Marvel: I’m Shazam

351 Disappointing

False Carol said coldly: "My name is War Bird!

"I still find it a bit difficult to deal with. What if other things happen at the end of the day?" When the high priest stood there, he just said a little worried, obviously this incident did surprise them.

After that, the impostor immediately jumped off his fists and immediately entered a state of fighting. The whole body was surging, and the photon energy in the body gushed out like a volcanic eruption.

Namo said, "Let's go in and talk!"

"The earth is no longer as good as other planets. Since Aisha put the battery directly on our planet last time, many people have become robots. They have been destroying the earth, and the environment is not as good as before."

Billy patted the star on the shoulder and said, "Your speed is so slow that the battle is over. The armies of two battleships in the universe were slaughtered, and the Phoenix flew away.

Tony said silently: "Faced with such a behemoth, I really can't think of any countermeasures to discuss."

"Oh? I, let me guess, why are you on earth this time?" Yong Du looked at his child, now he is so 420 smart, standing aside seriously guessing what the next thing will look like.

Billy coughed, pulled the three entangled guys away, and said solemnly, "Look at yourself, what do you look like?" The market rascal.

J.A.R.V.I.S's voice suddenly sounded, "Gentlemen, Spider-man Peter is facing the danger of drowning, and his vital signs are declining. The coordinates are XXX. Is rescue urgently needed? Do you send a steel rescue team?"

Billy slowly opened his eyes. Although the whole person didn't seem to have changed, his feelings had completely changed, or Billy's temperament had changed dramatically.

"What kind of stick do you wear in the name of God all day? I think you are a fool, with your head sewn into the door. This is hopeless. Hurry up, I'm in a hurry!

"Many years ago, I participated in a reorganization, when their Queen Blade became a human. Only then, he became a human, and the rest were bugs.

"Because you are a pervert, giving up your body for strength, this is no different from a dead eunuch practicing "Sunflower Treasure Book" in the distant and mysterious East!"

Billy said: "Don't worry, stay with me, our land will not be swallowed by him. In addition, regarding the New York holy place, your army will spend more energy and help with observations, and will not make nearby unfriendly people. people.

A fierce scream sounded, and a figure slowly rose from the beach, but before it condensed into a shape, the phoenix flame rolled in and lifted his final scream out.

Gao Tianzun was really working hard enough. After going through the jack, he immediately discovered that the power of using time did not belong to him. It was full of power and was no different from fighting with himself.

Billy waved his hand and said, "They are all carved, even if there is one group, I can put them all down!"

At this time, Domam was extremely devastated, like ten thousand grass horses and mud horses being trampled on again and again, not only could not kill people in front of this person, but they would also become stronger and stronger!

Billy opened his eyes and looked at her Alanya and said, "Little girl, why are you looking at me?" Can you look at me and know the answer to this question? It's funny, isn't it?

After that, Billy immediately showed admiration!

"Who made you work for him all the time? If it weren't for him, my family wouldn't leave me so soon, so you should be responsible." Drex left, took a look, and several of them were talking loudly there. .

The corner of Billy's eyes couldn't help but aroused a scornful smile. He immediately thought of an action, and immediately mobilized, walked directly out of the battleship, and looked at the (huge cffi) battleship in front of him playfully.

"It hurts!" Carol said pitifully. He put his head in his arms, "How can you hit your student?" Can't you think about it?

A phoenix fire spurted frantically from Billy's body. In the passing place, a large open space was instantly cleared, and the original soldiers were burned to ashes and completely disappeared.

"For a while, I almost thought I would really win, but only for a minute, I still lost!"

Billy said: "The Avengers were created by God, so its initial attributes are not evil, and the energy contained in it is not hell fire."

Billy looked at Dracula, Dracula flew out, shook his hand and said, "I'm really not afraid of the sun, this should be a little funny!" Dracula smiled coldly.

This little Spider-Man is in a hurry, this is just very bad news. No, God, we are an alliance, ah, we have the same blessings, and we have the same difficulties!" He said, "No, no.

When the Rocket stood aside, it just frowned, with a serious expression in its eyes. It was obvious that they were not joking in the face of this incident.

"Hey, Loki, this has just arrived. Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Come on, let's have a good chat and communicate with each other!" Billy waved his right hand, and a huge amount of power immediately surrounded the whole surrounding him. space.

In the sad scream, the demon was completely ashes and disappeared from Billy's hands.

Gao Tianzun didn't stop, looked at Billy casually, then frowned and said, "Are you Billy from the earth?"

Tony said in disbelief, "Did we really succeed?"

When the Rocket spoke, it began to prepare for the battle. Now that the opponent has arrived, the army will block the road, the water will be covered, and now it is impossible to hide.

The spirit of magic is surging, the sky obscures the sun, the evil Ghost is born, ghosts and shadows are thousands, as if they are illusory and breathtaking, and the center of New York City, centered on the temple, suddenly fell into darkness. middle.

Carol took a punch in the right hand, shot a dazzling golden light, and briskly yelled to Warren, "Get out of my house now!"

He believes that in such a short period of time, the worldview established over the years has completely collapsed. Someone can become so powerful that it is really a person? What a god!

Billy said impatiently: "I have no interest. There are five creative gods. The offensive power is so weak that even a mortal can't do it. It's really disappointing. I think you are a loser and should be reduced to A bully running dog!"


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