Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 143: Spell 1 [still 4000 words]

[Legendity from Daredevil +285]

[Famousness from Luke Cage +210]

[Famousness from Danny +345]

[Fame from Jessica +300]

[Famousness from Frank Custer +145]

[Zhi Zhixiong's truth] The act of self-immolation at the end undoubtedly left a deep impression on the defenders, and at the same time, it also brought Li Ran a good reputation income.

A shuttle of bullets killed the last gang member in front of him, Frank passed the bullseye that was twisted into a twist, and looked at [Zhi Zhixiong Real] who was turned to ashes in the flames and said in a low voice: "It seems that I was wrong, he A formidable opponent, both against the enemy and against himself."

Frank considers himself to be a veteran of the battlefield, and has fought against many enemies in the war. Fierce and evil abound, but opponents like [Zhi Zhixiong Real] still make some waves in his heart.


Frank's words silenced the defenders and others. The brutality of [Zhi Zhixiong's real] gave them a deeper understanding of Jiuyou in their hearts.

Also, more worried.

Jiuyou was more terrifying than they thought.


"Your face is even worse than before."

In front of the food truck, [Xie Lu] looked at Tony, whose face was almost pale, and silently retracted his gaze and lowered his head.

"I don't need you to tell me about this."

Grinning a forced smile, Tony replied in a somewhat self-defeating tone.

Before coming this morning, he checked that the blood toxicity in his body had reached 83%, and a large amount of palladium metal flowed into his body through the miniature ark reactor in his chest. To put it bluntly, he was running out of time.

Reached out to take the siomai in front of the food truck, and used the power of the steel armor on his body to bring it to his mouth. In fact, Tony had noticed long ago that as the palladium metal eroded his body, his movements had become weaker and weaker under normal circumstances. As a last resort, he could only wear his own armor to maintain normal action.

He opened his mouth and ate the shaomai expressionlessly. The deliciousness that came from his mouth changed Tony's original pale face. Pulling the corner of his mouth, he revealed an awkward smile: "I originally thought I could face all this calmly, but the closer I got to the foreseeable future, I realized that I had too much reluctance. It seems that I am not as great as I imagined. Just an ordinary person after all.”


Listening to Tony's words, [Xie Lu] was silent for a while in the fast food car, and then took out a basket of dishes with four different-colored buns from the steamer basket in the innermost part of the car.

"This is?"

Looking at the cooking handed over by [Jie Lu], Tony subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

"Sishen Seafood Babao Baozi." Facing Tony's question, [Xie Lu] pointed to the dishes in the steamer and introduced.

This dish is a dish that appeared in the duel between [Jie Lu] and the pastry king Logan in "Little Master of China". The four-colored buns represent green, white, Zhu, Xuan, the four mythical beasts, and are also the four flavors of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. Performance. It is worth mentioning that another dish that appeared in this duel was the 'golden mouth smile' that appeared before.

With the skill of [Super Pastry Chef], [Jie Lu] made this dish in a similar way.

"Sishen Seafood Babao Baozi?"

With this somewhat convoluted name in his mouth, Tony looked up at [Xie Lu] in front of him and then looked down at Cuisine, with a somewhat bitter smile on his face: "Damn, the more you do this, The more I am reluctant to say goodbye to this world."

While talking, Tony reached out and picked up a bun from the steamer. I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, but what he picked up happened to be a bun representing bitterness.

There is no doubt about the taste of Sishen Seafood Babao Baozi, but what touched Tony the most was the slightly bitter taste that finally came from his mouth after the delicious food, which touched his heart just right, as well as a series of recent encounters.

[Famous from Tony Stark +350]

"Thank you." Swallowing the last bun in his mouth, Tony looked at [Xie Lu] in front of him, and thanked him sincerely.

"In fact, although I don't know your specific experience, but..."

Raised his head and glanced at Tony in front of him, [Xie Lu] frowned, a rare expression of struggle and hesitation appeared on his silent face, and then he said, "But it's not that there is no solution at all."


[Famousness from Tony Stark +100]

Not surprisingly, what [Xie Lu] said made Tony's heart fluctuate, but he quickly restrained his excitement.

Shaking his head: "Impossible, I have searched for all kinds of methods."

"The method I'm talking about is naturally not the ordinary one." Hearing Tony's answer, [Xie Lu]'s expression did not change at all, and he continued: "Of course, this method is not simple, even in the minds of most people. Maybe it's just a phantom legend, and even I have learned about it from time to time, so whether it can be successful or not depends on your luck..."

"Do you think I am lucky?"

[Xie Lu] These words made Tony's faint hope in his heart instantly extinguished. He looked down at his current appearance and said with a bitter expression.

"But at least it's a hope. It's better than being forced to die like you are now."

"All right."

[Xie Lu]'s words persuaded Tony, although he did not report too many expectations.

"Penglai," looking at Tony's unrequited decadent expression, [Xie Lu] said slowly, "This is the only place I know that can save you."

[Famousness from Tony Stark +300]

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing the name spoken by [Jie Lu], Tony's expression froze for a while, then turned into a look of surprise, and excitedly asked: "Can you repeat the name you just said? "

"Penglai, an overseas fairyland in Chinese legend, there are traces of immortals on the island, and they have the magical ability to save lives and heal the wounded."

"I may have heard the name Penglai."

After listening to [Xie Lu]'s explanation, Tony's expression was a little weird, and he muttered back.


[Legend]: 13790

In the antique shop, just digging a hole for Tony, Li Ran looked at the legend accumulated on the data panel, and glanced at the word [B-level card fragments × 4] in the inventory, feeling that it was time to fight Now, in case another [B-grade card fragment] can be opened, it will undoubtedly be a qualitative improvement to Li Ran's current strength.

