Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 508 Instigating rebellion, cloning

"Like Pyro?"

Thinking of the ending of Burning Man, Kuaiyin shuddered. No one could stop Iron Man from killing.

Kuaiyin hesitated, and said, "The problem is, I don't have such prestige, and besides, I can't beat the old man."

Domino said: "This matter does not require high prestige. What everyone wants is just a promise."

Kuaiyin asked puzzledly, "What promise?"

"The government's commitment to their innocence."

Domino said: "Pyro's mutiny led to the disappearance of the most extreme group of members of the Brotherhood, and now all that is left are mutants who are rational and yearn for a better life.

Because of Iron Man, the environment of mutants has rapidly improved. Many members of the Brotherhood want to return to normal life, but most of them are wanted criminals, so they need the promise of letting go.

As long as there is this commitment, they will follow you. "

After a pause, Domino continued: "As for not being able to defeat Magneto, you don't have to worry about that, as long as there are enough people who rebel, Magneto won't do anything.

Magneto is not a person who is greedy for power. He has always respected the choices of mutants, which can be seen from the freedom of entry and exit of the Brotherhood. "

Kuaiyin was a little embarrassed when he heard the words. It seemed that he had wrongly blamed Magneto before?

Domino continued: "In addition, you can ask Iron Man for help. I heard that Iron Man is researching poisons to incapacitate mutants. At that time, we can turn Magneto into an ordinary old man and let him live in peace."

Quicksilver asked, "Will Iron Man be willing to help me?"

"Of course he will. As the savior of mutants, he is definitely not willing to forcibly suppress the Brotherhood. You can rest assured about that."

Domino said with certainty: "Pietro, now is the last chance. When Iron Man takes control of the army, whether he wants to or not, he will wipe out the Brotherhood of Mutants and give an explanation to those who support him."

Kuaiyin gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will contact those people, but I want to meet Iron Man first and get a promise from him."

"No problem, I can contact the BOSS for you."

Domino laughed. Quicksilver thought of something and asked angrily, "Is this why Iron Man keeps you in the Brotherhood?"

"No, Iron Man didn't ask me to do anything, it's my own decision to persuade you."

Domino said very frankly: "On the one hand, I don't like to see mutants die. On the other hand, if I succeed, BOSS will definitely give me a promotion and a salary increase. As we all know, Iron Man is a generous person."

"hope everything is fine."

Kuaiyin sighed, "I also hope that the old man won't beat me to death afterwards."

Domino smiled and said, "Don't worry, whether you succeed or fail, he will not beat you to death, at most half to death, after all, he is his own."

"It's miserable to be half dead, okay?"

Quicksilver rolled his eyes and urged Domino to contact Wang Bert. Domino called Wade directly and explained the matter.

Half an hour later, in a private coffee shop, Wang Botto turned to Kuaiyin, and Domino smiled and said, "Try the coffee here, I heard it's very good."

Domino said excitedly: "I've wanted to drink the coffee here for a long time, but this store only accepts members, and membership requires the recommendation of two old members."

Kuaiyin asked in surprise: "Why did you hear it? As Iron Man, can't you afford the coffee here?"

Wang Bot said: "For a person who doesn't like coffee, the taste of coffee is similar. I usually drink tea. If you talk about tea with me, I can tell you the difference between different teas from the previous day."

"I prefer drinking Coke to tea and coffee."

Quicksilver shrugged and said, "Iron Man, are you really willing to pardon the Brotherhood?"

"Why not? Everyone is a mutant. More importantly, most of the mutants in the Brotherhood are innocent. They joined the Brotherhood because they couldn't survive."

Wang Burt said: "If you are willing to lead the brotherhood to negotiate peace with the government, I can guarantee that the government will not blame the past."

"That's good."

Kuaiyin breathed a sigh of relief. With the guarantee of Iron Man, the government must be fine. Everyone knows that President Richard listens to Iron Man very much.

"I will win over as many members of the Brotherhood as possible to overthrow Magneto."

