Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 276: Where is the universe cube, do you know?

"Heimdall, I have heard of the name for a long time."

Leo looked at the deep eyes facing him and said.

‘Is this the omniscient eye that can see all over the nine realms? Legend has it that these eyes can see the flapping of the wings of a butterfly from a thousand worlds away. ’

"Heimdall, I'm taking Jane to the medical room."

Sol hugged Jane who had just passed the Rainbow Bridge and looked at Heimdall and said.

Heimdall looked at the people, nodded, and stood back in front of the Rainbow Bridge console again. He didn't say any more, only his eyes stayed on Leo for a while.

Leo's eyes also burst out with a little golden light, and he stared at Heimdall.

Saul didn't care about the strange behavior between the two of them. He wielded the hammer and flew out in his arms, "Leo, you also come directly to the palace."

"it is good!"

Heimdall nodded slightly to Leo, expressing his approval and agreement.

As the guardian of Asgard, he has an unusual position in Asgard.

Leo smiled, walked out, and left the portal.

The first thing I saw was a straight and slender rainbow bridge in front of which countless colorful energy circulated.

And this source of power capable of destroying the stars came from the continent of Asgard.

Leo directly lifted into the sky. From a distance, many buildings and buildings were all standing in the mountains and forests. On the edge of the lake, they were built along the mountains and rivers.

The whole building is made of yellow stone bricks, full of Nordic ancient style buildings, beautiful but not very practical.

Then, looking forward, there is a towering and resplendent golden palace in the distance.

Atmospheric and luxurious.

It looks like a pyramid, but it is composed of countless golden pillars, which are also full of buildings and many fortifications.

Based on this, we can see that the people here have a warlike ethnic culture.

Afterwards, Leo also flew directly to the palace.

But this figure in the air still attracted the attention of many ordinary Asgard people.

After all, besides Sol, no one else would fly in the air except for those inspection aircraft.

Such a sloshing speed like Leo is even rarer.

While they were watching Leo, Leo was also watching them.

‘Good physical fitness, good energy response, ugly building. ’

Leo spit out while watching. Many houses and buildings have been repaired with inexplicable columns, and there are useless spire eaves, which are also carved with strange patterns.

But Leo didn't care too much, after all, this is Asgard's culture, just like Wakanda.

But looking at the bodies of ordinary people around him, Leo couldn't help but sigh.

According to Leo's standards, everyone's physical fitness has reached 21 points or more.

This is a physical quality that ordinary humans cannot achieve in their entire life, far beyond the limits of the human body.

Whether it is an adult or a child, or even a woman sweeping the floor, all are the same. The body is not weaker than Captain America. If you are stronger, the body is far more than Rogers.

For example, the two small patrol boats surrounding Leo now have a few soldiers on them, and their physical fitness is a little abnormal.

"who are you?"

An Asgardian soldier pointed his sword at Leo in the air and said.

"Sol Oddingson brought me here, you can ask Heimdall."

Leo said indifferently, his eyes radiating a little golden light, still exploring the surrounding scenery.

Hearing Leo's words, the soldier also slowly put away the sword, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Asgard has not been to outsiders for thousands of years.

Of course, the few ice giants that invaded not long ago are not counted.

"Are you from Midgard? I heard that Sol has been to Midgard frequently recently."

"Yes, but I prefer the name Earth." Leo chuckled slightly at the soldier.

"What did Thor bring you to Asgard for? Earthlings."

It seems that because of the perennial peace, the soldiers did not have much vigilance, instead they asked curiously while sitting on the side of the boat.

"By the way, I'm going to see how Jane is going first, let's go first, and see you later."

Leo touched his head and said quickly.

The golden light of the body enveloped the body, turning it into a stream of light, and rushed into the palace, but within a few seconds, it disappeared in the palace.

And the soldiers of the two patrol boats.

Looking at the direction of Leo's disappearance dumbfounded, he didn't come back to his senses.

"He... did he rush into the palace?"

"seems like it."

"Should we report to the above, the speed of this Midgard is a bit abnormal."

"Are the Midgard people now so scary?"

"What if he is a spy?"

"Quickly ask Heimdall."

Several patrol soldiers, you said every word, only then remembered to verify Leo's identity.

Driving the airship, hurried to the direction of the Rainbow Bridge, and the other one flew towards the palace.


Leo entered the palace and his eyes penetrated the building. In the huge palace, he quickly found Sol's position.

As he walked over, he thought, "In such a big palace, there are so many people. Except for the guards of almost two hundred people, there are only a hundred and dozens of people left."

"I didn't seem to see Odin just now, isn't he here?"

Leo walked over to the medical room with a little doubt.

He also had a general understanding of Asgard's situation in his mind.

Although I didn't see the whole picture of Asgard, it seemed that everyone was concentrated near the palace, and it seemed that there were less than 20,000 people.

But every Asgardian has extremely strong physical fitness, which is relative to the people on earth. Here, if everyone is like this, there is no difference.

At the same time, it also has extremely high technology, whether it is the floating inspection boat outside, the soldiers' weapons, or the defensive turrets everywhere.

Many buildings in the palace also reveal a very high level of technology.

But perhaps it is culturally different. Braziers are used for lighting in many places. Even the patrol airship looks like a sailing ship, with two wind paddles hanging from the tail.

Leo walked into the medical Sol saw Leo, and a smile appeared on his worried face.


Generous stepped forward and gave Leo a hug.

"Where did you get teleported by the Cosmos Cube? I am very worried about you." Saul said boldly as he patted Leo's shoulder with his thick palm.

"I was teleported to the universe, but I was lucky to come back in the end, it's okay."

Looking at the tall Sol in front of him, Leo also smiled happily.

"Thank you for finally sending me and Loki back to Asgard. The Rainbow Bridge has not been repaired yet, and Heimdall has no way to pick us up."

"But where did the Cosmos Cube go, do you know?"

Sol looked at Leo, first said with a smile, and finally his expression became a little serious. After all, these treasures were confessed by Odin and prepared to be recovered in the treasure house.

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