Marvel: I’m Shazam

Chapter 55: I'm Sorry

These two Gedai Demon Kings wanted to rescue the other two trapped Gedai Demon Kings first, and they didn't have time to pay attention to Yandi, otherwise the two kings under the siege of Yandi would never be spared.

When I saw that Emperor Yan, who was leaving in the air, had not awakened from his shock, a voice spread from his ears throughout the southern fairy jade: “Emperor Yan, Emperor Gu can be inside, Billy and Hong, Emperor Beixian , Emperor Mengxian of Nanxian Festival came to express their respect.

This "four six zero" voice was definitely made by Billy directly after he arrived at Nam Sung Wei. They had never seen Emperor Yan and Emperor Gu. They don't know where these two people are, and they don't have time to visit them slowly. As soon as they heard Wanli's voice, they came straight. This voice was heard throughout Enxian District. They should also be able to receive it.

Yandi was awakened by the sound and hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound. Billy and others would release Roar one by one, like a bright light in the night, and you can find the location of Billy and others at a glance, the shape of the movement, and their direction. In the blink of an eye, they approached and showed their figure.

"In Xiananxianyu Emperor Yan, a few friends are here, I don't know what to teach?" Emperor Yan asked hurriedly.

Before Billy and Hong and others could speak, a character slowly appeared next to Yan Emperor, wearing a white bone crown, who was the Bone Emperor.

"We are going to do this, Billy said in the future. Emperor Yan and Emperor Gu immediately raised their hands in agreement. It turned out that the emperor had just seen that in the place he was guarding, the tortoise and the Shifang golden python were protected by the king from the Ming Dynasty. It was rescued and rushed to the last chaotic place, where the Nine Lives Evil Cat was located.

When the emperor felt terrified and inexplicable, Billy's voice came from his ears. Naturally, he came as soon as possible. When he heard the intentions of Billy and others, there was no reason to disagree.

The Nanxian Territory was done well, and only the West County Territory was left. Zhou Qicheng, Hong, and Qingzhuo rushed back to the East County Territory and Beixian Territory respectively, and began to prepare for the construction and transmission of the large array. The district reached a consensus that the emperor of Gedai County in the two borders of the western county could not realize this situation. Billy's trip can be said to have no suspense.

Sure enough, after Billy came to Western Wonderland, it was easy to see the two emperors of Western Wonderland, Golden Tiger Immortal Emperor and Red Lotus Immortal Emperor. . When Fairy Jinhu was promoted to Fairy Gedai, he did not alienate Fairy Honglian because of the gap between Wang Wei, but went deep into these five

In the ruins of the area, regardless of the danger of falling, for the Honglian Fairy, looking for a suitable source of inheritance, so that the Honglian Immortal also ascended to the land of the Gaidai Fairy. Such a couple is very much in the fairyland. Rare, unique among Gedai fairy.

Definitely, there is now another Billy, but Billy has five Taoist partners, such as Gong Li, Ling Er, Bai, etc. This is very different from the special love of the Golden Tiger Emperor, and the danger he faces is not as good as the Golden Tiger Emperor. So big.

After Billy met the Emperor Golden Tiger and Emperor Red Lotus, he explained his intentions. Not surprisingly, Emperor Golden Tiger and Emperor Red Lotus were also willing to agree, immediately arranged and began to build a large 5.9 transmission array.

The construction of the transmission array through the fairyland, the four fairy areas have a very complete array, the required materials have been prepared tens of thousands of years ago, the mobilization and operation of the entire fairyland fairy, the construction speed of the transmission array It's amazing, and several Gedai fairy emperors have not been idle, and they have built a large array personally, and built it three days later.

The four fairyland transmission arrays are transmitted to each other in the fairyland area. .

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