Marvel I have a god-level experience card

Chapter 729 The tyrannical enemy! 【Please customize】

In the past, he did not believe at all in such things as God, because it was determined by the nature of his scientist.

But now, although he is still a scientist, he gradually no longer doubts the existence of God, but is convinced.

"God, I am willing to convert to you and become your new minion."

"God, I am willing to convert to you and wash away my sins."

Tony seemed to feel something, chanting terrible words in a low voice.

His eyes seemed to pass through the layers of space and came to the hell where sinners lived.

In that hell full of sins, he saw his own figure, the sinner who was burned in Hellfire, and was saved by the true God.

An evil force began to swirl around Tony, and this force became stronger and stronger with Tony's conversion.

Tony is completely united with this evil force and can never be separated again.

Several passers-by sitting not far from Tony could not help feeling a terrifying chill in their hearts.

"what happened?"

Several passers-by shivered, wondering in their hearts.

Tony stood up from his chair, he stretched out his hand to look at it, and said excitedly.

"It's never been this good."

At this moment, Tony felt that he was full of energy, and the speed of his brain's thinking was greatly accelerated, and countless auras burst out of his brain.

It can be said that the evil force not only gave Tony a stronger body, but also greatly strengthened Tony's brain.

After all, as a scientist, the brain is the most important thing.

Definitely, Tony converted to God, should be called a scientist of God.

"Pepper, I'm here to save you." Tony murmured, looking at the emergency room.

At the moment, his brain has been strengthened by evil forces, and countless medical methods beyond the times flashed through his mind.

Tony already had a plan in his mind about how to save Pepper.

The Marvel universe has countless planes, countless directions, and infinite results. This is the attraction of the Marvel universe, that is, the infinite variety.

Definitely, we as ordinary people don't know the truth of the Marvel universe.

But we can make simple statements about the structure of the Marvel Universe.

If a tree is used to describe it, then the trunk of the tree is Marvel's main universe, and the leaves on the branches are parallel universes one after another.

Changes in Marvel's main universe will affect the parallel universe, and changes in the parallel universe will in turn affect the main Marvel universe.

This is an inconspicuous leaf, and part of its color has quietly changed.

This shows that this parallel universe has been invaded by some kind of force.

Definitely, the gods in the main Marvel universe are indifferent to the changes in this parallel universe, because even if such an inconspicuous parallel universe is completely eroded, it will not affect the security of the main Marvel universe.

Parallel universes generally have the instinct to survive like animals, and they often make some unexpected actions in order to survive for themselves.

This parallel universe is like a lion with a big mouth, biting a parallel universe next to it, and no longer let go of its mouth.

This is the safety mechanism of the parallel universe itself. When it bites the new parallel universe next to it, the two will integrate to form a new parallel universe.

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