Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 155: Retrofit

"how long will it take?"

"It's almost ready. Next, I just need to do a little adjustment, import the memory back and restart it again... Okay..."

In a trance, Bullseye slowly opened his eyes and heard Jin Bing and a slightly stiff conversation ringing in his ears. His memory was a little fuzzy, and the last memory only stayed in the previous battle with the Russians. The scene where he was beaten so badly, his head began to hurt when he thought of this.

"What happened?"

"Small problem, a little misdirection of memory, it will be recovered soon."

As if just as the voice said, the pain from the brain disappeared quickly, Bullseye slowly got up, and he felt that his body seemed a little stiff.

Turning his head, he immediately saw Jin Ning standing on the other side and a rough-looking strange man.


He shouted subconsciously, but the expression on Bullseye's face changed immediately. He noticed that his voice seemed to be a little different from what he remembered, and it was full of metal stiffness. Then Bullseye noticed that he was in front of him. It is not the expected hospital, but a place full of technology.


Looking at the bullseye who successfully stood up and made a sound in front of him, Ivan Vanke subconsciously smiled on his rough face, then hurriedly stepped forward, looked at him and asked, "How is it? How does it feel?"

"New body?"

Ivan Vanke's man's words made Target's eyes subconsciously puzzled for a moment. He looked down at his body, but found that what he was seeing was not the body he was familiar with, but a mechanical body with a metallic luster. He raised his hand. Looking at the robotic arm in front of him, Bullseye's emotions began to fluctuate: "This is, why, my body will become..."

"Your original body is useless, so I specially replaced you with a new one, one that is hundreds of times stronger than before." As he spoke, Ivan Vanke excitedly looked at the target in front of him Eye.

With what he got from his hands, Ivan Vanke successfully transformed Bullseye into a biochemical robot, and he gained a lot from it.

"It's useless?"

The long-term coma and the transformation of his body made Bullseye's mind a little confused, and he turned his head blankly to look at Jin Bing.

The underworld emperor stepped forward, looked down at the brand-new bullseye, and said solemnly.

"Lester, remember the Defenders?"


A light flashed in his eyes, and Bullseye's memory began to gradually recover. He remembered the scene when Jessica broke his limbs. Even though he had been replaced with a new body, he still felt a dull pain.

"It's time for revenge on them."


In an instant, the dazedness about the body modification was replaced by a strong hatred. Bullseye's eyes flashed red light, and he shouted with a metallic mechanical voice.


bang bang bang bang bang-

In an unknown warehouse.

Bullseye is adapting to his new body, the gun muzzle extending from his arm, constantly spewing flames, piercing the car in front of him into a sieve. Putting away the firearm in his hand, he stepped forward to the car, Bullseye stretched out his arm, and lifted the heavy car with ease.

He suddenly threw it upward, and the armor-piercing projectile that flew from the breastplate directly turned the car into a mass of scrap metal.

"It seems that Lester has begun to gradually adapt to the strength of his new body."

Silently watching the scene in front of him, Jin Bing said silently.

"I slightly changed the content of the design drawings to increase the destructive power of the mechanical body." Ivan Vanke opened his mouth and explained.

Ivan Vanke has never been a person who likes to follow step by step. Although his creativity is amazing, he is still a little too weak in terms of combat effectiveness. Therefore, Ivan Vanke has drastically revised the drawings and added more attacks. means.

"But, it's not enough..."

However, looking at the bullseye in front of him, Jin Nian suddenly opened his mouth and said such a sentence.


Hearing Jin Bing's words, Ivan Vanke raised his eyebrows subconsciously, showing a puzzled expression.

In fact, he believes that he has transformed Bullseye's body to the extreme.

"I need more biochemical robots like this. As long as I have a large number of biochemical robots, not just defenders, I will be able to master the underworld forces in New York."

In fact, the moment he saw the power of Bullseye's transformation, Jin Bing's ambition also grew.

"You're crazier than I thought."

Hearing Jin Ning's ambitious words, even Ivan Vanke was shocked by it, but he immediately put away his surprise and grinned: "However, I like your idea, let us Let's do it."



New York, Cliff Villa, Tony silently watched the contents of the box that S.H.I.E.L.D. handed over to him.

"Everything is possible through technology, a better life, a healthy body, and for the first time in human history the possibility of maintaining world peace... I'm Howard Stark, you are here Everything the future needs is here..."

Although, when Natasha handed the box to him, she conveyed that this was what he needed, but apart from a lot of film about her father's past and some unfinished materials, she did not find anything that SHIELD said. thing.


At this time, the content of the film came to an end, and Tony suddenly heard his name in it. He turned his head and saw that in the picture, his father Howard Stark was telling something to the camera.

"'re too young to understand it now, so I'll take a photo for you first, this is all for you, and one day you will understand that this represents not only human inventions, but also My life's achievement, this is the key to the future, I am limited by the technology of this era, but I believe that one day you will understand all this, and then you will change the world, my greatest creation will always be... you... …”

As the last words of Howard Stark fell in the picture, the contents of the film became blank.


Tony stared at the blank screen in front of him and was silent for a while before speaking again: "Jarvis."

"Yes, sir."

"Can you copy the model in the picture just now?"

"According to the information, the content of the model in the picture is that of the Stark Industrial Fair in 1974..."

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