Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 145: disappointment


Chinatown, Wing Chun Kung Fu Museum.

With a dull loud noise, a figure dressed in red steel armor descended from the sky and fell on one knee at the entrance of the martial arts hall.

Lifting his leg and pulling his foot out of the pothole on the ground, as the palladium metal in his body eroded more and more seriously, he couldn't even restrain the strength of his battle armor.

Opening the metal mask on his face, Tony looked at the unremarkable martial arts gym in Chinatown in front of him, and subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

If it wasn't for what Natasha said, he really couldn't connect the martial arts hall in front of him with the information about the mysterious Penglai that he obtained by cracking the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"If everything is true, then this is very likely, it is my last chance to live."

Take a deep breath and calm down the complicated emotions in your heart.

Tony came to the door of the martial arts hall, hesitated for a while, and then reached out and knocked on the door.


Hearing Ye Wen's doubtful voice coming from the martial arts hall, Tony pushed open the door, and immediately saw a refined man in a Tang suit practicing boxing standing in front of the wooden doll.

The footsteps of the steel armor were louder than expected. Noticing the Iron Man walking in from the door, Ye Wen put away the movements in his hands, and frowned slightly as he lowered his sleeves and recalled: "You are The one before?"

"Tony Stark." Hearing Ye Wen's question, Tony immediately introduced himself.

Hearing this, Ye Wen nodded lightly, then asked with a puzzled expression, "Then, Mr. Tony Stark, why did you come to the martial arts hall?"

Looking at the appearance of Tony's steel armor, it is obvious that he did not come to practice martial arts.

Of course, to be honest, Li Ran naturally knew very well the purpose of Tony's coming to the martial arts hall.


Hearing Ye Wen's question, Tony didn't rush to reveal the purpose of his trip, on the contrary, he became silent. In fact, he was a little worried. If Penglai's last hope was shattered, how would he feel about facing the predictable death.

Before coming, he had made all his posthumous preparations, including establishing the heir to Stark Industries, and giving a half-finished steel armor to his military friend Colonel James.

Seeing that Tony was silent in front of him, in the antique shop, Li Ran used [Shui Mu] to manipulate [Ye Wen] in the martial arts hall and began to speak. The practice of manipulating Chakra avatars through avatars is a bit troublesome, but it has undoubtedly made a breakthrough in the number of avatars that Li Ran can control, even if the Chakra avatars formed in this way cannot withstand more than D-level power cards integration.

"Your situation doesn't look very good."

Ye Wen's remarks brought Tony back his thoughts of going far away. He looked down at the elegant Tang suit man in front of him, and said after a moment of silence: "Actually, my situation is quite bad, Master Ye."

"According to the calculation, if I continue with my current physical condition, I can only last for ten more days at most, so I found you, Penglai, and it is the last chance I found to save my life."

After saying everything he wanted to say, Tony couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, but his originally heavy heart became inexplicably relaxed at the moment.

He has already done everything he can, and the next life and death is not something he can decide.

After hearing Tony's words, Ye Wen pretended to be silent for a few seconds. In fact, he was always aware of Tony's physical state. Through [Xie Lu], he accurately found out the palladium metal poisoning in Tony's body. The reason why Penglai was named was because he had full confidence in solving the poisoning of Tony's body.

Of course, although it can easily solve Tony's palladium metal poisoning situation at the moment.

However, Li Ran didn't want to do it all so easily.

After all, the easier it is for you to do something, the harder it is for others to cherish it. Conversely, waiting until the last minute, or after a big ups and downs, often yields more gratitude.

Giving charcoal in the snow, having everything is more touching than icing on the cake.

Besides, Li Ran knew very well that even if he didn't take action, in fact, S.H.I.E.L.D. would not let Tony die easily.

Therefore, Ye Wen in the martial arts hall shook his head, and said with a pretense of regret, "Sorry, I have no way to save your life."

[Famousness from Tony Stark +550]

The shattering of the last hope obviously had a great impact on Tony, and he couldn't control his emotions: "How is it possible, Penglai, Master Ye, aren't you from Penglai? Before that Turtle Immortal was even able to easily destroy the building. Wearing them in pairs, doesn't Penglai have the magical ability to save lives and heal wounds?!"

Ye Wen: "Penglai does have the magical ability to save lives and heal wounds."

Tony: "Then why?!"

Facing Tony's gradually agitated emotions, Ye Wen explained: "But that is the ability possessed by immortals. Unfortunately, Teacher Wu Tian is not here with me, so..."

Ye Wen's remarks made Tony's original excitement gradually recover, he took a deep breath to suppress his messy thoughts, and said to Ye Wen in front of him again: "Sorry, Master Ye, I just lost control of my emotions. already."

Shaking his head gently, Ye Wen's face showed a trace of regret and said, "Sorry, I can't help you."

"It doesn't matter, for such an ending, in fact, I had expected it."

The appearance of Penglai was like the last miracle of Tony's life, but the cruel reality told the Iron Man that miracles would not appear so easily.

After hope, what ushered in was even more terrible despair.

Pulling the corner of his mouth and revealing a very reluctant smile, Tony turned silently and was about to leave the martial arts hall.

Since there is no hope of recovery, he needs to arrange the last period of his life. To be honest, everything came too suddenly. After the incident in Afghanistan, his life seems to have suddenly sat on a A stalled train, just turned into a superhero Iron Man who saves others, then ushered in the threat of death.

Natasha appeared at the entrance of the martial arts hall and took a breath. Noticing Tony's unusually silent expression in the martial arts hall, she subconsciously frowned.

Obviously, it can be seen from Tony's reaction that Penglai did not save his life as he hoped.

It appears that the Secretary's alternative is about to be activated.

Looking down, he glanced at the box that Nick Fury handed to him, and Natasha was about to step forward.

He heard a familiar greeting from behind.


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