Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 398 Awakening divine power flight method

Because of Ares' departure, there is no trace of Artemis, who went to arrest Artemis, who naturally returned to the forest of Mount Olympus. Only here will she not be caught by those

The fallen so-called gods are annoying, those so-called gods don’t look like gods at all, they know that they are in love all day long and don’t do anything serious, no wonder they will be the martial Asgar

The Germans were driven out of the Midgard star field, hum, it's really muddy and can't support the wall!

For three days in a row, Jiang Yifu stayed in the archives, read all the documents, and found that if he wanted to inspire divine power, he had to pass the blessing of the trial.

It's definitely not a good thing to find him.

. If you don't go through the trial, you need to develop your own physical potential.

Scared, that bad old man is uneasy and kind,

, the best way to develop potential is to

Akira experienced the battle of cattle death, the more fierce he fought

, then the cells will be stimulated more tense, and then a powerful Ability will burst out. Using the ability generated by the "seven-nine-zero" body many times,

You can gradually grasp the essence of divine power.

To put it bluntly, divine power is a kind of power. It is similar to magic power and dimensional power. If you use it more, you will become proficient. Well, this is the so-called practice makes perfect. Definitely, if there is

- If a god of the next sect teaches, the effect must be very good

After hearing Jiang Yifu's words, Katherina became very excited,

Fighting is the most fun, so I drag Kayla and Diana to fight all day long.

train! And Diana is also very interested,

, As a demigod, if you can't fly, it is indeed a bit low-level. And Kayla is a fluorostar, and the gravity in fluorine is the same as that of Midgard.

It's many times different,

Where is the area of ​​heavy pressure, after getting used to the heavy pressure, come to Midgard, where the gravity is much smaller, combined with the sun to stimulate cell evolution,

can fly!

Bang bang bang! The martial arts field on Tianxue Island was occupied by Kaslina and Diana. The two female men with half-god physique fought extremely fiercely.

the fight,

, cut those things will bleed. If you don't fight fiercely, how can you stimulate your potential?

There is nothing false,

Jiang Yifu is not worried that they will be injured. The two women with excellent fighting skills are almost the same no matter how they fight.

, unless the strength of one party is seriously reduced, no matter how you fight

It's five to five. Calmly set up a gravitational magic circle on the martial arts field, and used increased pressure to exercise the abilities of the two wives.

The increasing gravity is like being in sea water

Just like in a fight, every time the sword is punched, it seems that there is an infinite resistance blocking it, and it is very uncomfortable not to break through your own limits.

Hippoly was standing behind the queen watching her daughter fighting, a happy smile flashed on her pretty face, but after seeing a certain bastard, she immediately changed, biting her teeth.

"little bastard

gnashing of teeth, can't wait to go up and punch him twice

, I believe you also know that Diana is the daughter of Tris

a simple man,

, if you want to marry Diana

If you do, you must get his consent, otherwise it will be very troublesome. At that time, even due to Asgard's intimidation, he will constantly send subordinate gods to trouble you,

There must be a countermeasure.

Jiang Yifu looked at each other strangely, why are you talking about these things now, "Yo, why are you suddenly thinking about me! Hey, Hippolyta, are you in love with me?"

cough, take it easy

, I have always been a person who is not sure about things.

Hippoly said angrily to the Queen, "Dream you, just based on what you do, Si will definitely not let you go. I am reminding you, and your strength is still poor.

Far away, first try to improve your strength. Don't think you're amazing, I just don't want to see Diana lose the man she likes, besides,


Compared to Na, your lifespan is completely unworthy of mention!

The latter sentence is the point. so called god

It's just people who live a lot longer.

- A person can live for thousands of years without a problem, and ordinary people can at most

One hundred years old, and after fifty or sixty years old, it will slowly age, which is unavoidable. So, for immortality,

, still need to work hard. Effects of Super Soldier Serum

Very good, but at best it can only be guaranteed for two or three hundred years, which is enough time for Jiang Yifu to find other ways.

He doesn't believe it anymore,

, There is no so-called immortality in this bizarre world. The gods of Olympus are still alive and well, Odin is not

An old man of hundreds of thousands of years is immortal.

seen, but also

. Forget about the great evil god Yuko Khan who was glued to the wall of origin and sang folk songs.

Ahem, helping my wife is just incidental. The purpose of Jiang Yifu's visit is to find the wisdom art left in Greek mythology, which is said to be able to tower a person's wisdom. definitely not for yourself

I've used it myself, although I said that I was a little behind on IQ before, but that has nothing to do with stupidity, it's just that I didn't study and study

This wisdom leasing technique is ready to be used in artificial intelligence, using

Magic or something from mythology, to expand on technology,

, Roar Miles,

You are really talented!

Definitely Ren Dingzhi's 'Yangsha' didn't bring it over, but put it on the Fuxing spacecraft.

There, it talks about the division of knowledge and the acquisition of shellfish, and uses the latest atmosphere star technology to create

The storage spheres from here have a capacity of tens of millions, far exceeding Midgard's current technology.

Even if it develops for another hundred years, it is estimated that it will not catch up.

The first thing is to help wives unleash their potential, and the second is to find information related to artificial intelligence. Both steps have been done.

The rest is research.

For the most ancient civilization, although the gods of Olympus said that their character was a little worse, they still contributed a little to magic and combat. especially when it comes to magic,

that old bastard

- A lightning bolt can separate the mother box from the three Apocalypse stars, and the Shockwave has not yet caused damage,

Apparently very accomplished, with two toilet brushes

Still worth learning.

"Don't bother you, Sorcerer Supreme has lived a long time, I will naturally live a long time.

Don't underestimate human beings.

maybe people

Jiang Yifu said lightly,

The initial condition of the class is a little worse, not so playable,


But the potential is almost limitless, no worse than your Olympian gods

"In a soft tone

strong confidence. I bother,

If there is no system plug-in, there will be no way to live forever, ghosts will believe it!

The Greek oil is only 0.5 quit female dry but there is no refutation,

Although there is very little time

, but also know that the other party is not a person who likes to brag.

, is also a bit straight material, starting from

Code that kind of weird space magic is very annoying. "I hope you do what you say, don't get me wrong, I'm just thinking of Diana!

Jiang Yifu smirked and used the mirror space again, walked towards the Queen of Hippoly, "Okay, I know, since you are so good, I will also encourage you.

Queen Hippolyta backed away in fear, and said with a bit of shame, "Bastard, go away, don't come here! You're crazy, aren't you!"

"Wow, this is the space for Dad, they can't see it. Stop aiming. No one will try to imitate you!" Jiang Yifu seemed to be transformed into a wolf with a big tail.

said with a wicked smile.

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