Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 428 Hammer God, oh no, Thor Thor is here!

"Master, the database has been cracked, and the data is being uploaded. It is recommended that the master find a safe house to build a data network channel." The voice of artificial intelligence Meisha suddenly came.

At this time, Jiang Yifu had just left from Captain Kava's room. Ahem, run away after doing something bad, this feels so exciting! "Okay, I'll look for an opportunity to put some of the original capital first.

The material is coming! " Jiang Yifu did not go back to his room, but found a place without a monitor and opened a portal to leave.

In the dry wilderness area, Jiang Yifu bombarded a cave in the mountain with magic, marking it with a permanent magic mark. Then take out a lot of electronic components, use mental power

Build a large database by controlling objects.

, using the oxygen star metal materials synthesized by oxygen star technology to build a large data exchange center spanning more than 300 square meters,

, with the

It can be used as a receiver and transmitter of wireless signals.

Prepared the original electromagnetic "August 10" wave,

The whole process started with building the database, and it only took half an hour. Even Iron Man himself couldn't do it himself. Only magic can do it.


Meisha, set this place as the main data center, I have set up a wireless signal device, send all the information here! "

After he finished speaking, he teleported back to the underground center of the Investigation Bureau again.

, no one would know that there will be a huge database inside an inconspicuous mountain, and the use of

Or anti-reconnaissance electromagnetic signals, if you want to track, you will only be misled.

After browsing the partial database, Jiang Yifu suddenly felt that the toilet was opened.

Cough cough, I was wrong, it was a sudden break. It turns out that there is such science and technology in the world, it is incredible

meeting. Human imagination is boundless.

That Dr. Warren is a genius, and he has already deciphered part of the psionic network teaching, just relying on deciphering aliens

The monster can know, well, why the women he knows are so fierce, the beautiful doctor of Svenwen is actually a research maniac who is keen on biological experiments! can be right

In the Investigation Bureau, there has been research on psionic energy, which is a kind of biological power that controls existence, almost equivalent to spiritual power. After the unique research room environment and methods

method, activate the psychic potential of the human body, this kind of power similar to spiritual power can burst out huge amounts of Ability,

A simple knot shock can make people or monsters dizzy,


Form a unique weapon construction. Kind of like Mutant Psylocke's Ability,

Weaponizing Willpower

The only disadvantage is that it will increase the burden on the cells, er, well, to put it simply, it will shorten the life! Yes, the process of exchanging life for strength. Although there is no magic

So easy to use, but better than simplicity and rudeness!

Jiang Yifu will definitely not use this method of exchanging life for strength. He is not a fool. It is better to have magic. Naturally, he will not use this method.

The power of Ping belongs to the Void Spirit family! If you have the opportunity to grab a Void Spirit Elder to dissect it once, you won't know!

I was going to continue to check the information, but suddenly found that something was wrong. There seems to be something stored in the black body! Jiang Yifu closed his eyes and sensed it carefully.

I don't know when a pure magic cube energy appeared in the body. It seems to appear with magic power!

"Strange, how can there be such a power? Could it be that after absorbing some of the energy of Tesseract, it is combined with the magic power, so that the magic power also has the power of Infinite Gems

force? Automatically restore energy? " Jiang Yifu thought to himself, then tried to use this power, and unexpectedly flashed the scene of being teleported away in his mind.

At that time, Tesseract himself opened the portal, which is similar to the way of operation of Bifrost, a bit similar to the explosion channel of the mother box, which can be teleported across countless light-years to

For extremely distant planets, it only takes a short time to suffice.

"Could it be the way the Space gem is teleported?" Jiang Yifu suddenly flashed-

- a thought,

The head of the master class began to quickly recall the change rule of the teleportation rune. hands heel

One after another rune hit the surrounding space, and there was a wave of quasi-ripple fluctuations.

, causing the solid alloy walls to twist slightly.

If you run magic,

Suddenly the surrounding space distorted,

The passage full of mysterious runes was opened, shrouded Jiang Yifu within the range, and teleported away directly! At this time, the beautiful doctor Valengang

: As a result, I saw an incredible scene.

Okay, I came to the room and asked Jiang Yifu to do something.

I saw the white light flickering for a while, and Jiang Yifu disappeared! it is true

Disappeared out of thin air, oh, it might not be good to say disappearing, it should be teleported away! "What's going on here? Is this the way space warps? Strange, there's such a thing? This

This guy really has a problem! Hmph, next time I come back, I will definitely catch you and study it! "After saying that, he turned and walked away.

But no guards were notified

as the nine

boom! Far away in the Alfheim sector, Thor Thor is taking Asgard warriors to deal with the rebellious monster nation,

. Your family is attacking the kingdom of light spirits,

ruler of the kingdom. Odin sent the princes Thor and Loki with a group of troops to quell the rebellion. This little problem is not worth his effort at all. It is suitable for training his son.

"Hey, Thor, watch out for the sky, something seems to have fallen!" the beautiful valkyrie Nozomi shouted after slashing an enemy with her sword.

The happy Hammer Brother Thor, who was holding the Meow Meow Hammer, heard the words and looked up at the sky, as if something had fallen. "Good come, haha, let me come right

Pay him and have a good time! "After finishing speaking, the Meow Meow Hammer flew directly to the sky, and the Mjolnir thunderbolt in his hand shot out the violent thunder and lightning directly.

As soon as he exited the teleportation channel, before he could observe the surrounding situation, Jiang Yifu saw-

- a hammer to his face

Flying with countless violent thunder and lightning,

It's a little bit deceived, what's going on! But it's obviously not his style to stand at attention when being beaten.

A long spear appears in the hand, activating the thunder element

The property was also suddenly hit by Leiguang masterpiece with the impact of the fall!

Boom! It was comparable to the loud noise of the slow explosion of an atomic bomb. The violent air wave directly shocked the nearest fighting soldiers to death. Those who got closer couldn't help covering their ears, and their heads seemed to be blown away.

The man took the big stone and smashed it hard!

! The lightning flashed away, and the two flew out to the left and right at the same time. "Yes, a bit of combat power, remember, it was the great Thor of Asgard who killed you

you! "After that, he controlled the Meow Meow Hammer and flew over again, with huge amounts of sonic booms.

"What! Nani? Thor Thor? I'm going, where did the labor and capital go!" Jiang Yifu was a little bit deceived for a while, Mad, he was clearly positioned in Midgard, why did he suddenly

And then flew to this ghost place?

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