Chen Xiao turned into a grain of sand and flew towards the Alps, at this time the plot of Thor 1 is basically settled, and Loki also fell into the void, which means that the plot of Avengers 1 will still happen.

The plot of Avengers 1 is around May 2012, and there is still almost 1 year left, and Chen Xiao intends to use this time to develop the Overwatch Legion well.

However, on the way back, Chen Xiao equipped a supercomputer, linked the world network, and learned that Iron Man had defeated Ivan, but also let him discover a news.

Hammer Industries could not explain to the military or the people because of Ivan's calculations, and even the chairman was arrested by the government, which led to a sharp decline in Hammer Industries' stock, and the moment he saw the news, Chen Xiao had plans to buy Hammer Industries.

Immediately, he bought the shares of Hammer Industries on a large scale, and found all the people who held Hammer Industries' shares, and used coercion and inducement to obtain the shares, and even Hammer himself, who was arrested, also called.

Eventually, Hammer was released by using the connections of Pierce, an official member of Hydra, and Chen Xiao also bought Hammer Industries for $50 billion and renamed it Chen Industries.

To this end, after Chen Xiao spoke with the Alpine Base and explained some things, he came to the former Hammer Industry, now Chen Industry.

Chen Xiao fully took over Hammer Industrial Manufacturing, and first issued the task of manufacturing arc reactors, acquiring palladium elements through various channels and manufacturing a large number of Ark reactors.

Chen Xiao also used the flood algorithm to design various software and even hardware in his mind, and spent a week using the flood algorithm to compile an artificial intelligence masterbrain.

Directly let the intelligent robot master brain, control all intelligent robots, he named this intelligent robot master brain Nuwa, in order to improve Nuwa's intelligent control ability, Chen Xiao specially bought an island in the Pacific Ocean and established a robot brain center on the island.

In addition, Chen Xiao also used Pierce's privilege to launch a number of satellites into space for robotic network connections, which were satellites with super communication capabilities that Chen Xiao spent nearly a month designing.

These satellites are equipped with specific communication equipment, and the communication range is enough to cover the entire solar system, and conventional signal shielding methods cannot prevent Chen Xiao's signal reception ability of these devices.

Secondly, Chen Xiao also spent some time developing various styles of robots, a small number of humanoid robots, most of them animal robots, including mechanical dogs, mechanical wolves, mechanical tigers, mechanical tyrannosaurs, etc., all of which can be transformed.

With the robot network covering the world, under the mechanical army, Chen Xiao also successfully took all the Hydra bases, completely renaming the Hydra organization to the Overwatch Legion.

Chen Xiao also thought about letting Zola's consciousness fluid act as the main brain, but thought that if the Ultron inside, if this consciousness fluid rebelled, then everything he did became someone else's wedding dress.

And the core source code of Nuwa, the master brain of the intelligent robot compiled by him with the Hong Barren algorithm, is stored in the supercomputer of his system space, which can achieve an absolute 0 probability of robot defection.

Although Chen Xiao knows that science and technology are very important, biological technology is also very important, and as a top expert in biology, Mr. Lan has become Chen Xiao's primary goal.

"Nuwa, immediately find Dr. Samuel Stern, nicknamed Mr. Lan, the big boss..." Chen Xiao said to a girl in front of him who was composed of virtual images on an island in the Pacific Ocean, in the base recreation area in the middle of a certain mountain.

"Okay, master..." said the girl, and the data stream quickly reached the master brain several kilometers underground, quickly searched for Mr. Lan's information, and used the flood algorithm to deduce Mr. Lan's possible location.

"Master, you have deduced that Mr. Lan may exist in a place, do you need to send a mechanical legion to arrest him?" The virtual imaging girl said.

"30 locations, so many, each location shows the probability of its existence..." Chen Xiao said, looking at the 30 red dots on the virtual map above the girl.

"Okay, master..." As

soon as the girl's words fell, a probability appeared on the side of those red dots, Chen Xiao looked at one of the highest, the probability was as high as 68%, and he immediately made a decision.

"I personally go to the 68% of the positions, and for the rest of the positions, you send a mechanical army, remember, try to move as little as possible..." Chen Xiao said.

"Okay, master"

In this way, with Chen Xiao's arrangement, Old M's New York Chen Industry drove dozens of high-tech buses, which were full of intelligent robots, and then dozens of fighters quickly took to the air, ignoring Old M's radar monitoring, and quickly flew over the location of the red dot.

And Chen Xiao also came to the island, took a stealth fighter and soon came to the Chen Building in Queens, New York, his body turned into countless dust and flew in the night, and finally broke into a certain hole and found Mr. Lan's laboratory.

Unfortunately, Mr. Lan happened to be in this laboratory, and Mr. Lan, who exceeded the IQ of ordinary people by 1,000 times, had already awakened a trace of spiritual power, and Chen Xiao was discovered by him as soon as he appeared.

"Huh? How did you find me? The big boss obviously said with some surprise, now he can be said to be extremely smart, he knows that someone will try to find him, for this he deliberately created a number of hiding points to hide, but he didn't think that the first to find him was the person he was most afraid of, Chen Xiao.

"You don't need to know, if you don't want to die, don't resist..." Chen Xiao had no intention of talking nonsense with the big leader, and said and was ready to go over and grab him and take him away.

"Hehe, I have long expected this day, I know you are very strong, but if you want to catch me, it is still a little close... Bye bye you..." The big leader smiled, didn't care about Chen Xiao's words, and directly swung a certain switch.


", "Boom"

, "Boom" and "Boom"

In an instant, the laboratory where the big boss

was located turned into a mechanical iron ball, diving directly towards the underground river, and as the iron ball fell, a large amount of underground river water poured in, and the big boss and his laboratory were washed away by the underground river.

"Oh, the person I targeted still wants to run, you don't know anything about my ability.... Receive..." Chen Xiao sneered, and said that he activated the system ability to collect a large amount of river water.



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