Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 101: steel rod release

A low voice came from behind.

The robber turned his head and saw a burly, tall, muscular Asian man with a long scar on his left face looking at them and said.

Looking at each other silently, the tattooed robber recently compared the submachine gun in his hand: "You should be thankful that we didn't kill you directly, so shut up for me, or I'll make you unable to speak again. ."

The threat of the robbers is fierce, but obviously it can't have much effect on [Xie Lu].

As a clone, even if the robbers shot all the bullets, they couldn't hurt Li Ran in the antique shop.

Ignoring the threat of the other party, [Xie Lu] stretched out his hand and pulled out a steel rod with the thickness of a bowl from the deformed food truck, and placed it on the ground to make a heavy noise.

"Since it's confirmed that you did it, then I'm welcome." Holding a steel rod, [Xie Lu] looked at the two in front of him and said expressionlessly.


Before the two robbers could understand the meaning of [Xie Lu]'s words, the next moment, they saw him waving the heavy steel rod in his hand and rushing towards them with a dull sound of breaking through the air.

"You are courting death!"

Seeing this guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, he was not afraid of death and rushed towards him. The tattooed robber suddenly changed his expression, raised the submachine gun in his hand and shot at the sturdy figure on the opposite side.

The loud gunshots made the surrounding pedestrians chaotic.

Looking at the two sides who were suddenly fighting in front of him, the masked man was also full of doubts. He had already prepared for the battle, but who would have thought that the result would be nothing to him.

In the face of the powerful firepower of the robbers, [Xie Lu] did not dodge or evade, directly raised the steel rod in his hand to block in front, and quickly rotated. In the next second, the steel rod in [Xie Lu]'s hand turned into an airtight shield, which ejected the bullets in front of him one after another.

[Xie Lu] As a D-level card assessed by the system, although most of its abilities are placed above cooking, it is not without achievements in terms of force. After all, in the introduction of the system, it is clearly marked with ' The name of the steel stick solution master.

Even though he is not in the world of "Little Master of China" now, the skill of [Xie Lu] has long been integrated into his cooking skills.

As a super pastry chef, it should be reasonable to carry steel rods for cooking.

While holding the bullet, [Xie Lu] continued to walk towards the two of them.

"This is too exaggerated!"

[Famousness from bank robbers +0.05]

[Famousness from bank robbers +0.05]

[Famous from Peter Parker +75]

The masked man in the distance, no, or should be called a little spider. Looking at the extraordinary battle scene in front of him, he couldn't help opening his mouth and was stunned.

Although he has acquired spider-like superpowers since being bitten by a radioactively infected spider. But he definitely couldn't do what he thought of the burly man in front of him, swinging an iron rod to block bullets.

"Sure enough."

In the antique store, Li Ran noticed the name displayed on the data panel and nodded involuntarily.

The moment he saw the masked man dressed up, Li Ran had basically guessed the identity of the other party. Although the red hood and knitted mask looked very rough, the red and blue colors were obviously the best for their identity. , plus a standard landing position.

It is clear that it is the future famous Spider-Man Peter Parker.

However, looking at his rough outfit and thin body, Li Ran roughly speculated that the other party should be a little spider who had just acquired superpowers and was still in the early stages of his superhero career, and started fighting criminals.

Here, Li Ran guessed his activity time based on Little Spider's dress.

On the other side [Xie Lu] waved the steel stick in his hand and came to the two robbers. Under their shocked gaze, a stick swept across, accompanied by the sound of two crisp bones breaking, the two robbers were like Falling to the ground like a gourd.

"You killed them?"

Looking at the two people who were lying on the ground in a contorted posture, Little Spider couldn't help but ask.

"No." Shaking his head, [Xie Lu] glanced at Peter's rough mask: "I've just used up my strength. Although it will hurt a lot, it won't kill me."

"It hurts." He looked down at the robber and looked at [Xie Lu] with a steel rod as thick as his own arm, and the little spider subconsciously swallowed and murmured: "It doesn't look like it is. It's a normal pain." The super power given by the mutant spider made him clearly hear the sound of the two people's bones shattering before.

"Who are you, and why are you wearing this ugly mask?" Looking down at the little spider in front of him, [Xie Lu] couldn't help but ask.


[Xie Lu]'s remarks obviously touched a certain pain point of the little made him jump and said: "I admit, the production process of this mask is a bit rough, but it is already I did my best and the result is definitely not ugly, at most, the style is rough, but it is only a trial version, and I will improve it later."

"I'm not only referring to the ugly mask on your head, but also the scene in front of you. It's not something a child of your age can mix."

"I said, this is just a trial version, and I'm not..."

The little spider opened his mouth and tried to defend himself, but found that the guy who was wielding a steel rod in front of him said nothing wrong. The mask on his face doesn't look very good, and if you count his age, he really can only be regarded as a child.

Of course, although he is powerless to refute, Little Spider obviously won't give up his idea of ​​using his superpower to fight evil just because of the two or three sentences of [Xie Lu].

In the distance, a sharp siren could be heard faintly.

As usual, the New York police, who remained stable, were the last to arrive at the scene.

Hearing the sound of the siren approaching from a distance, Peter subconsciously had the intention of leaving. Although his campaign against criminals did not go so smoothly this time, especially the performance of [Xie Lu] in the end stole all his limelight, the whole process still gave the fledgling superhero great confidence and confidence. emboldened.

The little spider looked up at [Xie Lu] in front of him, and then looked back: "I'm sorry, I couldn't stop the robber's car from crashing your food truck."

Saying that, before [Xie Lu] could respond, Spider-Man raised his arm, and the simple spider silk launcher on his wrist fired spider silk. The next second, he jumped up and disappeared into the high-rise buildings in New York. .

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