Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter two hundred and thirty seventh sister and brother first meeting



Hellheim, Hela, who was preparing his army, suddenly heard a miserable cry, coming from the sky above his head.

"That is...


. . ???

Looking up at the sky, Hela frowned and muttered uncertainly.

"I'll tear him apart!

The giant wolf Fenrir on the side also raised his head, with red eyes, staring at the 'people' who fell from a high place, spit out human words.

"No need!"

Hela stopped the giant wolf Fenrir from moving, and she felt no threat from the 'humanoid' that fell from the sky.

Hela, who has mastered the Soul Gem, is confident that even Odin, who is in the armor of the Destroyer, can be invincible, not to mention the 'people' who came out of nowhere?

"Yes! Master.

Hearing Hela's order, the giant wolf Fenrir fell back very obediently.

However, while lying down, the giant wolf Fenrir was also tense, ready to fight at any time.


Hela glanced and smiled, but didn't say anything more.

After all, that humanoid object was already in sight.





With a trembling roar, the 'person' instantly fell from the sky and smashed to the ground, smashing the ground into a distorted human-shaped pothole, and even more a burst of smoke was aroused.

"It's really a person?"

Looking at the 'person' that flashed past his eyes in an instant, and smashed a human-shaped pothole into the ground, Hela's eyes were full of confusion.

With Hela's eyesight, although this person is only for a moment, Hela still sees clearly, this is a person!

Uh, and, why does it look a bit like the Frost family?

what the hell?

When did Hellheim have other people alive besides himself and his subordinates?

And, how did the Frost family come to Hellheim?

Could it be that he also offended Odin and was exiled here?


Just when Hela was puzzled, he smashed a 'person' in a distorted human-shaped pothole and woke up~


"Where is it??? 35

Just woke up, this guy's head is still a little awake, he wants to shake his head to wake up all of a sudden, but found that the head movement is very limited.

"Is this in a pit?"

The fragrance of the soil came from the tip of the nose, which finally made this guy sober, and he also remembered that he fell from a high altitude. Since he didn't respond, he directly smashed into the ground, although his strong racial attributes made him fall from a high altitude. He didn't fall to his death, but the powerful impact still caused him to faint for a while.

If it weren't for the fear of some conspiracy, this guy would have been able to faint forever~


"Am I not in Jotonheim?"

"Yes! 35

"A portal that suddenly appeared, sucked me in, and when I came back to my senses, it was already 10,000 meters high in another land!"

"Gan! 99

"Is that big guy trolling me?"

Loki finally regained his senses, and the two apparently shapeshifting arms suddenly twitched twice, and that's it. And, with a strong hold of both hands, Loki jumped out of the smashed human-shaped pothole.

Yes, this guy is Loki who was tricked by Qi Jun from Jotonheim~



Loki, who had just jumped out of the pit, was surrounded by the roar of a giant wolf and dozens of warriors armed with magic spears before he had time to breathe.


Subconsciously swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Loki's whole body is not well.

what's going on?

[Taijun, I am a great good citizen!]

Loki almost fell to his knees!

This Nima, just out of the tiger's mouth, has entered the wolf's den again?

"Who are you?

Hela, who was wearing a sci-fi black armor, walked over with a leather whip in hand, looked down at the trembling Loki condescendingly, and asked.

Yes, Hela's sci-fi black armor is aided by Taibai!

Well, Qi Jun didn't tell Hela that he sent this guy Loki here.


"Humble Frost Remnant -- Loki, see Her Lady Queen~~"

"I don't know who you are???"

As expected of Mr. Loki who can bend and stretch, the moment when I saw the real eldest sister, Loki, who was still very ambitious in Jotonheim, instantly turned into a dog licking and praying for his life~

"The Frost Remnant? 99

"Lauf is dead?"

Hela heard Loki's words, but 047 was stunned. The Giants of Jotunheim family were exterminated? Who did it? Odin?

As Asgard's former military marshal, how can the grievances and grievances between Hela and the Frost family be so simple and clear?

Hela didn't know how to feel about Loki's words.

However, Hela is not the kind of person who easily trusts others. Whether or not the Frost Clan has been purged, Hela will not listen to others at will.

"How did you get from Jotonheim, to Hellheim?

Definitely, what's on my mind, Hela didn't show it.

What's more, as the master of Soul Gem, Hela can still easily tell, Loki is obviously lying!

But the war was imminent, but Hela didn't think much about what happened to the Frost Clan.

However, Loki, who quietly looked around, did not answer the question immediately.

Because, he was also surprised by what Hela said about Hellheim.

He was even stunned by the large army that surrounded him.

Hellheim, are you also joining the attack on Asgard?

For a moment, Loki didn't know what to feel in his heart. . .

(To be continued).

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