Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 257 Red Whale, What Exactly Do You Know?

Dr. Banner seemed lost, and grabbed the gem in Leo's hand with his right hand.

As for Leo's body, a burst of golden light burst out suddenly, covering his whole body.

definitely includes his hands.

Banner's arm was knocked away by Leo's golden light.

It can be regarded as regaining consciousness, taking two steps back.

Leo opened his eyes and looked at Banner with a smile, "Dr. Banner, I haven't learned my lesson yet. If you are teleported away by him, I have nowhere to look for you."

The gem in his hand started to emit a faint blue light, and the light flashed.

The transparent body of Tesseract, which had originally disappeared, emerged from it again, and was fixed on the appearance of the gem again, wrapping it up.

"It turns out that the protective device on the outside has not disappeared."

Leo also cried out with some surprises.

His hands sank slightly, and the Rubik's Cube floating in the air fell down.

In an instant, the blue energy also seeped out, turning into blue energy lightning, covering Leo's entire arm.

A few blue energy streams directly tore the sleeves to pieces.


Leo yelled comfortably, and the powerful spatial energy was absorbed by Leo.


With a soft sound, the door opened.

Tony and Pepper walked in together, and saw Leo spreading his wings, and Dr. Banner standing beside him in a daze.

Tony saw Tesseract in Leo's hand even more.


Pepper smiled on his face, turned around and closed the door.

"Hi Pepper, Tony, are things done?"

Leo moved his hand slightly, and the entire Tesseract shell disappeared again, turning into the appearance of a gem again.

The heart is embedded back.

The jewel entered the wings, and a blue energy rushed up to the wings again, adding another brilliance to the originally incomparably splendid and dazzling wings.

At the same time it is more gorgeous, it also adds a bit of lightness.

That light energy returned, and all the mosaic skills were restored.

The only difference is that the fit of the special gemstone setting has changed from 18% to 19%.

"Is that the core of Space Rubik's Cube just now?"

Tony walked over briskly, with a hint of ease in his footsteps.

"That's the Tesseract that teleported Leo away? It was on Leo's body."

Pepper also came over and said.

"Yes, that was Tesseract just now. It's a blessing in disguise, but it doesn't feel good."

Leo smiled bitterly, "Don't you tell Nick Fury, I'm lazy to talk more."

Pepper nodded as he knew it.

Tony sat down indifferently, "Killian's matter is over, but through this incident, I also recognized a lot of mistakes."

"Do you still make mistakes?"

"God also makes mistakes, for example, he created human beings."

Tony replied improperly.

"What did you see when you went out, tell me about the other aliens? How is the earth?"

"Earth has long been discovered by empires in the universe, but it's not a well-known, unknown little planet, and no one has the idea of ​​hitting the earth, except for the fool Loki."

"In fact, as early as a few decades ago, there were aliens invading the earth. Throughout the ages, there have been many aliens on the earth, so you don't need to worry too much."

"There are not many resistance forces on Earth. Now that the Chitaari invasion has happened, everyone can only accept the reality. Tony, in fact, humans on Earth are not stable right now."

"I already feel something wrong with Aegis...wait."

Leo, who had been sitting, suddenly stood up.

Tony also couldn't help standing up, flipped his palm, and the watch changed into a mechanical glove, "What's the matter?"

"Someone is calling me in Roar!"

In Leo's mind, a light spot flickered slightly, trying to contact him.

"I'll go take a look first, and I should be back soon."

Leo spread his wings, and a mist of blue light enveloped him.

But Leo paused, "In case... I'm late, remember to tell them."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person disappeared.

Tony was stunned and shook his hand. "I'm going to say again, shit, I shouldn't have come!"

Pepper couldn't help but laugh.

Banner turned around and walked to the computer projection console, but he didn't hear it.


In the depths of the universe, Leo suddenly appeared here.

There is also a trace of doubt in his eyes, ‘who is calling me Roar? ’

As soon as he turned around, a huge amounts of golden pupil appeared in front of him, causing Leo's body to sway involuntarily, and he moved back several kilometers.

Only then did I see that it turned out to be the star beast that I had encountered in the universe, the red whale.

"Red whale? Are you calling me in Roar?"

A thought passed.

With huge amounts of Red Whale, his mouth opened slightly, and he nodded slightly.

"What's wrong?"

With a flick of the red whale's huge tail, a meteorite covered by its body appeared in front of Leo.

Xiang Leo slammed into it violently.

Leo reached out and grabbed it forward.

The huge meteorite that was still hitting at high speed was directly set in place.

Leo immediately stood directly on top of this meteorite.

"What does it mean?"

The red whale approached, approaching within one kilometer of Leo, the two thoughts could barely communicate.

"Master, food, for you."

Leo suddenly realized it, and he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Sitting cross-legged, he looked at the huge meteorite under him, an irregular round meteorite with a diameter of about 800 meters.

But after some induction, I found out that this huge amounts of is basically composed of Vibranium.

Vibranium in this volume has exceeded the total amount of metal absorbed by Leo.

The file size of one billion cubic meters is almost a quarter of the file size of Wakanda underground.

He originally planned to take a look at it and return it to the red whale. At the moment, he saw such a large piece of Vibranium, and he felt a little bit dissatisfied in his heart.

After all, Vibranium is the highest level metal that Leo has come into contact with.

Perhaps Vibranium is not the highest level metal in the universe, but it definitely belongs to that kind of high-end boutique.

"Red whale, do you often find this metal meteorite in the universe?"

"No, Master, I rarely encounter meteorites of this material, probably about 200 times. The largest piece, ten times as large as this piece, was eaten by me."

"However, this piece is also very big, and it is one of the best-tasting metals, so I called the master over."

"I think the master also needs to increase Ability as soon as possible. If he can increase his control to more than two hundred and fifty points as quickly as possible, it can be...

The red whale was a little excited at first, but in the end he couldn't tell.

"I forgot."

Leo looked a little excited when he heard the words of the red whale.

"Red whale, what exactly do you know?"

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