lowered his head, looked at his sunken chest, and grinned with a bloodthirsty smile.

As Jin Bing's voice fell, under the action of the abundant life energy in the body, the injury on his chest recovered in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, Jin and raised his sturdy arm, bursting with unstoppable terrifying power, and directly smashed Danny on the opposite side.

"Cough puff~"

Facing Jin Ning's heavy blow, Danny almost instinctively moved the iron fist in his body to resist.

The power of the iron fist in his hand was instantly defeated, and with a dull heavy blow, Danny slammed into the wall, and opened his mouth to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"But that's it, Defender."

Withdrawing his arms, he turned to look at Matt in front of him, and Jin Bing said with a blank face as if he was explaining the facts: "Now you guys can't be my opponents who already have vampire power, so don't waste any more. Time to do this useless struggle, obediently die!"

Said, the muscles on Jin Bing's body swelled instantly, and the originally huge body became a little bigger because of this, and the inhuman breath all over his body became more obvious.

"Hey, Kim Bing!"

Just then, Jessica's voice suddenly came from overhead.

"No, that's not right!"

Hearing the voice, Jin Bing subconsciously wanted to raise his head, but he immediately noticed the problem and stopped his head from turning.

"Ripple run away!"

However, it is clear that Kim is still a step behind.

At the moment when he was distracted, Matt, who had been enduring on the opposite side, waved his fist without hesitation, and the power of the ripples in the running body hit the huge body in front of him.


Seeing that, Matt's fist with ripple power was about to hit Jin Ning's body.

In the next second, Jin Ning, who seemed to be defenseless, had a smug smile on his face. With a crisp sound, he grabbed Matt's waving arm with an unimaginable agility.

"Do you think that after seeing the end of the corpse, I will still be defenseless, do you still attack? The stone ghost face not only brought me unparalleled strength, but also unimaginable agility."

Saying that, Jin Bian lowered his head and glanced at Matt's fist that was only a finger away from his body. Even if it was a distance away, his heart still felt a throbbing, and the cells in his body seemed to be instinctively afraid of the fist on Matt's fist. strength.

This threat must be eliminated!

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in Jin Bing's eyes, and he increased the strength of his fingers without hesitation.


Accompanied by a piercing sound of bone shattering, under such severe pain, even the firm-willed Matt couldn't help but let out a painful scream. Zhong began to recall the ripple move that he first learned from Joseph Joestar.


With the difficult words, Matt's arm that was still some distance away from Jin Ning suddenly stretched out, and the rippled fist immediately landed on Jin Ning's body.

The spring punch, taught to Matt by Joseph Joestar, is a technique that separates the bones of the arm and rips the pain away, extending the distance of the punch.


Matt's sudden blow was completely beyond Jin Bing's expectations.

The extended fist hit his body, and the next moment, the power of the ripples was transmitted, and a huge hole melted in his chest in an instant.

With a whimper, he suddenly threw the Matt he caught in his hand and flew out. Jin didn't stumble like a wild beast, destroying everything around him and venting his pain.


After rolling around on the ground for a few laps, Matt propped up his body, supported his twisted arms, and listened to Jin Bing's wailing with regret. If the power of the ripples he masters is stronger, maybe the blow just now can directly kill Jin Ning.


Under the unparalleled amount of violent violence, the entire hall shattered into pieces as if a gust of wind had entered. Jin Bing gasped to stop his venting and destruction, and the melted hole in his chest also recovered under the powerful self-healing ability of the vampire. The blood-red eyes regained clarity, Jin turned his head to look at Matt opposite, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but then turned hideous: "Okay, very good, Daredevil, I was careless."

The power of the vampire makes Jin Bian become overconfident and lose the prudence of the past.

With that said, Jin Bian glanced at Matt in front of him, noticed his twisted arms, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Although he was injured with the spring punch, Matt was not harmless.

Noticing this, Jin and tentatively took his own steps.

Half-supporting his body, facing Jin Ning who was approaching step by step, although Matt wanted to stand up and continue fighting, the injury on his arm made his movements extremely difficult. At the same time, feeling the little ripple power left in his body, Matt's inner emotions became deep.

In midair, Jessica looked at Jin Bing, who was approaching Matt step by step, and clenched her teeth into it, blocking Matt.


Stopping his footsteps, Jin looked at Jessica who appeared in front of him with a vigilant expression on his face.

"You seem to be very confident in stopping me." Staring at the petite figure blocking the middle, Jin said tentatively, "Or, you also have the power to hurt vampires."

"You can give it a try, Kim."

Facing Jin Bing's temptation, Jessica said with a cold face.

Naturally, she didn't learn the power of ripples, but Jin didn't know that.

Hearing Jessica's answer, Jin couldn't help frowning. Although the hole in his body had recovered, the pain of the ripples melting his body still seemed to remain in Jin Bing's body. He looked at the expressionless Jessica in front of him, and the expression on his face changed a few times.

"No, you're lying to me, if you had that kind of power, you would have taken action just now."

Raising his hand to touch the recovered hole in his chest, Jin Bing's breathing became a little faster, and he suddenly opened his mouth with a grin.

"I said, Jin Bing, you can try it. Although my ripples are not strong, it can melt your head, just like those corpses just now."

Hearing Jin Bing's words, Jessica's heart skipped a beat. She barely suppressed her inner emotions and replied with a cold expression.

"Do you know what you did wrong?"

Hearing Jessica's threat, the grim expression on Jin Bing's face suddenly You are too anxious, the more you are like this, the more certain I am that you are not the kind of vampire-killer strength. "

Although he said so, Jin Bing's movements did not change in the slightest. Matt's attack had completely awakened him from the power of vampires. He Jinping is not a fool who only relies on strength to rush.

"However, whether you have this kind of power or not, it doesn't matter to me, because the next battle is no longer between me and you, but between you and the corpse army." As he stepped back, he retreated to the corpse behind him.

"Even if you have the power to kill me, in the face of so many corpses, you have to use it, and the moment your power is exhausted is when I really kill you, so, struggle... …”

As the words fell, Jinbi raised his hand, and the corpse behind him who had been terrified by the power shown by Joseph Joestar just now suddenly became noisy.

In the end, the fear of Jin Bing suppressed the corpses' fear and rushed towards Jessica with a roar.

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