Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 790 Little fan girl?

"Oh, thank you for your compliment, I'm not a very mysterious person, I'm a normal person with a brain, we are all the same. Very happy to have dinner with you, yes

Can you talk about your test flight experience? I would like to collect some information and use it to improve it later.

" Jiang Yifu said with a smile, soaking up can't be so direct,

take your time,

Find a common topic first.

, With common interests and hobbies, then the next step is easy.

Sure enough, when it comes to this topic,

Carroll's eyes light up

a very strong woman

Before being Captain Marvel, she was-

not admit defeat

Not afraid of being tired, for

, is really worthy of respect. He began to excitedly talk about his test flight experience, what kind of problems he encountered, and the body of the cab.

A woman who can keep fighting for her dreams

"One zero", etc., there is no scruples about what can be said or not.

how bad the experience is, etc."

The black pearl beauty friend on one side is a little anxious

For fear of annoyed the genius scientist. She didn't listen to what her friend was saying, she just watched with fanatical admiration in her beautiful eyes

Looking at Jiang Yifu, it seems like I saw a handsome pot! Eh, Jiang Yifu is already handsome, isn't it? He is handsome, powerful, and funny. This is how he can marry

The reason for the strong women like Death Haishen and Wonder Woman,

Otherwise, if you replace it with an ugly monster, you will be kicked out immediately, and you will talk about marriage.

Every count garden!

It's a very good social meeting. What kind of experience did you have on your plane, the beautiful Ms. Sangui? Please feel free to tell me how you feel, I will seriously consider it! "Benevolent

The smile is very sunny, and this expression does have a lot of lethality to women. He will not have any difficulty in choosing. In places like Europe and the United States,

, either white or black,

nothing to be picky about

Rambo was surprised and excited that his idol asked himself a question! At this moment, I even feel a little faint, the most important thing is that the idol is not married

"I, I think it's fine, as I told Carol, what I saw was the plane

disappeared in an instant, if in this case,

It is difficult for us to confirm the direction,

A weightless crash is also possible.

, and when I checked the plane today, I found that,

, There are still scorch marks on the exterior of the Beggar!

It seems because the traffic is too fast

As the day drew to a close, the resistance of Ning Qi suddenly increased,

And the temperature has also risen, and this cooling problem has to be thought about carefully.

, very good suggestion

A very good flight crew. correct

Don't know if you are married? Do you have any ideals in life? " Jiang Yifu is still smiling

You really are-

ask like this

It won't feel embarrassing at all, because the atmosphere of the United States is like this, dare to love, dare to hate, and get a lawsuit for divorce.

A lot of divorces after a word of disagreement!

"No, I just want to prove that I'm not worse than anyone, and I'm not weaker than any man. I want to be the most powerful and outstanding pilot, piloting a fighter jet for

"Carol said proudly.

Momentum is also a thing that depends on the person.

National power!

, showing the momentum of Captain Marvel for a moment.


"Me too, but besides proving myself

, also thinking of defending the country and people in need! "The black beauty Rambo also said excitedly, I don't know if he was drinking

For a lot of wine reasons, I frequently looked at Jiang Yifu,

Seems a little too bold Kok!

"It's a good idea,

, did you know? At the end of World War II, a large number of foreigners suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

But have you thought about it?

There are aliens in this world,

, Fortunately, there are some heroes with super ability in our world,

, These aliens are extremely ferocious, which led to that disaster.

, not to lose the war

"From that time on, our battle is no longer against our own people,

The history of insects proves that there is indeed a high degree of literature

, but to focus on those mysterious universes in outer space.

A small team can beat us so badly.

, if they send a large army

Ming's alien technology, at that time, it was estimated that it was only a small team.

Isn't that the end

, who knows when the war will come, I have been preparing for the possible war,

So, we should always be ready to protect our world,

The mouth is-

Personally too tired! " Jiang Yifu said with a bit of pretense, and he said it very emotionally, as if he was a great sage who sacrificed himself for others.

: Who are you lying to, you old man

The head is bad!

"Wow! Dr. Yves,

: You are so great

, I adore you so much, I didn't expect you to give so much silently. Woohoo, so touching, this is the first time for me

I don't know if I trust each other too much, or if I cry too low. It's always what Jiang Yifu says, she believes

How moving! "The black beauty Rambo had tears in her eyes,

even if

, she will believe without hesitation.

That the sun will explode tomorrow,

Carol looked at each other in surprise.

, I really didn't expect the other party to be such a person. This is not the same as the playboy mentioned in the news.

One Time Hall

"You're right, Ives

, we should always be on our guard: watch out for aliens with bad intentions! You are-

- an amazing person

Also a little moved,

People who only blow their legs but don't do real things are a hundred times stronger. I respect you for this cup! "After finishing speaking, I picked up the wine glass and drank it directly, very proud, very heroic, worthy of being a hero in women's middle school!

Jiang Yifu almost laughed out loud

its me

, I am really the winner of the Oscar, and the performance is so perfect! Even Captain Marvel believed it

1 document

Come on, drink it, drink more is the best!

"Where, you are all worthy of respect,

, as long as each

, then our world will change

- Each individual contributes to the best of his ability,

Become more powerful, and life will become more beautiful in 0.6! correct,

, Miss Rambo, I see you seem very excited,

, did you know me before?

, Dr. Iver

Did you forget

At your press conference five years ago,

sponsor their children

Rambo nodded excitedly,

Said to sponsor 100 families

, do not need them to repay high college tuition and living expenses, I happen to be one of them. I am very grateful to you, because of you, I can finish college and become a

. If I give money directly, I am afraid that my gambler father will directly lose all the money.

. I am today because of you. Dr.Ever

, I want to find a chance to thank you a hundred!

a very, very good man,

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