It seems that a fight is necessary.

Li Ran licked his dry lips, and without any hesitation, he directly consumed the 10,000 legends he had finally accumulated and exchanged it for a [Bronze Treasure Chest].

I don't ask much, just [B-rank card fragments].

After meditating in his heart, Li Ran opened the treasure chest in front of him, and a white light flashed.

[Prop: whip]

[Effect: Assist]

[Introduction: The attack weapon from Indiana Jones, the protagonist of the "Indiana Jones" series of movies, has helped Indiana Jones through countless difficulties and experienced countless dangerous and exciting adventures. 】

【Remarks: slap~】


【Class B Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown B-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[Class C Card - Hong Qi]

[Skills: Eighteen Palms for Subduing Dragons, Dog Fighting Stick Method]

[Background introduction: The characters in "East Becomes West", the leader of the beggar gang, the bitterly loved cousin Su Qiu was rejected, jumped off the cliff in grief and anger but did not die, possessed a peerless martial arts, and was also the cleanest person in the entire beggar gang. 】

[Note: I love you, I love you, I love you, you, I love you, you, you! 】

[Note 2: Heaven is jealous of Yingcai! Now is my generation of beautiful men - Hong Qi, the last day to live in this world, I absolutely cannot accept the blow of this lovelorn! 】

[Note 3: I'm sorry, the posture you just stood in is so handsome, I couldn't help kicking you... I haven't kicked so well in a long time! 】

It really got me out!

Looking at the introduction of the C-level card [Hong Qi] in the system, Li Ran raised his eyebrows. The skills mastered by this character, whether it is [Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragons] or [Fighting Dogs], are two well-known skills. If martial arts were used on other occasions, Li Ran felt that he would be delighted.

However, at the moment, there is one more exciting thing in front of him.

【Class B Card Fragments × 5】

Even Li Ran himself did not expect that everything would develop so smoothly, and that he was able to directly gather the last piece needed to synthesize a Class B card with the last 10,000 Legend in his hand.

calm down!

Looking at the [B-grade card fragments x 5] that flickered in front of him, Li Ran forced himself to calm down, and at the same time recalled the scene where he synthesized a C-grade card before, but the final result was not very satisfactory to him.

Thinking of this, Li Ran's originally excited emotions gradually calmed down.

When his emotions stabilized, Li Ran clicked on the word "synthesis" displayed at the bottom of the system.

Immediately afterwards, a white light flashed in the column of the original [B-grade card fragment x 5] in the system, and then a silver card appeared in front of Li Ran's eyes.

[Class B Card - Tianjin Rice]

[Skill: Crane Immortal Flow, self-created moves]

[Background introduction: The character in "Dragon Ball", because he is a mixed-race descendant of cosmos, three eyes and earth people, so his most notable feature is that he has three eyes, which allows him to see the fastest speed, demons His breath and afterimage fist, Sun Wukong's ordinary turtle qigong also had no effect on him. He is also the inventor of many tricks, such as the Sun Fist and the New Qigong Cannon. Although he was only a supporting character later in the story and died twice, he was still a powerful warrior with a unique charisma. 】



"How's the situation?"

Inside the hospital, Jin Bing looked at the bullseye covered in bandages in the intensive care unit, and asked with a neither sad nor happy expression.

"It's more serious than I imagined." Jin Bing's huge body, even if he didn't show the slightest anger, still caused great psychological pressure on everyone in the hospital, and subconsciously swallowed a saliva, one of the attending doctors was strong Courageously, he replied: "His whole body seems to have been twisted and broken by violence, and he is paralyzed in many parts of his body. Even his brain has suffered serious damage, resulting in severe concussion sequelae. In fact, he is lucky to survive. already."

For Bullseye, Jessica showed no mercy.

On the contrary, it was unexpected that he was still able to survive under such a serious attack.


Looking at the unconscious subordinate on the hospital bed, Jin Bing silently retracted his gaze.

As a subordinate, Bullseye is very loyal to him, and now seeing him suffer such a heavy blow, even a cruel and ruthless underworld emperor will inevitably feel a little fluctuating in his heart.

"No matter what method I use, I hope to see him recover." Holding the crutches in his hands, Jin Ping was silent for a while before speaking again.

"Impossible, under such a serious there is almost no possibility of healing!" Hearing Jin Bing's words, the doctor blurted out subconsciously, but he completely forgot what was in front of him. Ordinary patients, but the underworld emperor who controls the entire Hell's Kitchen.

"I'm not asking you."

Hearing the doctor's answer, Jin turned around silently, the shadow formed by his huge body directly shrouded the doctor in front of him.

It was only at this time that the doctor realized what he had done just now, and immediately replied with a pale face and trembling: "I, I...not..."

"I'm just giving you an order, and all you need to do is complete my order, do you hear me?"

In the face of Jin Bing's arrogant question, the doctor did not dare to refute any more. He turned his head and glanced at the bullseye lying on the hospital bed. Nodding in fear, he said, "I understand."

"very good."

Nodding lightly, Bullseye withdrew his oppressive gaze towards the doctor and returned his gaze to Bullseye in the intensive care room.

Bullseye's serious injury and the death of [Zhi Zhixiong Real] are not completely ineffective. On the contrary, their previous battle caused the Russians to suffer heavy losses, and Jin and successfully took over the territory originally controlled by the Russians, that is to say His last shortcoming in Hell's Kitchen was also filled, and the entire underworld of Hell's Kitchen was controlled by him.

This change is undoubtedly quite obvious. Because of the change in balance, even the New York police dare not easily set foot in Hell's Kitchen anymore, and the Manhattan congressman is also calling and having a brief and pleasant exchange with Kim.

In other words, the efforts made by the defenders before turned out to be Jin Bing's greatest help.

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