Li Ye's body trembled, and Leo's arm was like a steel hoop, so Li Ye didn't dare to move.

"Li Ye, if you dare to say anything about my identity, I promise that the several combat teams in the black prison will go to your house and stroll around."

Before taking the first step, Leo whispered in Li Ye's ear and said something.

The cold voice made Li Ye's heart almost frozen.

The legs became soft and the bladder was a little swollen.

But under the push of Leona's steel hoop arm, he also involuntarily walked forward.

Li Haiyang saw this scene, but he was a little surprised, "Didn't the two of them just know each other? It's better how this changed."

Li Qian was also a little puzzled, "Yes, brother, he didn't seem to have a good impression on Leo, but now he has become so close, what did they just do?"

Both of them heard their doubting voices, and both turned their heads and smiled.

It's just that Li Ye's face smiled extremely reluctantly, as if a little bit of mourning, especially when he was around Leo who was smiling brilliantly, it became more prominent.

"Uncle Li, how long has your restaurant been open? How long have you been in the United States?"

The four of them returned to the same level again, and Leo said while looking at Li Haiyang, who was covered in abnormalities.

"Well, probably, it's almost six years."

"Oh, that's for 08 years. By the way, have you heard of the huge amounts of big battle? Hulk once fought with Abomination in Manhattan."

Leo continued to look at Li Haiyang and said.

"Yes.. Ah! Definitely, but I came after that. I didn't see the incident in detail. I heard that it caused a lot of casualties."

Li Haiyang's footsteps were slightly slowed, then he paused and said.

"Yes, there are hundreds of people. After that, many people have moved away. How do you think about coming to the United States to do things?"

Leo also knew something in his heart. He hated what came after the incident. Is it related to this incident? This kind of skill can't be developed in a few years.

What kind of organization is behind this person who came to New York to open a Chinese restaurant, and what is its purpose?

Li Qian said with excitement, "Yeah, yeah, I still remember that when I first came to the United States, I didn't dare to go out for half a month. Did you see that battle, Leo? Nothing on the Internet. A video of that battle!"

"Yes, a large number of troops have come, but for the two terrifying muscle monsters, it is of no use. Conventional weapons cannot cause any harm to the Hulk."

"Li Qian, do you know what this means?" Leo suddenly turned to look at Li Qian.

"Isn't it that Hulk is very strong? I know, when the aliens invaded, the laser weapons of those aliens were of no use to Hulk." Li Qian replied.

"Yes, it also means that if someone with ulterior motives knows how to make people like Hulk in batches, it will be terrifying, and how strong such a person is."

Leo said solemnly.

"Yeah, it seems that Hulk was also transformed into a single person, God, if there are many such people, wouldn't it be invincible!"

Li Qian also thought of this suddenly and called out in surprise.

"Cici, such a thing will not happen. If it could be replicated, such troops would have been manufactured in large quantities. I think even the US government can't do this."

Li Haiyang gave Leo a strange look, touched Li Qian's head and said.

"That's right, at least I haven't heard of such a thing happening yet, eh, how did the monster who was fighting with Hulk come out?"

Li Qian asked suddenly.

"That is a test product made by some people with ulterior motives, a very complete failure, that monster, it can't be called a human."

Leo seemed to know very well and said, "Even so, there are still a large number of people thinking about copying Hulk, but at least until now, no one has succeeded."

Li Qian also nodded faintly.

Li Haiyang seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Leo with weird eyes.

"Leo, how did you meet Tony Stark? Is it because of the school exchange event?"

"No, it's just that I can make a model. He likes it. I sell it to him, but he charges a higher price. So, you know, for him, the small amount of money he has is not a small number."

Leo took out a small Iron Man model from his pocket. The simple red and white Mark No. 4 is also the model most familiar to the public.

The exquisite metal model naturally attracted Li Qian's attention at once, and she took it with some care and played with it in her hand.

"Leo, this model is so beautiful, you still have this craft, why haven't you heard it before?"

Leo set his sights on Li Haiyang, "Uncle Li, why do you want to bring Cici to the United States for development? Isn't it good domestically?"

Li Haiyang looked at Leo on the side, not knowing why, but also felt something was wrong.

But looking at this little boy who was only a teenager, one year younger than his own daughter, even if there was some suspicion in his heart, there was no real evidence, and he didn't think too much.

"No, it's just that a friend is doing business here, saying that it's good to open a restaurant here, plus my craftsmanship is good, so I came here by the way, and then asked Cici to also come to school, the university here is still good."

Li Haiyang explained somewhat far-fetched.

Cici still played with the model in her hand carefully without saying anything.

Li Ye, who had been listening carefully all the time, his lips quivered slightly, and he couldn't say a word.

Perhaps it was because of the infinite pressure that was pressing on him, which made his mind concentrate and his brain was much more flexible.

Even if it was him, he heard what was wrong with these words, but Leo's arm had always been pressed against him, and Leo's words were shocking to him.

At the moment he really was about to cry.

‘Why am I trying to catch up! Why did you see him go to the black prison in the end? If you didn't participate in it, wouldn't it be nothing right now? ’

‘Why am I going to target Leo, Cici talks about her if she wants to fall in love, why should I be involved in this matter! ’

‘Maybe this time, everyone will be dragged into the water by me. Who can think of this, damn! ! Pit! ! ’

But no matter how you think about it, you can’t change this fact. You can only look forward to it indefinitely, ‘Second Uncle, help, stop talking, I’m going back! ! ’

‘If I can go back successfully, I won’t tell you about it, my God, please forgive me. ’

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