Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter 258 Destruction of Asgard!

A group of energy levels reacted extremely strongly, even a huge energy group that was comparable to the blow of the Level Single Universe boss. Hela waved his hand and smashed it towards Asgard!

In Qi Jun's eyes, this group of powerful energy levels invisible to the naked eye was so dazzling, like a fireball, it smashed directly into the central pillar of Asgard!



At the moment when the energy group of huge energy level collided with the central pillar of Asgard, huge amounts of energy exploded!

The source power that was extracted from Asgard by Hela, when it returned to Asgard in another way, brought Asgard instead of restoration.

Instead. . .


The unexpected explosion directly tore and smashed the central pillar of Asgard. Under the powerful energy level effect, at the center of the explosion, a huge amount of-space crack was instantly torn apart!

Asgard, the fragment of the central pillar that had a chance to use the power of the source to combine, was swallowed up by the space-crack in an instant.

In the next instant, huge amounts of energy level Shockwave centered on the explosion and pushed it in all directions.


The explosive Shockwave, which is comparable to the strength of the powerhouses of the Level Single Universe, almost instantly turned Hela's cannon fodder into ashes!

On the other side, the Asgard warriors who were fighting the cannon fodder brought by Hela were also nearly 99% wiped out by this huge amount of energy level Shockwave in an instant, leaving no trace of slag.

And the few remaining Asgard warriors with strong strength were all seriously injured and fell to the ground in an instant under the impact of this energy Shockwave!

In addition to the fact that Queen Frigga saw that the situation was not right, and cast all the defensive magic she could, she was only moderately injured in this Shockwave.

Even Thor Thor, who was desperately protected by Frigga, collapsed to the point of being seriously injured again.

Even more dangerous than the previous serious injury state.

But that's not the most desperate thing for these Asgard people!

The most desperate thing for these Asgard people is that as the central pillar of Asgard collapsed and was swallowed by the cracks in space, as the Shockwave spread, the entire Asgard began to crumble!

"Do not!!!"

Queen Frigga, with all her strength, grabbed Thor Thor in her hands, and tried her best to maintain the magic shield, but she could only watch in despair, and the entire Asgard collapsed quickly!


Also watching Asgard collapse, in addition to Frigga and Thor Thor, including all Asgard's remaining seriously wounded warriors, are also destroyed in this collapse!

....... Ask for Flowers.

The collapse of the entire Asgard was also accompanied by a powerful energy level explosion.

In this state, the few remaining Asgard warriors who were seriously injured and could not move at all were also wiped out!


"I'm going to kill you!!!55

"Kill you!!!""

Ignoring the remaining Frigga and Thor Thor, who was more seriously injured, Odin's eyes were completely red, and his whole body went crazy, exuding unrestricted energy level fluctuations, and rushed towards Hela recklessly. .



Not waiting for Odin and Hela to perish together, Odin and Hela, who are essentially linked to Asgard, suffered the backlash of Asgard's collapse in an instant!


Odin was still halfway through, when he spat out a mouthful of old blood, his aura instantly collapsed, and he was seriously injured!


Hela was still not much better, a mouthful of blood spurted out and was seriously injured, his strength instantly dropped to Level God Father, and even fell to below the planet level!


"This battle~"

"There are no winners!

"Both losers!

Qi Jun smacked his lips and shook his head.

(To be continued) on.

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