Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 170: Dragon Subduing 18 Palms vs Tathagata Palms

"Master Ye."

Tony and the others turned their heads subconsciously, and Ye Wen had appeared behind them at some point.

Looking up, looking at A Xing and Jue Wushen who were facing off not far away, Li Ran acted as a qualified interpreter through Ye Wen's mouth: "The clues provided by Matt and the others before, let me tell Jiuyou. I was very worried about the situation, so before Teacher Wu Tian fell asleep, I specifically asked the teacher to contact Penglai to inform the island owner of what happened in New York. Although I expected that Penglai would send someone over, I didn’t expect it to be A Xing.”

"Master Ye, didn't Ah Xing already... I clearly saw him fall during the siege of the Hand Association?"

Jessica looked at Ye Wen who appeared in front of her, and suddenly she couldn't wait to ask, not only she but also the defenders were full of doubts about the reappearance of Ah Xing's 'resurrection'.

"I don't know much about the specific matters."

"However, listening to Ah Xing's teaching, it was the island owner who rescued him, and he was in the midst of life and death, and by chance, he comprehended the "Tathagata Palm", the Buddhist immortal method of cultivation, and he succeeded in breaking through. Stand up and live to death."

"Understood Tathagata's Palm." Hearing Ye Wen's explanation, Luke Cage turned his head and glanced at Ah Xing, whose temperament had changed drastically in front of him, and couldn't help but said, "If you follow what Master Ye said, , Ah Xing is also an immortal now?"


Hearing Luke Cage's question, Natasha couldn't help turning her face to the side, showing a concerned look, and secretly paying attention.

From the standpoint of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha has been working hard to explore the information about the Penglai immortal.

"Yes or no." Ye Wen opened his mouth and gave an ambiguous reply.

Aware of the confused expressions of the people around him, Ye Wen immediately added the setting.

"The immortal method is not so simple to be cultivated. It requires great perseverance and great opportunity. The previous Huoyun Evil God is the most obvious example. Although he stole the "Tathagata Palm" method from Penglai, After so many years, I can only realize that the previous tricks cannot be fully cultivated. As a Buddhist fairy method of ancient Tianzhu, "Tathagata's Palm" is the most important thing about understanding one's mind and nature, and understanding one's own body. Although Ah Xing relies on death to die. The opportunity of life and death to understand the cultivation of this immortal method, but there is still a certain degree of gap between becoming a real immortal."

"Perhaps, when he realizes the last form of "The Tathagata's Palm" [Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong], he may be able to become a saint in the true sense and become an immortal."

When Ye Wen said the last sentence of becoming a fairy, the expression on his face obviously showed a very complicated look. Natasha noticed this, but the expression on his face still continued to listen calmly.

Everything Ye Wen said, especially the description of the formation process of Immortal Penglai, was very important to her.

With this information, S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to build more detailed intelligence information to prepare for various developments that might occur in the future.

As an intelligence agency, they always need to prepare for the worst.

Especially when Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., knows very well that the world is not as ordinary as it seems. However, what he originally expected was the threat of alien lifeforms to the earth, but he did not expect that there are dangerous existences like Penglai and Jiuyou on the earth.

"If that's the case, isn't A Xing very dangerous?"

Frowning and silent for a while, Matt opened his mouth and said, "After all, it was absolutely no **** who injured Huoyun Evil God before."

Obviously, the battle with Fire Cloud Evil God in the past.

"No, based on his understanding of "Tathagata's Palm", Ah Xing has clearly surpassed the previous Huoyun Evil God, and even if there is a gap, he will not lose too much to Jue Wushen."

Besides, the real winner and loser is not controlled by me here.

In the antique store, after successfully paving the way for Ah Xing's return, Li Ran muttered to himself.

In order to make the battle in front of him come to a smooth end, he also took great pains.


"Do you know what happened to the last guy who used Tathagata's Palm on me?"

In the silent confrontation, Li Ran controlled Jue Wushen to speak first.

