Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 157 Dr. Banner, get

Natasha Romanoff has been sent to India to find Dr. Banner.

And Nick Fury silently looked up the situation in Queens.

I paid close attention to the dynamics of Jenny and his wife.

It was discovered that someone from Stark had taken it to Los Angeles.

As for the news about Leo being an exchange student, Fury also saw everything in his eyes.

"Sponsored by Tony Stark, Stark, what have you done?"


Dr. Banner still sees patients in the town every day.

What is more uncomfortable recently is that there seems to be a symptom of infectious fever in the small town.

Banner's work is also a little rushed.

Today, I am still giving a patient a fluid infusion and washing his hands.

A few-year-old girl suddenly came over, saying that her father also had this symptom and had passed out in a coma, so she came to the doctor for help.

And the kind-hearted Banner naturally went to his home with the little girl.

Dr. Banner was a little wary in his heart, but still chose to believe it.

Until the little girl got out of a hole in the room.

Banner realized the truth and laughed at himself, "I should collect the money first."

"For someone who needs to escape stress, you really chose a good place."

Natasha Romanoff, wearing a local costume, walked out from the side.

"Blindly avoiding is not a panacea."

"Then what? Yoga?"

Banner looked at the beauty in front of him with an indifferent smile on her face. After months of experience, Banner could already control her emotions very well.

"You, I led to the remote suburbs, very smart, I guess this place is already surrounded."

"just you and me."

"Is that little girl also an agent just now? I started early enough."

"Me too."

"Who are you?"

"Natasha Romanoff Romanoff."

Banner looked at Natasha Romanoff and looked at her calmly, "Are you here to kill me? Honestly, I'm afraid the one who can kill me hasn't been born yet."

Banner, who had been hunted down by General Ross's men, said nervously, that he really didn't like the agents at all.

"No, no, definitely not, I came to you on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Natasha Romanoff hurriedly explained that, as a seven-level S.H.I.E.L.D agent, he already understood all the information of Dr. Banner, and knew exactly how powerful the shameless guy in front of him was.

"S.H.I.E.L.D? How did you find me?"

Banner asked directly. What he didn't want to hear was that Leo told them.

Natasha Romanoff then introduced Banner to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"We have been following you, doctor, but keeping our distance, even secretly blocking some people who are interested in you, Nick Fury seems to trust you very much."

"Someone once promised you to the Secretary, and you haven't changed for a year, haven't you? I hope you can keep it going."

"It doesn't necessarily keep it every time."

Banner looked at Natasha Romanoff in silence, didn't tell her the real situation, and still didn't trust the agent in front of her.

Natasha Romanoff took out his phone and called up a picture of the Rubik's Cube in the universe.

"Doctor, we are now facing a global disaster."

"This, called Tesseract, has the energy to destroy the earth."

Banner heard this and couldn't help but walked over, took out a pair of glasses from his pocket, ready to take a closer look.

But I accidentally brought out a part of the metal model, and the exquisite part of the model suddenly attracted Natasha Romanoff's attention.

Banner glanced at his phone. "What does Fury want me to do? Have you eaten it."

"I hope you can find it. The Rubik's Cube was robbed. The gamma rays emitted are too weak for us to track. No one knows gamma rays better than you."

"So, Fury sent me to talk to you."

"So you are not here to catch monsters."

Natasha Romanoff leaned back slightly in his chair, "At least he didn't say that."

"Need to keep me in a cage?"

"No one will..."

"Don't lie to me anymore!!" Dr. Banner suddenly slapped the table, leaning forward and shouting at Natasha Romanoff.

And this action made the metal figure model in the pocket roll out. Fell to the ground.

Natasha Romanoff also instantly drew a gun from under the table and aimed it at Banner.

The hands holding the gun were very calm, but his body trembled slightly.

There were even tears of fear in his eyes.

"Sorry, I just want to see your reaction."

Banner smiled again, picked up the model from the ground, wiped it, and put it in his pocket.

"We better calm down, you put the gun away, and then the other me will not come out to make trouble, okay, Natasha Romanoff."

Banner pointed at the gun. If Natasha Romanoff actually shot, Banner would really not be able to control the appearance of Hulk.

Natasha Romanoff put down the gun tremblingly, and used the earphones to get the people from the external special forces to leave.

Banner sneered slightly, "It's just you and me?"

Natasha Romanoff looked at Banner, and his mind quickly turned.

"Doctor, where did that metal model come from? I've seen a similar one before."

"This? It was given to me by a friend of mine. Where have you seen it."

Banner took out the model in his pocket again, remembering the figure from half a year ago.

"Sorry, doctor, can you lend me a look?"

I've decided to meet Fury's Banner, so naturally he won't make the atmosphere so rigid.

"Don't break it, I like this toy very much."

Natasha Romanoff took the model and looked at it, with extremely exquisite craftsmanship.

She only met once when Stark Industries worked as an assistant to Pepper.

And the model of that reactor does not seem to have this stick.

"It should not be the same person. I know a child who is only a teenager."

Banner frowned slightly.

"Do you know Leo?"

"Dr. Banner even knows Leo, there shouldn't be any intersection between you, right?"

Natasha Romanoff also had some doubts. There was no information about Leo in the information.

"Can you talk to me about him? I think Director Nick Fury will also be very happy about this news."

"Isn't Leo one of yours?"

When Banner learned that Natasha Romanoff knew about Leo's existence, he thought Leo found himself through S.H.I.E.L.D.

But now, he was also a little confused.


New York, Manhattan, on the Stark Building.

Wearing a Mark VI, Tony cut off the power supply to the Stark Building on the sea floor.

I am about to use my own reactor to power the tallest building in Manhattan, the Stark Building.

And the next moment, the bright and huge words ‘STARK’ appeared high above New York.

Tony was in the city, flying at subsonic speed, standing on the top platform.

Walking non-stop into the room.

A circle of rotating and self-propelled robotic arms appeared around to receive the various parts of the armor and store them.

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