Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 130: experiment


Noticing the arrival of the little spider, Norman Oss' expression under the devil's mask was surprised at first, but then turned excited: "Ahahaha, you came just in time, Spider-Man, I'm worried about what to do. I went to find you, I didn't expect you to jump out like this by yourself."

With a sharp smile, Norman Os picked up the dart ball and threw it at the little spider.

"Empathy has always been one of my strengths."

While muttering something in his mouth, Peter raised his wrist.

In the next second, a special liquid and air were sprayed from the spider silk launcher and quickly combined into a sticky spider web that wrapped the flying dart ball, directly facing Norman who was wearing a green goblin suit. Os flew away.


Seeing the dart ball that was lost and found again, Norman Os' face turned green.

"It's not just Mr. Green Goblin, you have upgraded your equipment." Hearing the somewhat panicked voice of the Green Goblin, a smug smile appeared on Peter's tender face under the mask, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "I also transformed myself. equipment."

Ever since he met Tony in front of the food truck before, Little Spider has been modifying his silk launcher according to the other party's suggestion, and finally completed the upgrade not long ago. The 20 version spider silk launcher can not only eject spider silk like before, but also create the sticky spider web in front of you, which has a stronger ability to trap enemies.

bang, bang—

The spider silk was attached to the dart ball and wrapped around the Green Devil's body. In the next instant, the huge explosion generated by the dart ball, accompanied by powerful fire and impact, directly blew its entire body, even the person and the skateboard. Crash into the wall and draw a deep ravine.


Pushing aside the stone on his body, the Green Goblin protruded his body. The superhuman physique given by the Super Soldier Serum 2 and the powerful defense of the Green Goblin armor made Norman Os survive the explosion.

However, he turned his head to look at the silhouettes of Eddie Brock and Little Spider who had long disappeared.

Under the devil's mask, Norman Os' expression suddenly distorted.



Holding the spider silk in one hand and swinging through the tall buildings in New York, the little spider jumped agilely to the top of a tall building.

"Okay, Mr. Eddie Bullock, you're safe."

Gently put down Eddie Bullock under his arm.

The next second, the little spider left Eddie Bullock's side with a dexterous backflip, keeping a safe distance.

He didn't forget the fact that the other party turned into a black monster with tongue sticking out, wrapping around his head and almost swallowing him.

"Thank you, Spider-Man, you saved me again."

Standing steadily on the roof, Eddie Brock shook his head, with an uncomfortable expression, turned his head to thank the little spider not far away.

"You're welcome, Mr. Eddie Brock, this is what I should do." With a wave of his hand, Little Spider humbled himself.

Looking at Eddie Brock in front of him, he hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Eddie Brock, what happened before, why did you become..."

"Venom, that's when it told me the name."

Eddie Bullock opened his mouth and made some additions.


He repeated it in his mouth, Peter had a strange feeling about the name Venom.

Shaking his head, Spider-Man continued to ask, "Mr. Eddie Brock, why did you become Venom?"

"I don't know, since I woke up, my memory has been a little fuzzy." Covering his head, he made a painful expression, and tried to recall: "I only remember that I ended a failure. I came out of the newspaper office and lost consciousness, and when I woke up again, I was already in a room that looked like a laboratory."


Eddie Bullock's words made Peter's expression dignified under the mask.

The appearance of the laboratory also means that Eddie Brock's changes are not accidental, but the result of someone's deliberate creation.

On the other side, Eddie Brock covered his head, still painfully recounting what happened to him.

"For a period of time after that, my memory has been very vague, only vaguely remember that every day someone injects unknown medicine into my body, sometimes it is cold and sometimes very hot, and I often appear in the laboratory. Similar people, they were also dazedly subjected to various experiments, some continued to stay like me, and some did not know when they would never see again..."

They are conducting human experiments!

Listening to Eddie Brock's description, Little Spider clenched his fists, and anger appeared on his face.

"...I don't know how long it took me to be so confused, I was taken out of the laboratory and entered into another new laboratory, where I heard the name Dr. Chen from the researcher. ."

"Dr. Chen?" Hearing that Eddie Brock appeared with a name that he had never heard before, the little spider was keenly aware that this should be the key role that caused the other party to become He quickly asked, "Mr. Eddie Block, have you seen what this Dr. Chen looks like?"

"No." Shaking his head, Eddie Brock's answer made Peter a little disappointed.

"According to the researcher, Dr. Chen seems to be a very important person, responsible for more important experiments..."

"A more important experiment?!"

These words from Eddie Bullock. Let the hairs of the little spider stand up, and the spider in the body senses an instinctive stress response.

A terrifying monster like Venom is not the focus of their research.

"A few days later, the researchers suddenly sent a transparent glass jar containing a black liquid into the laboratory, and it seemed that they were going to conduct some kind of experiment through me. However, the results of the experiment seemed to be beyond their imagination... …”

I can understand this.

Hearing Eddie Brock's words, Little Spider nodded involuntarily,

The existence of venom is indeed beyond the aesthetic scope of normal people.

"And, Mr. Eddie Bullock, do you remember anything more detailed?"

"More details." Frowning, Eddie Brock recalled painfully, before replying in a slightly uncertain tone: "I only remember that in the process of turning into venom and escaping, it seemed that Somewhere in the laboratory, I saw a red and white octagonal sign that looked a bit like the umbrella of an umbrella..."


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