Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 140: Battle of the Convergence

Twilight, Hell's Kitchen East.

[Zhi Zhixiong Real] A ghost-like figure appeared here, looking at a few tall and strong men with Europa race characteristics in front of him, with a gritty laughter from his mouth: "Here, it's the Russians. I hope that what Jinbian said is true."

"You will never be disappointed."

Behind him, Bullseye's eyes flickered, and he replied coldly.

"Why, you seem to be hiding something from me?" Turning his head, looking at the bullseye behind him, [Zhi Zhixiong Real] suddenly approached and asked.

[Famous from Bullseye +100]

Facing the terrifying face so close at hand, Bullseye's heart involuntarily quickened a bit, and the expression on his face was somewhat unnatural: "No, you are thinking too much."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if there is something to hide." He silently retracted his gaze, [Zhi Zhixiong Real] looked back at the Russian who had already made the appearance of an enemy on the other side, grinning and showing a face full of bandages. With a terrifying smile like a ghost: "If I die here, it only means that I am the weak side, and the weak have no qualifications to continue to live."

Hearing the words of [Zhi Zhixiong Real], Bullseye's expression changed slightly.

It can be seen that [Zhi Zhixiong Real] is not only cruel to the enemy, but also cruel to himself.

[Famousness from Bullseye +55]

"Flaming Ghost!"

After he finished speaking, he ignored Bullseye's reaction behind him. [Zhi Zhixiong Real] held the hilt at his waist with one hand, lowered his body, and rushed to the Russian, wielding a sharp blade and streaked a poignant trace in the air.

With a scream, a strong Russian man was directly divided into two sections under the slash of [Zhi Zhixiong Real].

"Damn, kill him for me!"

In front of them, the Russians never thought that [Zhi Zhixiong Real] would take the lead in attacking even when so many of them had gathered. Looking at the subordinates who were cut into two pieces with a painful expression, one of the Russians with obvious scars on his face like a leader immediately launched a counterattack in blunt Russian.

Following his order, the Russians under him raised their firearms in response.


Noticing that the Russians launched a counterattack, Bullseye also raised his hand and gestured to the men behind him.

Immediately, gunfire rang out.


"Looks like we're a little late?"

Arriving in the East District, Jessica couldn't help frowning when she heard the sound of intense gunfire coming from the front.

"Perhaps, we might just come here." Wearing a red uniform, Matt turned his head and listened to the movement on the battlefield, making a judgment.

"In short, the situation in front of us is definitely more dangerous than we thought." After moving his body, Luke Cage listened to the fierce gunfire in front of him, hesitated and took off his clothes, revealing that With dark and strong muscles: "So, if you are in danger, everyone should hide behind me as much as possible."

"Where does all this nonsense come from?"

Ignoring the exchanges between the defenders, Frank raised his eyebrows and picked up a bazooka from the back of the Humvee, aiming at the direction of the battlefield in front of him.

"What are you doing? Frank!"

This action of the Punisher immediately attracted Matt's attention. As the inviter, he was very aware of this extreme character and quickly wanted to stop it.

"Of course it's a present for them."

Ignoring Matt's stop, Frank grinned and showed an excited smile. He pulled the trigger suddenly, accompanied by a sharp firing sound, and the rockets flew towards the battlefield where the Russians were located.


In the next second, the sky-high fire was accompanied by an explosion.


"This lunatic!"

Dodging the huge aftermath of the rocket explosion, [Zhi Zhixiong Real] looked at Russia and Jin Bing's subordinates who lost half of the loss under the indiscriminate explosion, and the expression under the bandages was a little speechless.

It was thanks to him that he was just a clone, and he knew in advance that the Punisher was going to launch a rocket and took precautions. Otherwise, the defensive power of the mere D-level card would not have survived the explosion.

Although he has a new understanding of the madness of Frank, the irritable old man, on the surface, Li Ran still maintains the evil ghost character of [Zhi Zhixiong Real], manipulating his mouth to make a gritty, hoarse laughter. : "Hahahaha, die, die, the weak are not qualified to live."

"what happened?!"

Affected by the aftermath of the rocket explosion, Bullseye shook his head and looked at the situation in front of him.

At first he suspected that it was done by the Russians, but it was clear that many of the people who fell in front of him were also from the Russian side.

Soon, however, Bullseye was no longer obsessed with the situation in front of him, because the figure flying in from mid-air answered the doubts in his heart very well.


"In this way, you are not dead. Your life is really Bullseye."

As the so-called enemy meets, he is particularly jealous. In mid-air, Jessica saw Bullseye, and the expression on her face changed immediately, she said almost gnashing her teeth, "However, this time I want to see if you are so lucky."

"Sure enough, just as Jin Bing said, the defenders have also come." Ignoring Jessica's anger in the air, Bullseye turned to notice Matt and the others coming from the other side, and looked back. A short distance away, the eyes of [Zhi Zhixiong Real] who were still killing as much as they wanted, flashed in his eyes.

"[Zhi Zhixiong Real] The opponent you've always hoped for is here!"

"Really?" He waved his hand to cut off the arm of the Russian big man in front of him, and then cut off his head amid the screams of the other side. [Zhi Zhixiong Real] licked the corner of his mouth, looked at Matt and the others who appeared on the battlefield, and said with an expectant expression: "Hope you don't let me down."

[Zhi Zhixiong Real] A very different bandage shape, cruel behavior, immediately attracted the attention of Matt and the others, hearing the words in his mouth, Luke Cage frowned and asked: "You are Jiuyou. people?"

"That's right." Nodding without hesitation, [Zhi Zhixiong's real] eyes swept across the crowd, then stopped on Danny's body for a while, and said sarcastically: "I didn't expect that, after being judged by Lord Juewushen. After breaking your arms, you are still alive."

[Zhi Zhixiong's real] words made Danny's face change, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "There is absolutely no god, where are the others?!"

He had seen the entire battlefield just now, and did not find the figure of absolutely no god.

"Master absolutely no god, there are more important things." Swinging the knife, beheading a figure blocking his way in front of him, [Zhi Zhixiong Real] walked towards Matt and the others: "To deal with you, I alone is enough. ."

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