Quicksilver gritted his teeth and said, "However, Magneto is too powerful, and Iron Man needs your help to take him down. Uh, if possible, I hope that no one will die during the whole process."

Wang Bott shook his head secretly. He was such a naive child. He said, "I can promise you, but those mutants who are unwilling to surrender must be put in jail until I approve them."

"It's easy for others to say, can Magneto be turned off?"

Kuaiyin was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Or lock him up at my house and let me take care of him."

"You can't watch him, but the only one who can watch him is the professor."

Wang Bot said: "If the professor is willing to take care of Magneto with you, I can make a difference to Magneto. Uh, Magneto may prefer to live in prison by then, rather than living with you, a cheating bastard."

Domino laughed, and Quicksilver was a little embarrassed. He said, "I'm not cheating, I'm helping him, Iron Man, can you record a video with me? Blame your teeth, others may not believe me."

Wang Burt nodded and said, "Yes, besides, I will ask President Richard to issue an amnesty against Magneto. Even Magneto is willing to pardon, let alone others."

"That would be great."

Kuaiyin said happily, and then, he thought of something and sighed: "Unfortunately, the old man will definitely not surrender."

"It's up to him to decide. Anyway, we gave him the opportunity."

Wang Bot said: "Domino, you assist Kuaiyin to deal with this matter. After the matter is completed, I will not treat you badly. At least, the heroine of the movie will definitely give it to you."

"Thank you boss."

Domino said happily, and Kuaiyin was a little upset. He said, "I can do this myself without her help."

Wang Bot asked: "Pietro, do you know the difference between a mature person and an immature person?"

Kuaiyin asked, "What's the difference? One can be eaten, and the other can't?"

"Good answer."

Wang Burt laughed, and he said: "Mature people know how to take responsibility, Pietro, this is not just a joke, you shoulder the future of most mutants in the Mutant Brotherhood, if you fail, many people will die .”

Kuaiyin was taken aback for a moment, he swallowed his saliva, and asked, "Can I change?"

Domino is speechless, you are too cowardly, aren't you? At this time, shouldn't you pat your chest and promise that you will do well?

Wang Bot said: "Other people can do it too, but if other people rebel, Magneto may not be merciful."

"Then I'll do it."

Kuaiyin smiled bitterly, and he said: "I don't know if I will succeed, but I will do my best, Domino, I sincerely beg you to help me, I am not sure alone."

"I'll help you as much as I can."

Domino smiled and said, "You don't have to worry too much. I'm very lucky. What I want to do will definitely succeed."

Kuaiyin was overjoyed: "Really? That's great."

Wang Bot gave Kuaiyin a sympathetic look. Domino's luck is not fake, but her luck comes from other people. In other words, Kuaiyin will not be sacrificed to heaven, right? Some fast guy next door keeps getting sacrificed.

"Domino, if you encounter difficulties, you can ask Wade for help."

Wang Bot snapped his fingers, and a small silver box appeared out of nowhere on the table. He said, "This is the top-level spy equipment I got from the CIA. Study it yourself."

"Top spy gear? Great."

Domino's eyes were bright, and Kuaiyin's eyes were also shining. He was curious about what the CIA's top equipment looked like.

"Okay, I'll go to the professor to discuss this matter. You can do whatever you want. By the way, this coffee shop is mine. If you want to eat, just ask. I will give you two memberships."

Wang Bot smiled, got up and disappeared from the coffee shop, Kuaiyin said enviously, "When will I be as rich as Iron Man?"

Domino said: "When dreaming."

Kuaiyin rolled his eyes violently, then he raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Today, let me finish my craving, waiter, serve me all the delicious food in your store."

Domino covered her face, she only had one thought now, that was to stay away from Kuaiyin, it was too embarrassing.


In a heavily guarded room in Washington, the human supremacy organization is in a meeting. Unlike the previous calm, everything is under control. This time, many members are anxious, even panicked.

"Iron Man wants to control the army, what should we do? Once controlled by him, we will be finished."

"Don't panic, he hasn't taken office yet, and it's not up to the president of the United States to have the final say."

