Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 498 Protection fee plan!

There is no benefit in debunking the S.H.I.E.L.D as an organization designed to deal with supernatural beings. Anyway, they are in the dark, they are on the bright side, they only have the benefit of their own

Hey, you can also use a

Superhero also needs to be set off,

Hey, it's all set off by peers,

- Let's go. no bad guys,

, Where did the good people come from.

As Sorcerer Supreme, Jiang Yifu is really busy, um, busy with his wife at home, in fact, he should be studying space magic during this time, and then go to various forces

Give it a visit, it's called showing off the fist.

First, Jiang Yifu's strength is much stronger than Doctor Strange

It's not as bad as it was with Doctor Strange,

To use Tesseract to use the power of the Space gem,

Pretty dry comes with-

One Infinite Gems,

, you don't need to worry about being robbed.

Second, the woman from Ancient One isn't dead yet.

"Eight six seven" two Sorcerer Supreme, this has never appeared before.

Phase Ring can't die either.

. Even if Mammu sees it, he will turn around and look for other dimensions.

trouble, just kidding

Persimmons are definitely looking for a soft pinch.

Who will find hardships, isn't this uncomfortable!

Mechanical police or something, it's too simple for Jiang Yifu at this stage, let Meisha call up a design drawing, and then use the method of mind control to start assembling directly

Just do it, it's done in no time,

, which is still deliberately slowed down. Now that WWII is over,

, that should have some fun.

"Guan Sha, what's going on with Mutant now? How about Charles and the others?" Jiang Yifu doesn't need to collect information now,

With a multifunctional artificial satellite

Meisha is enough to solve all problems, um, if you are smarter, maybe you can write a novel for yourself to read and read to yourself!

Seemingly looking for something,

They're looking for Team Rice Steve,

, Myrings and Eric are on the Siberian ice sheet,

Lex reported that

, using the mind

Shock and magnetic field control. Xavier's school has recently had two nice kids,

A Mutant named Henry had unusually large feet.

, the mind is also smarter than the average person

- a very strange man named Jonathan who doesn't seem to be a Mutant,

, but after receiving

Many were sent to school by their parents after being promoted in the Superman class.

Due to the influence of the experiment, the body can become nihilistic, which is very strange, so I was sent to the school.

"Mesa quickly told the latest information,

Gathering intelligence is very important to her


Henry and Jonathan, strange, Beast understandable. But isn't this Jonathan the later Doctor Manhattan? Squirting, this is described

This is a very good character, how to predict the future, reorganize the molecular structure, huh, even Darkside can't do it, such a good pen can't go to the sky yesterday! " Jiang Yifu is not very optimistic

Such a person, who is exhausted by himself, and who fights with so many villains to become Sorcerer Supreme, must be unhappy to see others do nothing and have super ability.

So weird.

That Jonathan's Ability is just nothing more than a tiger.

and no other ability,

, which Charles has confirmed.

,What did you say,

After all, Sha is only artificial intelligence, and it has only appeared not long ago.

, um, if it takes a few decades, it may still be fine!

"That's it! Looks like it's time for some fun.

Oh yes, keep an eye on the vampires and werewolves. I'm going to visit them in two days, hehe, labor

It's been so long since I've been in office, and I didn't say anything.

, is this not taking the village chief seriously? "Jiang Yifu is finally starting to show his shameless side, bah, be a supreme

magician is now stable and starts charging protection fees

Isn't it so shameless!

"Hee hee, the master is so mighty, and the protection fee is so high. Hee hee,

, Yangsha has confirmed it,

, is the blood electricity only because it is infected with some kind of virus that cannot be cracked

Those who will become vampires, mainly recite blood transmission, can also be regarded as human beings in essence, but they are more special. They need to suck blood to maintain their lives.


As the Atlanteans wanted to stay in the water, they could use a unique plant called Plasma fruit instead,

But that taste, normal people will not like to eat.

"Pisa is very smart

Yes, the secret of the vampire was analyzed so quickly.

Atlanteans, vampires, werewolves, or some other similar creatures are actually sold by people with alternative evolution

Bao Shibu is also true,

Whether it's an Amazonian,

Compared with ordinary humans, there are many more obvious and special abilities. Basically still in human form, uh, werewolf is not always in the form of werewolf, only when fighting.

Become a werewolf, if a werewolf is not a human, um, then the Beast in X-Men has become a beast, well, you won.

In a distant country in Eastern Europe, Xiao disguised himself brought Red Devil and Torrent to set up a large company a year ago, and he must have recited the Variant Ability to make a profit.

A club called Hellfire was formed a few years ago and invited many rich and elite people.

, to make more money through channel cooperation between Dingniu Fuliang,

, until it reaches

can influence political goals. Now he has learned Cong Yin,

, you still have to recruit enough Mutants, you can't just rely on two little brothers

For Mutant to rule the world,

accomplish the goal

In the vampire mansion,-

A bewitching woman with supernatural skin sat in the first seat, dressed in heavy make-up, a bit downgraded, but still very eye-catching. "You guys

These crap, even Kamar-Taj has changed to Sorcerer Supreme. Is this waiting for us to be cleaned up? Idiot, don't hurry to check it out for me, give me a little gift to

Hmph, the new official is not filial and filial when he takes office

Respect the magician, huh, the idiot with more than enough success! "The woman was very angry,

, Kamar-Taj is the leader of the supernatural in the demons

That was really looking for death.

"Yes, Archduke Danica!

"The vampire below is shivering, whether it is a man or a woman, and the female archduke above is not an elegant nobleman, but has a very violent temper.

Minutes are a violent beating, or a murder

Moody Banshee!

The communications officer on Paradise Island also received a magical letter from Diana, the lord of 0.5, which was sent with a letter using a special arrow. It was a unique communication on Paradise Island.

communication method. The expression of Queen Hippoly was a little complicated. Not long ago, the Olympus communication station, which had not been in contact for thousands of years, rang, and the twelve main gods including Zeus appeared.

Yiyu stabbed the decision to give Paradise Island to the new Sorcerer Supreme,

, especially Hera's expression, which seemed to be a smile of successful plot.

, to the long-believing Olympus

Gods, since even the god king Zeus said so

, what else can she do

Coupled with the letter sent by her daughter, it said that her man has successfully served as Sorcerer Supreme, and will visit various forces at that time. Hippoly drama girl Ganyou Xinyan

There are entanglements and a trace of annoyance. Generally speaking, being abandoned by Olympus does not have much resentment and even a little excitement and a sense of relief.

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