Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 1415 Leo's Hug

"Hey, guys, this is our family and friends. Would you mind going to the main city by boat together?"

Leo looked at the soldiers on the warship, who happened to be more familiar, and said with a smile.

"Are you here to find the King of God? Your Majesty is having a morning meeting. Come on, come on."

Although the two warships were not big, it was relatively easy to fit so many people, and just carried a few people to the main city.

And above the sky, I also found the whole Asgard more majestic and magnificent.

It’s just that this warship is too rough, and it really looks like a ship, without any windshield. As the speed increases, the wind Roar roars, and the weaker Wanda is even a little unable to do so under this strong wind. Stand up.

Only Lao Li could stand securely, and even dared to stand on the edge of the ship's gunwale, looking at everything underneath. The few miniature cameras on his body also faithfully recorded everything he saw.

"How did this happen? How did this ship fly?"

Wanda, who was leaning on Leo, looked at Leo and asked lightly. She was a little unstable, so she could only hold Leo's arm tightly.

"This is Asgard's technology. There is not much reference for the earth, and there is almost this kind of technology on the earth."

Leo looked at Wanda who was close to him, smiled and said softly.

The violent wind Roar howled, and the two warships in the air also flew to the main city quickly, a distance of several kilometers, but it was almost there in just a few tens of seconds.

With the sudden landing of the warship, Pietro, who was already sitting on the ground, firmly grasped the cannon feet of the ship.

Jenny and George leaned against each other, their strong bodies, grabbing the handrail on the side, could stand securely.

Lao Li, who had the strongest balance, couldn't help but sway under this dive.

But Wanda, who had been holding Leo, was because of his weak body, even if he was holding Leo's steel-like arms, the whole body couldn't help but sway.

The footsteps softened, and the whole person bumped towards Leo.

Leo Shun took Wanda into his arms and took Wanda into his arms, "Be careful!"

And Wanda, suddenly felt that she was wrapped in a warm chest, looked up, looked up and saw Leo’s resolute and energetic face, and could not help but flushed, her head lowered, and the whole person was buried in Leo’s chest. middle.

"Riding on this spaceship is as scary as being a jumping machine."

Wanda leaned her head against Leo's chest and whispered.

The speed of the spacecraft's falling is very fast, and the entire descending process is only a few seconds.

"Your Ability can also be Flight. I will help you train more and get used to it."

Leo said with a smile, and then released the arm that was holding Wanda. After all, the warship was already parked, and it was not appropriate to hug it anymore.

At the moment's warship was still two meters away from the ground, but it stopped steadily, as stable as it was on the ground.

Several people jumped down from the spaceship one after another, even Jenny and George were not afraid. After all, the special training during the time in the Black Prison Group had let them know how strong they are now.

Among the crowd, only Wanda's body was more fragile. Leo embraced Wanda and slowly floated to the ground from the battleship.

"Your Majesty is in the main hall, but now this point should be over. I believe you know, your lord. After all, there is a foreign population, and you still need to report it."

The soldiers on the battleship looked at Leo and said with a smile, and didn't ask any more questions about these people.

"Don't worry, I understand."

Leo also smiled and called Roar, in response.

"Leo, you seem to be familiar with these Asgard soldiers, and the gatekeeper Heimdall before, do you come to Asgard often?"

Jenny asked with some curiosity, and the other people looked over at the same time.

"Actually, I didn't come here very often. I just happened to save a lot of Asgard fighters last time, avoiding a lot of losses, and then saving the queen to life. So everyone respects and admires me."

Leo said with a smile.

"There has been a war here? Is there a civil war?"

"No, the problem of the dark elves, the invasion of another powerful race, they seem to be preparing to plunge the entire universe into darkness again, but I finally fixed it."

Leo said so and smiled slightly, "But in fact, I don't make a move, there should be no problem, I just made the loss smaller."

"No wonder, all the people here respect you so much, that's how it is!"

Jenny and George couldn't help but sighed a little, and then they were attracted by the huge architectural temple behind them.

The warship took them directly past the underground residential area and came to the foot of the temple in the middle of the city.

When I looked up, the behemoth stood in front of my eyes, with no end in sight.

It was a huge temple that was clearly visible from thousands of meters away, not to mention that it was very close.

Just outside the temple, two neatly paced, solemn, fully armed soldiers lined up to each other, looking at Leo at the same time.

However, I saw Leo's existence from a distance, and then immediately returned to the normal queue, and did not come to interrogate several people.

In Asgard, Leo is a good sign. You must know that outside the temple, even ordinary Asgard civilians cannot get close, they will be investigated and then dispersed.

After all, this is the only king's temple. It is not a place where everyone can go in and out at will, and it will even be more stringent. Everyone who comes in will be checked.

However, they have received a ban and are not allowed to interrogate Leo, which needs to be strictly observed, and they definitely dare not violate it.

"God, Leo, your identity here is really extraordinary. Even the palace guards will ignore you. You have such top-level authority. This is amazing!!"

Pietro looked at Leo and said with excitement, he even raised his hands up to joy Roar.

This kind of privileged feeling made him, a child who came out of the slum, only to suffer from other people's blindness and dislike, felt extremely excited.

"To be honest, I really don't have much contact with the god Wangao, but you know, I have a really good relationship with Thor and the god queen Frigga, so it's okay to mix here, haha. "

Leo walked inside with a few people, "If you want to go outside and see the residential area of ​​the Asgard people at that time, we can go to the king to ask for a pass, and we still have to respect him later, after all, he is King of Asgard."

The people on the side nodded solemnly, and followed Leo towards it.

The huge and empty temples around, quietly and silently, the light shone in, and the bright and warm sun shone on the huge golden pillars and walls, which looked like a beautiful work.

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