"The problem is, the people are all on the side of the president and Iron Man. I have contacted those senators, and they are not going to stop this, and they can't stop it."

"Let the military protest, let the military march."

"The bottom of the military is not opposed to Iron Man. Many soldiers are dissatisfied with the fact that mutants create institutions, and feel that it is too cruel and inhuman."

"The bottom of the military also supports Iron Man? Isn't it impossible for us to coup?"

"Coup d'état? Are you drifting away, or do you think Iron Man can't carry a knife? If you dare to coup, Iron Man will appear in front of you in the next second. This option has never existed from the beginning."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, so what should we do? Sit and wait to die?"

"Don't panic, Iron Man will take office for a while. Taking advantage of this time, we will hide the antidote and the sentry so that Iron Man will not find out. As long as these two killers are still there, we will not lose."

"That's right, let's lurk first, and when the antidote and sentry are developed, we will launch a Jedi counterattack and kill Iron Man and those damned mutants."

"The problem is, we can't hide it. Iron Man has the ability to make money. At that time, he will dig us out and kill us one by one."

"Until he completely controls the army, he will not attack us. That is to say, we have to develop antidote and sentry before that."

"It will take about three months for Iron Man to fully master the Army, which means we have, uh, we only have three months."

"Three months to research the antidote and sentry, Mr. Warren, Mr. Trask, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, but you must give me a lot of money, at least tens of billions."

A representative of Trask Industries replied, and Angel's father, Mr. Warren, also said: "I not only want a lot of money, but also a lot of top experts, and I mean top."

"Whatever you want, we will give you. We have only one requirement for you, and that is to research the antidote and sentry within three months. If you fail, we will all die. What's worse, the world It's going to be a world of mutants."

"We will succeed."

"Okay, everyone go back to raise funds and experts, please don't hold back, now is the time of life and death."

Everyone nodded, at this moment, a member suddenly said: "I also need a lot of money."

"Dr. Rice, Arkali Studios, your plan is great, but we don't have the time."

A big person said that Dr. Rice had previously proposed a plan - to add a special drug to the food that inhibits the mutant gene, so that no mutant will be born in the future.

Another member said: "It will take years for the food plan to work, we don't have that much time."

"I'm not talking about the food program, I'm talking about the mutant weapons program."

Dr. Rice said: "There are two types of this plan, one is to implant the genes of powerful mutants into the embryos, and we have used this technology to cultivate a group of children with superpowers.

The other is gene cloning technology. After years of hard work, I have successfully cloned Wolverine Logan. "

Dr. Rice's words aroused the interest of many people, and someone asked: "Then can you copy Iron Man?"

"No, because I don't have Iron Man's blood on my hands."

Dr. Rice said regretfully: "Iron Man is very concerned about his genes, and the things on his body have never been leaked.

I once found a top model to seduce Iron Man. As a result, Iron Man was completely unmoved. What's more depressing is that the model fell into the river and died. I lost a lot of money because of it. "

Everyone was speechless, and a big man asked, "Who's blood do you have on hand?"

"Wolverine Logan, Saber-toothed Tiger, Storm, Jean Gray, Cyclops..."

Dr. Rice said: "Except for Professor X and Magneto, I have the blood of most powerful mutants. They don't care about it. It's easy to collect."

Someone asked excitedly: "That is to say, you can copy these powerful mutants?"

Dr. Rice nodded: "As long as there are enough funds, yes."

"Great, we will provide you with whatever funds you want. You must form an army of mutants for us within three months. By then, we may be able to fight Iron Man head-on."

"As you wish, human beings are supreme!"

"Humanity comes first!"


Mutant Academy, Wang Bott told the professor about the matter, and the professor said happily: "Great, I've been worried about you cleaning up the Mutant Brotherhood, don't worry now."

"Even if I did cleanse the Brotherhood of Mutants, it would only be for the diehards."

Wang Bot smiled and said, "Professor, Magneto must be taken care of by you personally. I don't worry about the others."

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