Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 513 The end of WWII, Firework celebrates!

Sheep team Steve's crash and disappearance is considered a heroic sacrifice and is posthumously named a hero. With the disappearance of Red Skull, its HYDRA began to fall apart, and the tree fell.

Hundreds of connections led to the crisis that the Nazis fell into. They lacked advanced weapons and equipment, and they could only constantly shrink in the face of allied forces that were several times their size.

constantly shrink the line of defense

The little devils of the island country were even more blinded by America's Pacific Fleet. The size of the aircraft carrier fleet alone was not as good as the opponent's, except for the initial attack on Pearl Harbor.

Later, he was pressed and beaten, and now he was kicked out of the Pacific battlefield.

The navy was almost completely wiped out.

In addition to the last suicide kamikaze, drove the Zero to crash the aircraft carrier to

Even Big Brother Nazis are powerless to fight back, let alone

never again prevailed,

- a small island country.

What's even worse is that the "880" Academy of Science has researched the most powerful bomb during World War II - the atomic bomb. The greatest power of this thing is nuclear radiation, explosion.

The latter place cannot be inhabited for at least fifty years,

Those who die along the way are also afflicted with pain,

Conspiracy is the most powerful,

It is also one of the most brutal weapons.

Interestingly, this weapon was also jointly developed by Stark Group and Wayne Industries! This is very interesting, no wonder you can always hold the position of the arms dealer in the future

Jiang Yifu went along with his participation

, the power of the atomic bomb is very powerful, it is enough to deal with ordinary people,

, but it's useless against him.

If a portal can solve things, then it's not a problem.

, let alone Magneto Eric

During the window repair period of this guy, attacking him with golden fart products is like meat buns

Like a dog, it has wool. a little higher,

Those with strength are not afraid of large-scale weapons such as atomic bombs.

10th thirteenth

On the deck stood Thomas, chairman of Wayne Enterprises, Howard, chairman of Stark Group, and genius

Ships of aircraft carriers appear on the eastern side of the Pacific Ocean

Scientist Jiang Yifu. In addition, there are many senators and military representatives.

On the other side of the deck, there is a reporter from Planet Media broadcasting live news. The reporter in charge is Superman's future mother-in-law Ella.

"Dear viewers in front of the TV

Today is a day destined to be remembered in history, because the hateful,

I'm Ella, a reporter. Now we're on the carrier of the Third Fleet,

One of the cruel sins of the nazi axis

Two wild bombs

The island nation is about to face justice by the Allies. The American military has developed a powerful bomb with a blast radius of 30 square kilometers.

Can destroy a city. This world war has been going on for too long.

The global economy has been devastated by severe rains.

, countless displaced people, how many innocent families

Broken down, all because of the damn war. Today we will witness the power of the latest scientific weapons!

A bomb destroys a city? Is this a joke?

"If nothing else, I like watching this host

Don't you think she looks very good-looking, my God, if I can be her husband, I can live for ten years.

'I, Leoji Toad wants to eat swan meat, get rough! This host is me!

"Want to fight? Shit!" The melon-eating viewers in front of the TV were all watching the live broadcast, some watching the news, some watching the glamorous host Ella, and whatever.

"Hey, Eve, the power of this bomb is absolutely beyond your imagination! You don't know, this is an idea we came up with from the Yushen Rubik's Cube, and it will definitely surprise you!" Huo

Ward is very proud to show off that he can create powerful weapons. He must be very proud of being a weapons expert.

"If you don't mention this, I know it. Hehe, the atomic bomb is really amazing, but if the atom is used as an energy source, the efficiency is even stronger than electricity. The power of this atomic bomb is too great.

It is estimated that it may be rarely used in the future. At that time, it will definitely arouse the vigilance and competition of all countries. The world war is over, but the future wars will probably be more tragic

At that time, I am afraid that the world will be destroyed by ourselves! " Jiang Yifu said, this is no joke. Dozens of atomic bombs explode together, it will really produce

, If it really detonates, then everyone has to play.

The irreversible consequences, this thing really can only be a threat,

Thomas nodded,

, I agree with this statement, and sigh

He said slowly, "Yes, the more powerful the weapon, the greater the damage to the environment.

Conflict is indeed a very bad thing, and we can only try our best to maintain peace in the future

Well, it's a good thing to use a weapon well, and a bad thing to use it badly.

"Roar! Throat! Hey! What's the matter with you two,

, is it good to be so disappointed.

Today is a time to witness miracles, not to think about life. Eve, what are you going to do next?

Be careful, when the war is over, there may be some jumping Jokers coming to trouble you.

"Howard, as an old friend and working in the Strategic Science Corps, can naturally accept

to some wind.

Jiang Bo nodded, but didn't care. Why bother him, it's very simple, it's because of HYDRA. Although Red Skull has disappeared, HYDRA led by him

I don't know how much trouble and trouble it has caused,

. On the field is one side,

, including concentration camps and espionage warfare and so on. It is normal for him to be associated with HYDRA, to give up on HYDRA

It's like giving up Ophelia and Cynthia. Isn't this just sending a girl, only sand sculptures would do such a thing.

As a man, you have to take responsibility. Anyway, Ophelia and Cynthia are already his women.

, as a husband, how can he give up his wife?

Now his power is not weak. Looking for trouble? That's because of the inequality of strength. When the strength is enough, naturally no one dares to ask for trouble. As for small actions

Like, hehe, the female spare tires on the island, bah,

, how to speak! It's the female agents on the island, but they don't eat 0.5% of it, play yin, they have never been afraid.

Do you still want to play with Dashiside and Thanos in the future? Or just hand in your resignation letter and go home to raise pigs.

If you want to open the Crystal Palace, you have to face all kinds of problems, and small troubles can't be solved.

Don't get killed without knowing what happened. Therefore, Jiang Yifu is not afraid of the troubles mentioned by Howard at all.

What are nuclear weapons, Jiang Yifu said that he does not have one, only a goddess of death and several demigod wives. Well, this is not showing off, it just shows that his high-end force is also

Very bullish. When Kayla is still in the sun for more than ten years, even atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs will not kill him. Why, please refer to Superman vs Doomsday to know,

intestinal fat

Shiyang was full of blood and resurrected.

Atomic bomb? So scared!

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