Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 567 Meet again the queen Felicia

After the show was over, Jiang Yifu came into contact with the dimensional mirror space, and everyone returned to the lively celebration. If it weren't for the wine glass full of wine, they really thought it was a game

Illusion! At the same time, the eyes of Jiang Yifu became hot, because they both wanted to obtain the secret of magic. Nova Corps is a little better, while Queen Lelandra is the beauty

Eyes twinkling, wait and see, if the opponent has the upper hand in the confrontation with the Giants of Jotunheim, invite the opponent to join your own empire, and let the magic to enrich the strength of the empire!

Has been committed to re-evolving the genes of the race to a perfect state,

, none of the Sovereigns can use magic, except immune disease and

Needless to say, Anasha,

Other than toxins, there doesn't seem to be a particularly powerful Ability.

If you can get the other party's genes, you will definitely get a political achievement, and it will not be impossible to become a king at that time.

- a queen, Ayesha is even more excited.

can! Thinking of "nine three zeros" until I have the opportunity to become-

If Jiang Yifu knew that these three women were all playing against him,

There will be a wolf howl

Let them know what it means to lose a wife and lose a soldier!

The Skrulls and Kree who were fighting in the front were both taken down by Asgard's soldiers. If it was a smaller force, it was estimated that they would be expelled directly. make a fuss at such a celebration

But it's clear that they don't give them face!

Jiang Yifu dealt with various forces in a leisurely manner. It was an acquaintance. It seems that there is a chance to ask the female agents of the Red Room to help form a secretarial group.

To blame other forces outside the cosmos, and to always do everything by yourself, would be too pricey. The key is that he is very tired. He is lazy if he can be lazy.

. Can sit, never stand

Can lie down and never sit,

, is so lazy!

In addition to some friendly forces, Jiang Yifu also saw several Flame Giants composed of flames, which seemed to be looking for something. Could the Eternal Fire be affected by them?

Should go to?

This is another troublesome thing. It's one thing to coax your wife, and then it's troublesome. Flame Giant is full of violent tempers, and will never give up in order to get the Eternal Fire back.

Just like the Giants of Jotunheim have been sneaking into Asgard trying to steal the Winter's Box, it's a hell of a drug.

Jiang Yifu is thinking about how to solve these two big troubles. If he goes to the Flame Giant, he doesn't know if he will have an accident. After all, she

Has the Eternal Fire. Suddenly I feel so annoying, why are there so many things to do every time!

Definitely not everyone turned around Jiang Yifu, just came over to make a move Roar, and see if there is anything that can be cooperated with. A celebration like a Midgard cocktail party

It’s all about trying each other out, and looking for allies who can cooperate with each other.

, there are definitely some that focus on the beauties in the celebration.

But it seems that Aspen

Women in Gard rarely marry out, basically none, unless they are robbed,

I don't know if there is a related rule,

The celebration lasted for a day, and there were splendid fireworks to watch at night, and then the next day everyone went back to wherever they came from. It was a labor-expense travel. If there are enemies

If you are out of Tongsgard, you can also ambush and fight sap or something, as long as you can take revenge!

The great devil is not interested in the celebration,

, instead looking at the cosmic sphere with interest, she was planning to be-

Queen of nine kingdoms with one government.

After seeing Aunt Sarah's precious daughter, Sirina, I can't even mention how envious she is. She is as cute as a doll, inheriting the advantages and beauty of Aunt Sarah.

Seeing everyone is sweet and called Auntie!

Sour cough, talking about children's education;

, Jiang Yifu really didn't take care of it, all the wives took care of themselves, and they didn't ask him to take care of the children,

Going crazy!

The Great Demon King fell into a deep sleep, and Kayla was also lying in a very imageless state. Jiang Yifu didn't need to sleep to rest. He basked in the sun and was full of blood. what, not at night

sun? Young man, have you heard of the portal, open a portal at the nearest coordinate point in outer space and project it on your body, so you can bask in the sun!

I have nothing to do to make a pot of Asgard's kidney-tonifying herbal tea to drink. This wife is too much a problem! Open Asgard's Sifa book and look at it.

I heard pleasant

came the female voice,

Asgard's books have been downloaded, and Meisha also used light and shadow technology to scan all the ancient books in storage, and recorded them all in the database.

, Translation will take a long time. Isn't Meisha very smart? The master should praise Meisha!

- A thousand-year-old goblin, this intelligence is too much, um, more and more like

: Right now he wondered if Meisha had become

Cough cough, Jiang Yifu almost choked,

Don't be like a little girl

"Alright, alright, Mesa, you are the smartest, scan the location of Asgard for me to find the most suitable detector.

Place it, this place may still be useful in the future!

"Okay, master, please wait a moment, the scanning is completed. The coordinates have been marked, master, hurry up and act!" Meisha is just like a cute girl, cute and cute.

Why did the sister-in-law disappear?

Jiang Yifu took out an advanced locator and installed it in the most corners. These are used to collect data. To a certain extent, the release of mental power can also destroy the magic defense.

What does the enchantment want this thing to do, it is definitely stealing magic and combat skills,

Anyway, let's keep it for later if it's useful or not.

A few flashes seemed to see Odin entertaining the Skrulls and Kree in the hall, seeming to be having a good conversation,

Not sure what is being said. Strange, what Odin

It's strange that the two deadly empires who have been fighting each other have been in contact with each other. Are they acting as peacemakers? What's even weirder is that Thor and Loki are also in the seats,

a bit tricky

The three major empires are missing a Shi'a empire, spray spray,

, shouldn't it be for yourself!

Originally, Jiang Yifu wanted to eavesdrop on it.

, don't think about it, or forget it,

, if you ask for it, it is difficult to guarantee that Odin will not find out, what they are talking about seems to have nothing to do with yourself.

It doesn't matter, so what does gossip do with 0.5?

Sign and wait, Ao Gan is here, doesn't that mean that Xiao Lisu is staying by herself now?

Directly cast space magic to teleport to a room, and Fulijia is indeed here. It seems that she has just been busy playing. After seeing Jiang Yifu, Roar suddenly shocked, "You are crazy.

How did you end up here, and if someone else and Odin found out, it's over! "

Jiang Yifu is not afraid, the panic-stricken queen Flija really has a special kind of beauty, she said with a smirk, "Don't worry, I saw it just now, Odin is talking about things.

He won't be back for an hour. Don't worry, I'll be there soon! "

"No, go away, you can't be like this, I'm the queen! I'm, ah!" After struggling for a while, Frigga accepted her fate, but she had a faint expectation in her heart

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