Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 408 Bucky got caught!

Steve has been involved in the entertainment industry for more than half a year, and his tall and sturdy appearance is indeed a very suitable publicity image. All day long is to participate in the show, and then in

The song is followed by lines about selling State Confucian vouchers. Thanks to the slow-onset of the war, the industry has fully recovered, which has caused everyone to no longer be able to eat in the era of the Great Depression

The embarrassment of rice. Every citizen has some spare money in their hands.

If this situation continues, there will be very few opportunities to enter the battlefield. But just recently, recently, the performance group was preparing to give soldiers on the battlefield in Europe.

, As a pillar, Steve is definitely going to appear.

Put on a good show to reduce stress.

Spain started a counterattack on the European continent as a stronghold, but unfortunately,

The Nazi army was still strong. There are also people from the HYDRA department involved, facing the well-equipped nine

The snake part, when the magnetic weapon has not been equipped with the whole army,

. Definitely can't beat it.

This is not about to leave, the European battlefield ushered in a defeat. The 107th Infantry Regiment, the most famous with a long history, was directly beaten to pieces.

, most of the soldiers

They were all taken prisoners to special prisons. This prison is HYDRA's secret R&D department, just to make the right super soldier!

, the project documents for the study of the super soldier serum have all fallen into the HYDRA archives. Naturally, that bottle of 797 was mostly collected

After America's tech sector was infiltrated

HYDRA also recycles the special foot wash that comes back.

Dr. Zola is still in charge of Tesseract's energy extraction and weapon manufacturing, and Schmidt himself is in charge of the human experiment here. After being wounded by accidental artillery fire on the front line

The human skin mask fell and was seen by the passing legion. They were all very surprised. Schmidt, who was not approved, thought he was bombarded by artillery fire. Then it was Hitt

Le transferred to the rear to do research work, and now he has appeared in the base

Recently attacked allied troops and captured many soldiers

Schmidt continued to work on his human enhancement program, but without exception, failed!

Now the hard-earned super soldier serum is after a bottle of foot wash

, Shichat's whole person is not good, and he hates the research team directly.

In order to get this bottle of serum, he did not know how much human and material resources he had sacrificed.

Now it turns out to be a bottle of foot wash! This is so special, everyone will go crazy! want

It was Jiang Yifu who knew that his prank was actually tricked by Red Skull,

I will definitely wake up laughing from a dream, that bastard has finally been recruited!

The angry Schmidt directly used the ten mounds who were guarding the statues for human experiments, and prepared to create some inferior soldiers who could at least withstand the impact of bullets and energy weapons.


. What Geneva Convention is bullshit in his eyes,

Privileged treatment? really,

They are treating captives preferentially, transforming them into super soldiers and brainwashing them into tools!

Bucky was originally from the 107th Infantry Regiment, and would be taken prisoner after a defeat.

Natural was also brought on the operating table to perform the transformation work! Schmidt doesn't have a super taxi now

The formula of Soldier Serum, but there are still secondary ones, which are used to enhance the defense of the human body, so Bucky was injected with modified serum! This is what Bucky can lose in the future.

The key reason why Xueshan is not dead yet.

, at least have a good life, and occasionally go out with new friends Charles and Eric to chat, drink, drink and bubble girls or something. this time

Steve is still very proud recently,

He was also full of confidence to perform on the European battlefield, but as expected, he was directly ridiculed for being tall and big.

Being ridiculed by the crowd of people who are also ten hills, Tiff couldn't accept this plan, the whole person felt bad, and it was okay to do something to prove himself.

He is not a mascot who can sing, dance and dance on the stage!

brave warrior,

With the same (bfaf) scientific strategy team that established outposts in Europe to analyze the data, Steve quickly approached Peggy and asked, "Hi Cass, hello, I want to ask Bucky

Where is the regiment? I want to meet him, I need help with something

Carter, who was injected with super soldier serum, is younger, has a better figure, and exudes a unique temperament and charm. For her husband's friends and big celebrities in the entertainment industry, she definitely recognizes her.

Handed it over with the document, "I'm sorry Steve, Lieutenant Bucky's 107th Infantry Regiment was defeated in a battle with the Nazis a week ago, and what happened to his regiment

The rout, the scouts report that they should have been taken prisoner. This is the secret research department of HYDRA, according to intelligence,

The soldiers of 107 should be held in this secret department

inside the door.

Zhong Ti sells the information in disbelief. It is true that the 107th Infantry Regiment has been defeated, with countless casualties and casualties, and the remaining prisoners have been taken away!"

Shouldn’t the captured prisoners be held in concentration camps, why are they held here? What are they trying to do?’

Kacunzhang asked for a document and continued to hand it over.

"According to the information, the leader of HYDRA is Schmidt, who once studied the super soldier serum with Dr. Abraham

The solitary seems to exist in preparation for human experiments, and it is estimated that the experiments are carried out with captured soldiers.

The physical fitness of the soldiers is very good, and they are the best experimental subjects. Because of this

The place is behind the enemy,

There are also Nazi troops in front.

It's hard for us to save them! "As the enjoyer of blood purity, Kate naturally knows that this kind of thing is beneficial to human beings.

What a temptation, who doesn't want to be strong and tall!

Seriously, "Kaxi, I hope you can help me, I'm going to save Bucky, he's my friend, I can't watch him get killed.

Steve closed the file,

, think about it

HYDRA conducts such a brutal experiment!

Kajie thought for a while, "This is not something I can decide, I don't have that much power, but if you find Howard, with his help, we can send you here.

Nearby, the rest is up to you. Eve said that you were originally a super human. No one else can do this kind of raid, but a super soldier can do it.


Steve nodded and didn't ask any more. The beauty in front of him was the wife of his good friend Jiang Yifu. The relationship between the two was just mutual acquaintance.

To a higher level, you can tell yourself that these classified information is extremely generous. "Okay, I see, by the way, did Yves give you the Flight Pack, I want

I'll definitely return it to you after I'm done! "

It doesn't matter to Carter, she doesn't go to the front line, even if she does, she has all kinds of luxurious equipment from her young husband. If she can't beat her and wants to run, it is estimated that no one can catch up. "No

If you have any questions, go to Howard, and I'll go get the Flight backpack and come back to find you! "

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