Marvel: I’m Shazam

282 hands of sickle

Billy's eyes can not help but flash a thrill, since you want to smoke, then suck it, when I see what you can hold on, the power of the Phoenix is ​​not so easy to deal with.

"Hey, why do not you guys put up the flag it?" Billy speechless for both personal conversations, could not help but come to say.

In the broken air strikes, harvesters like the hands of the sickle of death, waving whirlwind of death, cutting off the front of the building, or fall from the sky, the anti-aircraft split in half.

When his voice dropped, Billy shook his arm, the young man's whole body thrown out.

Billy smiled mysteriously and said with confidence:. "? Do not worry, I'll help you deal with you how much."

Billy suddenly opened his eyes, eyes shining, smiled and said: "Thank you for your blessing, I have risen from the Deadman now, my strength has become more powerful, so you see, my strength at the moment.!

Joni replied: "Yeah, I understand, I have to go now!"

Death Goddess angrily snorted, suddenly had a cup, "the sword of death!"

For reasonable reasons, Loki is the Frost Giants from Yuetenghaimu, he is the son of Rover.

"That I am now ready to ship," Hank said.

"Sir, this really can kill him? If you can not then kill him, provoke him? He will kill us all. He was horrible, he is like the devil. Let us give up!"

Suddenly, the sky burst into thunderous roar, the United States team looked at the Lodge and asked: "Why?" Are you afraid of thunder it?

Greenland, Russell glaciers, snow flying, looking at the vast white, Billy accordance with the spirit locked position, directly to a huge amounts of pre-pit moment.

In Gudong command car, commander struggling to swallow saliva, pale. Beans in the sweat fell down like rain, his heart beating, he felt as if all of a sudden exploded like.

Mason curious to ask: "Are you a hammer?"

When the gold cone break, Revelation consciousness like the tides begin to reproduce, leaving the body of Professor X, back to his mind.

As a result, Murphy immediately mobilized all the forces in the body, ready to explode soul.

Well, "let's go!" After Billy finished, grabbed Tony, a blink of an eye left.

"Little Silver who, if you have this Ability, come! I will make you regret it came to this planet!" Billy angrily humming, with his right hand with a deep Roar, with his fingers hooked his fingers.

With the invasion of toxins, Billy's body soon turned into green, the people completely paralyzed, there is no life, through death.

Billy said: "You have to ask?" The development of this virus who must work together ah humans, possibly even one of his Ten Commandments.

Billy looked out the window, casually, Tauren, said: "! Since you're useless, it would go to hell."

Manhattan streets and alleys are a mess of people, people are screaming, yelling Why, because alien invasion of Earth ah?

Billy asked Cong change: "You are how they arrive Fengyun strange and boring planet?" And how did you arrive at this strange and boring planet Billy asked:? "How did you arrive Fengyun and strange and boring planet of?

Ni Momo John went to his locomotive before leaving!

"This is a brain!" Billy looked at Thor, then said:. "Next, let's talk about how to kill Ultron"

"Bang", "bang"

Billy flew down, came to the entrance of the base passage, waved open the entrance of the underground base, and in front of Billy appeared a passage made of steel towers.

"Dark Phoenix? That's it!" Billy said to himself, having heard of the famous Dark Phoenix a long time ago.

The dead waiter said painfully: "I'm so lucky?" Do you really think you can kill me? Even if you want to do this, will they allow your character setup to collapse?

A sly smile appeared on Billy's mouth, and the figure completely disappeared from the destroyer's eyes, just behind the destroyer.

Then Thor suddenly rushed to Susan and Billy and shouted to the destroyer: "Brother, no matter what I do to you, no matter what you do, I'm really sorry, but these people are innocent, you killed They are no good."

Only Thor smiled when he saw Billy eating a kiss. He liked Billy very much because the food in front of them was the same.

"Well, what do you mean, I'm leaving here, do you know? This is not the same as jailbreaking." Rocket Raccoon turned his head nervously, looked at the tree man, and whispered, "He doesn't like this place."

"I-I'm going out now." When the commander heard Billy's voice, his legs were trembling, and his heart was very disturbed. He was almost scared and walked over.


When the Rockets heard these words, he couldn't help being entangled. Looking at the sky, looking at Billy, looking at his fingers, and asked weakly, "Can't you adapt to yourself?" It's really difficult to choose.

Looking at the army in the sky, the timid Loki immediately felt a strong confidence. Under the golden light, Loki put on the reindeer suit again.

Pierce took a drink suspiciously, "I told you to kill them, instead of pointing a gun at me, looking at your face like this, don't you understand?"


Ability; peeping eyes, fairy, proficient in heat weapons and combat skills, mental reading immunity, spider induction.

Who is this old man? Definitely, it is Peter Quill's biological father, Ego, who has been separated from the ancient Protoss for many years and possesses divine power.


Billy smiled and said: "Wow, he's a self-control guy again. To be honest, the strength of these five players is really not as bad as it is now. For me, it's boring to raise some interest!

"As for that bully, I think he is a coward. Every time he only sends a cat and a dog over, he always hides and dare not come out to fight with me. He is afraid of my strength and afraid of being caught like other people. Burned to ashes.

However, the spicy chicken was about to rush down to catch the etheric moment in Billy's body, when he suddenly saw Billy appear in front of him intact.

At this time, the mood of destruction was very unhappy, thinking that the heart of the universe could dominate the entire universe, but I did not expect that this thing would wither like a court, and Meow was too angry.

Xingjue was very upset looking at the screen and said coldly: "Are you a cow and a horse?" Is it a cow and a horse for a few calls? Obviously you want to mess with me.

For this situation, Steven is absolutely unacceptable. Billy must be hit hardest and cut directly under the sword to show his reputation.

"Skovia has been fighting in the past. There is nothing special about it, but it also provides favorable conditions for lurking in HYDRA and recruiting its members.

The sound dropped, and the green chain composed of the power of time was like a telegram, shrouded in Billy's direction, and the whole space suddenly became strange.

When I heard Billy's words, the heart of the star was finally put down.

This is a huge amounts of black cross, the mothership of the dark elves, like a huge amounts of sickle, dividing the Thames into two halves, and the magnificent, terrifying force tore the earth to pieces!

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