Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 150: uninvited guest

"You are?"

Looking at Natasha, who appeared in front of her in a gorgeous dress, Pepper subconsciously looked at Tony beside him.

Obviously, Natasha was regarded as the object of this Iron Man's past romance.

It's not like there are no such people. In fact, when Pepper was still Tony's private secretary, he helped him deal with similar problems a few times.

Aware of Pepper's gaze, Tony shrugged and replied directly, "Natasha, a colleague from the same place as Agent Phil."

"A colleague of Agent Phil?"

"Is it the same as agents from special departments?"

Hearing Tony's explanation, Pepper immediately understood Natasha's role. The expression on his face changed slightly, but he maintained the same tone as before, pretending to be natural and asking, "What about Agent Phil?"

"I heard that he went to New Mexico." In this regard, Tony obviously did not have much sense of so-called confidentiality, and directly exposed Phil's situation.

"New Mexico?"

Inside the antique store, Li Ran raised his eyebrows when he heard Tony's answer.

He remembered that the place where Thor's Hammer fell, seemed to be somewhere in New Mexico.

So, Thor's Hammer has also come to Earth? So, Sol is about to come?

When Sol came, his trouble-loving brother should also...

The appearance of information related to Thor not only did not make Li Ran feel very happy, but more worried in his heart, because once the news of Thor's Hammer is confirmed, it also means that it will not be long before the battle of New York in the future. .


In the antique store, Li Ran was a little worried because Tony had news about New Mexico.

Thinking about the next plan layout.

On the other side, at the party scene, Natasha looked at the little pepper in front of her, but smiled slightly: "Hello, Ms. Pepper, I know your deeds from Phil. In the previous incident in Obadiah, you showed very brave."

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling face. Natasha's compliment at the beginning made it difficult for Pepper to say rude words with a straight face. She could only smile and nod her head. At the same time, she asked: "Na Tasha Well, Agent, what is your purpose for appearing with Tony?"

"Because Mr. Tony Stark's physical condition deteriorated sharply before, S.H.I.E.L.D. originally arranged for me to be by his side to help him solve his physical problems, but now that Mr. Tony Stark's health has improved, my task It's over, now..." Said, Natasha's eyes turned to Wu Tian on the other side, and she replied with a smile: "Back to my previous mission."

"Physical problems? What do you mean, you mean Tony's original body is in a condition?"

Noticing the meaning of Natasha's words, Pepper's face showed obvious surprise. At the same time, he turned to look at Tony beside him and asked, "You were about to die?"

"No, of course not." Glancing at Natasha in front of him, Tony could clearly feel that the other party said this on purpose, but at the moment he has no time to investigate the small actions of this SHIELD agent, because he needs to First, he calmed down the little pepper who kept asking questions in front of him: "How could I possibly die, in fact, I originally planned to tell you about it."

"Tell me what, tell me you were going to die?" Pepper was a little excited: "Why are you hiding it from me."

"I planned to say it when I had breakfast before, but then I suddenly forgot."

"How could you forget something so important!"

Pepper was obviously very angry that Tony concealed his actions.

At this moment, Wu Tian, ​​who had been sitting among the models, suddenly spoke up and restrained the smiling expression on his face: "Although I don't want to disturb your discussion, it seems that a large group of uninvited guests are flying here right now."

"Uninvited guest?"

Hearing Wu Tian's reminder, Little Pepper's expression was still a little dazed.

On the other side, Tony and Natasha were already subconsciously nervous.


"Yes, sir."

"Assemble the armor for me immediately."

"Okay, everyone, the party time is over!" Natasha tore off her dress, revealing her agent outfit immediately, clapped her hands, and evacuated everyone in the party with a serious face.

"What happened, Tony?"

Seeing the seriousness of Tony and Natasha in front of him, Pepper also forgot the previous quarrel, with a worried expression on his face, and asked anxiously.

"Dangerous situations may happen next."

With the help of Jarvis, he put on a steel armor again, Tony looked at Pepper's worried expression, and subconsciously softened his tone: "I promise you, Pepper, about my body, I will do it later. I have explained everything to you clearly, and now, I hope you can leave the immediate danger immediately."

"You must be careful, Tony."

Pepper knew very well that if a dangerous situation really happened, she would become a burden to Tony if she stayed here, so even if she was reluctant, she followed the crowd and reluctantly evacuated from the party scene.

"You must remember to call me."

Also reluctant to part, there is the turtle fairy Wutian on the other side.

He waved his hand and said goodbye to the long-legged model who left the scene in a panic, then turned his head and complained with a dissatisfied face: " I finally got the chance to be with so many beautiful beauties. , why do you have to disturb me at this time?"

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​who is the uninvited guest in your mouth?"

Taking the first step to evacuate all the people at the party site, Natasha frowned and asked Wu Tian with a sullen expression.

"It's so far away, I don't know who it is. Anyway, looking at their aggressive appearance, they definitely didn't come to the party." However, even so, his combat power at the moment should not be underestimated.

Through the control of Qi, it was easy to find the enemy coming from a distance.


"Sir, a large number of unknown objects are flying towards your location from a distance."

Inside the steel armor, Jarvis' warning also verified this.


With a huge roar, a large number of steel armors of various shapes fell from the sky and appeared in front of several people, and the dazzling red light on the helmets surrounded them.

"Tony Stark!"

Immediately afterwards, a huge flame was sprayed from the legs, and a steel armor with a different appearance fell heavily, leaving cracks spreading like spider webs on the ground, opening the helmet to reveal the familiar face inside, facing Tony in front of him. shouted, "I'm back again."

"Ivan Vanke!"

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