Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 125: To shut up

Legendary 450 from Peter Parker

Legendary from Normanus 370

The terrifying lines are matched with the terrifying look that is so close at hand.

Suddenly, Peter felt like he was in a horror movie.

He struggled to move his body, but found that the strength that he could lift a car was now unable to break free from the hand of the monster in front of him.

"That, in fact, I'm not tasty at all, my whole body is full of bones and flesh, and I'm very squeamish." After swallowing, Xiao Zong explained to the venom in front of him with a stiff expression: "Besides, I usually have the most I like to eat junk food, there are very few unhealthy things accumulated in the body, and eating it will make you have diarrhea.”

Looking at the little spider full of life expectancy in front of him, Li Ran in the antique store almost didn't let him make a sound.

He managed to stop the smile at the corner of his mouth. With a serious face, he continued to manipulate the venom. He stuck out his tongue around Xiao Zong's neck and replied in a hoarse voice, "It's okay, I'm not picky eaters."


Feeling the strange touch from his neck, the expression on Peter's face could not help wrinkling.

"If I had known, I would have listened to Aunt Mei's words, stayed at home obediently, and won't go out today." Muttering to himself, Little Spider raised his wrist with a simple spider silk launcher.

"Hey," Looking at Venom and Spider-Man coming and going, the Green Goblin, who had been parked in mid-air, was a little unhappy. As the so-called mental patient has many problems, under the influence of the side effects of the super soldier serotype, Nuo In a way, Manos is really a mental patient, and Normanos' expression under the devil's helmet is gloomy: "Spider-Man is my prey, even if he dies, he must die in my hands. "


Hearing these provocative words, Venom turned his head and grinned in the air, revealing a classic scene that resembled a horror movie: "Not just this one in my hand, I want to eat this fellow with your stomach as well. Go down!"

"You can try it, if you can." Turning his skateboard, the Green Goblin replied sharply, "I'll cut your stomach so that you can't eat anything again."

"I said, guys, have you forgotten that I'm still here?"

Seeing Hao Duan suddenly start choking on the venom and green goblin, Little Spider couldn't help waving his hand to signal his existence.

Venom, Green Goblin: "Shut up!"

"All right."

Shrugging helplessly, the little insect pretended to be disappointed and lowered his head. The next second, he suddenly swung his wrist, and by spraying a white spider silk from the spider silk launcher, it slipped out of Venom's hand. out.

In the antique shop, Li Ran, who had successfully released the water spider, nodded slightly, but on the surface he still controlled the venom to react violently. "Damn it, it's all you. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have been able to escape from my hands."

"Ahahahaha, that's your fault, I didn't hurry up."

With a sharp laughter from his mouth, the Green Goblin ignored Venom's anger, threw a few more dart **** with his hand, and then ran towards Spider-Man.

The Green Goblin doesn't want to see Venom eat Spider-Man, but that doesn't mean he wants to save him. As said before, he simply wanted Spider-Man to die at his own hands.

The dart ball that flew out cracked in mid-air to reveal a sharp blade, and flew straight towards Venom, raising a huge arm to block all the flying dart ball, and the sharp blade of the dart ball was as sharp as an arm. Among them, Venom's expression did not change at all.

However, in the next second, the huge explosion and fire from the dart ball caused the terrifying monster to let out a shrill scream. The symbiont tissues that were originally wrapped around the body were also scattered, exposing the host of its internal parasitic host.

"Are you afraid of explosions?"

Even if he has turned into a schizophrenic, the IQ that Norman Os should have still exists. In addition, although the super soldier serotype has made him a green goblin, it has improved his thinking ability to some extent. Noticing Venom's reaction, Norman Oss immediately made a judgment.

"Mr. Eddie Brock?!"

Legendary 400 from Peter Parker

After breaking free from the previous dangerous situation, Peter hung on the wall and gasped for a while. When he turned around, he saw Eddie Brock, who was wrapped in the symbiote, and his expression immediately froze.

Why Mr. Eddie Bullock?

Peter remembered that when he saw each other before, he was just an ordinary person who was a little down in life, and he turned into a man-eating monster when they met again.

For a moment, Little Spider's thoughts became extremely chaotic.

Although the symbiotes were scattered, they soon reconvened and returned to Eddie Brock to turn him into the monster he was before.

Subconsciously avoiding the fire at his feet, Venom suddenly stretched out a symbiote and attacked the green goblin in midair.

"So it wasn't an explosion, it was a fire."

Stepping on the skateboard to avoid the symbiote's The Green Goblin made a judgment based on his own observations.

He raised his head and looked at the venom on the ground. Under the demon mask, Norman Auss had a somewhat interested expression on his face, and muttered to himself, "It's really a magical symbiotic structure, if the Aussie group To be able to grasp the power of this creature, then"

For the Oshi Group, which specializes in biotechnology, Venom's performance is undoubtedly intended to attract the attention of Norman Os, and even made him want to give up the pursuit of Spider-Man to collect the Venom symbiote.

However, under the influence of the Green Goblin's personality, Norman Oss quickly made his own decision, and he decided not to give up any of them.

In short, whether it's Spider-Man's life or the Venom symbiote, he wants it all.

With an idea in his mind, Norman Oss immediately made a decisive decision. First, he used the remaining dart ball in his hand to trap Venom's path, and then the Green Goblin skateboard under his feet accelerated for a while, and the next moment, the entire figure disappeared in the air.

That's right, the Green Goblin just flew away.

Although Norman Oss is crazy under the influence of the Green Goblin personality, he also knows that relying on his current combat equipment alone is not suitable for capturing the symbiote in front of him, he needs a special set of equipment.

Looking at the silhouette of the Green Goblin flying away, Venom roared, then turned around, only to find that Spider-Man, who was still hanging on the wall before, had disappeared without a trace.


Losing two targets in a row, Venom couldn't help raising his head and screaming in anger, making a piercing scream.

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