Looking at A Xing with a calm expression in front of him, he said, "Fiasco."

"Then this time, it may be different."

In this regard, A Xing still maintained his indifferent attitude and replied in a light tone.

"Hopefully wait a minute, you can still talk like this."

A rebellious smile appeared on the face of the yin, and the left palm of Jue Wushen was suddenly released. Accompanied by the low-pitched dragon roar, a white dragon shadow suddenly roared towards A Xing in front of him.

The eleventh form of the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon——[Suddenly]

In the face of Jue Wushen's swift and violent blow, A Xing's face remained unchanged, his palms folded together, and he took advantage of the situation to make a move [Buddha asks Jialan].

The golden Buddha light formed a huge palm print in front of him and collided with the white dragon shadow.


Under the collision of the two moves, the ground trembled due to the violent impact, causing Tony and the others who were standing around to subconsciously take a few steps back.

Everyone looked at Jue Wushen and A Xing in the center of the battlefield, and their faces involuntarily showed expressions of amazement.

[Famousness from Danny +1300]

[The legend from Daredevil +1000]


[Fame from Natasha Romanov +1000]

[Fame from Jessica +1700]

Jessica looked at Ah Xing in front of her, and the expression on her face was particularly shocked. She did not expect that Ah Xing, who was 'resurrected from the dead', not only changed his temperament, but also changed his strength. "The move, can actually be together with Jue Wushen, you come and go.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

Putting away his hands, Ah Xing looked at Jue Wushen on the opposite side, and said in a timely manner.

"That's right." Cooperating with A Xing's question, Jue Wushen followed the trend: "You have your "Tathagata Palm", I will use this legendary "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", which is the most masculine in the world, and you. Facing the palms, I want to see whether your "Tathagata Palms" is more powerful, or my "Eighteen Palms for Subduing Dragons" is better."

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

On the other side, hearing the name of the move from Jue Wushen's mouth, the Defender and the others turned their attention to Ye Wen subconsciously.

"If I didn't guess wrong, Jue Wushen should be using the legendary "Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon", which has been lost for a long time. , but it is also an invincible and powerful palm technique, although it is not an immortal technique, it is not much different."

"Master Ye, can you put it more simply?"

Li Ran said it was cool through Ye Wenzhi's mouth, but he completely forgot that whether it was the defenders or Tony and the others in front of him, they might not be able to accept the large number of settings he gave in one breath.

So, facing the blank look on Luke Cage's face in front of him, he immediately cooperated and said, "Simply put, this is a kung fu that is comparable to "The Palm of the Tathagata", especially the use of this kung fu. This person is absolutely insane." As he spoke, Ye Wen cooperated with a worried expression.

Here, everyone in the Defenders once again showed a worried look because of Ye Wen's remarks.

On the other side, Jue Wushen waved his palms again, and used two of the eighteen palms to subdue the dragon in succession. Flying out, opened his mouth and whistled towards A Xing in front of him.

Facing Jue Wushen's two aggressive moves, Ah Xing's originally indifferent expression also changed slightly. , Half fist and half palm, he used the strongest move in the "Tathagata's Palm" since the last one, [Boundless Buddha Dharma].

In an instant, the sky-shattering Sanskrit sound resounded from A Xing's side, and a huge golden Buddha statue emerged from behind him. He lifted up his golden palms and turned them into a sky of Buddha light and palm prints to meet the flying dragon shadow.

Suddenly, the roaring dragon roar and the peaceful Sanskrit sound filled the entire battlefield.

The Qi in the world of "Dragon Ball" is like a special magnifying device, which increases the power of the moves used by the avatars, and at the same time adds special effects.

Originally, no matter how hard you tried, you could only create an illusory Buddha statue in the "Tathagata Palm". Under the action of qi, a clearly visible Buddha statue was directly created. The battle between the two avatars in front of him was more than doubled at once.

There is force, and naturally there is legend.

Looking at the battle between Ah Xing and Jue Wushen, you come and I go back and forth, and everyone's hearts are lifted all of a sudden.

