Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 440 The Secret of the Pyramids!

"Bah, don't talk nonsense,

I, Schmidt, dared to act, I didn't do this! It was made by the intelligence agent of that guy Hitler. I still don't know what's going on! now

When I go back, I have to leave that guy in a concentration camp! "Hong Neng Kuan said viciously, this is not a joke, he has never been a

While I'm still confused,

- A total badass!

What a great man, but instead-

"I can testify, Yves, that this has nothing to do with him, this guy has committed enough crimes to be shot ten times.

Steve stood up with his shield and said,

But in character,

I still believe him, it's just from an objective standpoint.

. You say it's a mummy, do you know what's going on?

a finger snap,

A fireball appeared in the air, looking at everyone's astonishment, they felt that this competition was very successful. "I am a magician,

Jiang Yifu hit

One of the magicians who protect our world

As you can see, the world is not simple. In addition to wars between human beings, there are also countless threats

Threats and monsters, but they have always been sealed well, and as a result, they were destroyed and released by some ignorant humans. There are also some threats from alien planets, these

It's all that we magicians need to deal with, just like these monsters you see, those are all evil forces that want to conquer and annex our world, sometimes I really do it for you

We feel sad, the vision is so small,

Little do they know that there are powerful alien civilizations out there!


And aliens! Omg, what's wrong with this world! "A surviving soldier held his head in pain and seemed unable to accept the fact that what we saw today

Everything overwhelmed his three views,

He was about to go crazy.

How can a monster appear!

"Soldiers, calm down! Stand up, you are America's valiant soldier! Cheer up, private"! " Bucky pulled up the soldier who was crouching on the ground, then straightened up.

He gave it to the other party, and let the terrified warrior gradually regain his calm.

Yves, what happened to Mutant? It sounds weird,

Is it someone like me? " Steve felt like a different kind of guy, even though his strong body made him

I succeeded in realizing my dream, but sometimes it still feels a little weird.

"Hehe, now is not the time to discuss these things, let's finish this world war with peace of mind, and end the war as soon as possible. I will tell you when I have time, in fact, you can watch it now.

It is very strong, but it is not absolutely strong, so don't be too proud, and improving yourself is the key. " Jiang Yifu shook his head and didn't explain it. He said something during this time.

Let’s finish World War II first, or else we’re talking about the author’s bacterial count.

Whoops, it's just what the plot needs

After the young queen confirmed that Zhou Yong did not have a mummy, he flew to the deeper desert.

, flew into the sky directly in front of Tiff and Red Skull, and ran away with the big beauty Hela!

Come here quietly and pretend to be a booby, and then run away after you're done, it's really exciting!

"Schmidt, do you think what Yves is saying makes sense? Do you think your goal is ridiculous now! Thinking of conquering the world, dreaming, these suddenly popped up

Monsters can easily kill us! "After Steve was confused, his eyes gradually became firmer. At this moment, he seemed to have found his purpose in life, which was to end this war.

Then use your own strength to maintain world peace!

Schmidt isn't a bloody new year, but-

An old silver coin, as an old silver coin, how can the blood boil with three eyes and two eyes? suddenly said with a sneer

"Hehe, that's why I want to unite even more.

In this world, the power of the whole world, what is there to stop me, Hydra Hail! it's you

"After speaking, he put on a fighting state, completely forgetting his own fighting strength.

A group of hypocritical guys who dare to act. Stop talking nonsense,

If you want to catch me, then come now!

Not really, as long as Steve's passive skill is to pull anyone to the same level as him, and then use a lot of experience to beat them!

"Come on! You really haven't taught any more, and you're still so stubborn! Since this,

Then you should reflect on yourself in prison! " Steve angrily

The sound-absorbing shield knocked the Red Skull away, and the remaining subordinates saw that they also attacked the surviving Nazi soldiers, and quickly subdued the other party.

Red Skull Shadow turned around and didn't know where to go.

In front of a large Pyramids that is 40 to 50 meters tall, the sky above is even more cloudy, especially the gloomy atmosphere, which always makes people feel extremely depressing. countless mummies

Yi knelt before the Pyramids, as if the devout believers wanted to worship their beliefs.

Three kilometers away from the Yuzi Pagoda, the three daughters of Diana are fighting with a group of pharaoh guards who are dog-headed. These strange monsters are the image of Death God in Egyptian mythology!

A symbol of ignorance and death,

When you see it, you know there's nothing good

It's been a stalemate for a while now

, there are strange positions fluctuating around, which seriously affects the performance of the three girls, only Kayla is better, there is no so-called divine power

The physique of the oxygen star can be beaten with one punch

- A dog-headed bodyguard.

But it didn't work, because the shattered dog-headed guard was quickly dragged by the force of death.

After leaving the stone coffin, he walked out in such a good condition after a while.

"Sentence, why are these sensible things not bright! And this position seems to be the sorcery of God! Damn Ming, I'm going to kill them! "Case that can't think of a song

is a grumpy woman,

That's even more incredible, there are sisters in the family, and people can't use it to lose their temper, they can only lose all their anger.

, plus (money) on pregnant

on these monsters. But no matter how hard she fights, it seems like she can't be killed. This kind of endless battle makes her very unhappy.

"Hey, if only husband Yves was here,

.With him, he will definitely think of a way! "It's definitely Kayla who can say that.

Although the position here is strange, it does not hinder

As long as you run fast, the train can't catch up!

They fly, if they can't kill them, they will leave,

, call again next time

"Hmph, that bastard doesn't even know where to go.

Where can we take care of us! I said you two should watch him closely and don't let him run away. That guy doesn't know where

The sky will suddenly bring back a woman,

, do not know moderation! Humph,

Li net ink ring him! "Catherina's petty temper is coming up again

ok pregnant woman

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