"Are we going to help Ah Xing too?"

Looking at Ah Xing who was fighting alone with Jue Wushen, Jessica hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but speak.

"Do you think that we can easily intervene in the battle in front of us?"

Tony raised his eyebrows and looked at the scale of the battle that clearly exceeded his belief. He looked down at the Mark 7 on his body, and said quite self-consciously.

"I think the best help for this Ah Xing is not to drag him down."

"Jessica, I understand your feelings, but what Stark said may be right." Luke Cage said silently, and said to the unwilling Jessica: "Now, it's not good for us to shoot. opportunity."

In the match of Dragon Shadow and Buddha Light, a large number of buildings around the two clones suffered a devastating blow.

Retracting his palm, Ah Xing made a look of gasping for breath, and the Buddha statue that had appeared behind him gradually faded away, looking exhausted.

He raised his head and looked at Jue Wushen on the opposite side, only to see this tall and domineering figure, and at the moment he became embarrassed.

"Be careful, there is absolutely nothing wrong with God's situation."

Noticing the appearance of absolutely godless, Natasha suddenly became vigilant in her heart, and reminded Tony and the others in a low voice. She knew very well that the beasts that were forced into a desperate situation were often the most dangerous.

"You haven't learned the final style of Tathagata's Palm yet?" With a gloomy face, looking at Ah Xing opposite, a smile suddenly appeared on Jue Wushen's face.


In the face of absolutely no god's questioning, Ah Xing cooperated to make a silent appearance.

"Unfortunately, if you can use the last move, you can definitely break my [King Kong Indestructible Body]."

Hearing Jue Wushen's words, A Xing's originally indifferent face couldn't help changing, almost without thinking, he turned his head and shouted at the defenders not far away: "Be careful, dodge quickly."

However, it was clear that the development of all the current battles was within Li Ran's control.

Therefore, it is natural that Li Ran did it deliberately.

In the blink of an eye, Jue Wushen's tall figure appeared in front of the defenders. He raised his hand and spit out Luke Cage's blood. However, there is absolutely no power of the palm of a god, and the whole person is directly embedded in the cement wall behind him.

Immediately afterwards, when Tony and the others did not respond, Jue Wushen grabbed Jessica's slender neck with one hand, and grabbed her without pity.

Turning to look at Ah Xing on the other side, he said coldly, "You seem to have a good relationship with these guys, so tell me Ah Xing, what are you going to do now?"

"Stop, your opponent is me!"

In the face of Jue Wushen's maddening behavior, Ah Xing's originally indifferent face suddenly changed, and he shouted with a split eye.

"Unfortunately, my goal is not just you alone." As he spoke, Jue Wushen began to increase the strength in his hand, and Jessica in his hand suddenly showed a painful expression, waving her arms vigorously towards Jue in front of her. Wushen attacked, but with her superhuman strength, she couldn't hurt the absolutely Wushen's [King Kong Indestructible Body] in the slightest.

Not only Jessica, but Tony and the others on the side also attacked absolutely Wushen without hesitation, trying to save Jessica in his hands.

However, obviously, whether it was Tony's laser or Matt's fists, there was no way to injure Jue Wushen's body, and it couldn't even block the movements of his hands.

"what do you want?"

Looking at Jessica's painful expression, and Tony and the others who kept shooting around Ah Xing seemed to suddenly understand something and said.

"What I want is very simple. You stand on the spot and take my slap without any precaution."

Hearing Ah Xing's words, Jue Wushen showed a successful expression on his face, and burst into laughter.


Hearing Jue Wushen's request, Jessica gritted her teeth, turned her head little by little and shouted towards the silent Axing.

"Here, it's not your turn to speak."

Hearing Jessica's words, Jue Wushen increased the strength in his hand again and said coldly.

With the huge power on the neck, even Jessica, who is an extraordinary person, couldn't help showing a painful expression, and the color of her face began to show an oxygen-deficient purple red.

"I see, I agree to your request."

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