Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 396 Back to Mother's Paradise Island!

What is a trip that means walking away? That is, you don't even take your wallet, you just leave. It's just so refreshing and so drunk. Well, I'll be starving and faint by then.

Will pay for their own Xiaojiu. Jiang Yifu put all his wives' belongings in the storage space, and then opened a portal, the other side is the paradise paradise with blue sky

When Diana stepped through the portal, she saw that the sisters of Paradise Island were alerting with bows and arrows, and they seemed to fight at any time, and hurriedly said, "Sisters

don't want

Hands on, I'm Diana, this time home, no one's invading, don't be nervous. "Katherina and Kayla followed through the portal, and finally Jiang Yifu

After seeing that it was his own, the patrolling Amazon warriors still maintained their fighting state.

. At this time, General Phillips of New Nintendo Island, who came from outside, said,

Confirm that there is no enemy situation, continue to patrol, do not take it lightly. Princess Diana, welcome back, Yves magician welcomes you. But the two are strangers and are not allowed to enter Paradise Island

Yan You let down his guard because of Huang Anna's relationship, and still did his duty to guard the paradise island. This dark-skinned new general is indeed quite responsible. Well, instead

It is precisely that no one is given face, and it is still how it should come.

Jiang Yifu790 held down Kaslina who was about to start. This wife is just violent. If she doesn't change, something will happen sooner or later. Even if she wants to fight, it's not Paradise Island.

There are so many girls in here, cough cough,

: Shameless to say: That is the harem girl. To be fair,

That's how you can fight at will.

. "General Phillips, I know

Say your responsibilities, if you don't ask these two people to come to Tianxue Island, take us to see the queen, she agrees, then they can stay, right?

General Phillips nodded and summoned a horse, "Okay, then let's go to the palace. If Her Majesty agrees, I will naturally not hinder you any more.

The blame lies, sorry! "After he got on the horse and turned around, Xiaojiu led the way. Well, all the guys here are women. If you want cute girls, you've come to the wrong place. Now go to the island.

Guo, um, it is estimated that we can still meet!

Bitter dear, let's make sure the friends I know in the outside world. This one is Oxygen Kayla, and this one is Kaslina, daughter of Ares. "Hid Anna in the high hall

Introduce two new friends to my mother, because they can both have a good fight with her without hiding their strength, which is a good thing for a fighter (bfaf)

it's refreshing

"The gas star?

what. Ayus's daughter.! Diana, how could you bring the enemy to Paradise Island! Guard, take this guy for me! "Hippoly just started the queen

It was still very early, because I saw the baby girl returned safely and safely. Just hearing that it was Ares' daughter, his expression changed immediately.

Just shouting like that, I didn't see any movement from the guards, only Jiang Yifu smiled badly. "Stop shouting, we're in mirror space now, where they won't listen

Even if you say what you say, you can't see your actions, you can only see the picture of us looking at each other. you listen,

, Ares has left Midgard without the consent of my teacher Ancient One, he

Don't dare to step into Midgard again! Besides, Kathleen is my wife, and I won't let her suffer.

- Some damage! I hope you understand this!

"Humph! You bastard, how dare you talk to me like this! Damn it, Diana, you still won't take this woman down!"

Juxiao is so concerned that he has never cared about anyone other than Zeus, whom he has seen for thousands of years. Now that he is contradicted by others, he must be extremely annoyed.

Diana said helplessly,

"Mother, Catherine is not an enemy, but our sister, and she also has Amazonian blood,

Her mother was a former Amazon warrior

Queen Hippolujong really calmed down a bit and looked at Kaslina suspiciously. She seemed to be a little familiar. Isn't this the daughter of her former friend Lin Yelu?

Of course, but she is the daughter of Ares, who knows if she will suddenly be killed on Paradise Island! No, still no! ’

Keith Pinna was a little annoyed, how could this old woman be so unreasonable. Jiang Yifu stopped his impulsive wife and said with a sneer, "You don't need to worry about this.

I can guarantee that she will never attack Paradise Island,

As long as you don't embarrass her

, she will not be against you. what I said,

, don't you still believe it? is not it

Want me to talk to Zeus personally about him! "In other words, there are words in the words, as for what it is, it definitely refers to the green hat on Zeus's head!

"You! Hmph, forget it, if that's the case, then she can stay! And this girl from Oxygen,

Jiang Yifu, this is not your back flower

Don't mess around on Paradise Island, and,

Otherwise I will kill you! ' Queen Hippochan snorted angrily,

Air Roar Roar's Sitting

Garden, you don't want to bring everyone to Paradise Island,

. Good quality, don't show other men

On the throne, it is obviously unhappy to be threatened by the other party, which is really undignified!

"Thank you mother, don't worry, they are my friends and there will be no problem.

: "Laughing happily, although I have lived in Tianzhang Island for thousands of years,

, but the other sisters are

when she was a

- a princess, not a friend, only Aunt Antiope is considered a teacher and a friend, so you can make other friends, Diana must be open

It's so heartbreaking, I definitely don't want my mother to have a conflict with my friends.

"Xin'an Ji, you take Kath to talk about Hai and Gan La around Paradise Island together, and I have to check the information. Here, this is the Flight backpack, you can use it, go for it.

Enough for you to fly all day! Have fun, Paradise Island is a very beautiful paradise! " Jiang Yifu disbanded the dimensional space and took the Flight backpack out of the storage space

Hand it over, this thing is simply a good thing for travel.

Diana happily took the Flight backpack. She and Kaslina had one for each, but Kayla didn't need it, because she could fly, the standard general gene, if not

If you can fly, wouldn't you be laughing off other people's teeth!

Wait until the three women go out

Jiang Yifu walked onto the throne with a smirk, while Queen Hippoly stepped back step by step and sat on the throne, a little afraid

Looking at each other, his voice was full of anticipation and panic, "What are you doing, don't mess around, there are other people here, I'm the queen, you can't be rude to me, I

It's Diana's mother! "

Jiang Yifu didn't panic at all, he looked like a big bad wolf, "Haha, let's scream, no one will hear the screaming. Here is the dimensional mirror empty.

It's only me and you here, even Zeus can't find it! Don't worry, it's the same once, twice, don't pretend, we're on the same boat, accept our fate

Take me to your archives later! "

The Queen of the Xibochang Opera bit her red lips lightly, a trace of shame and anger flashed in her eyes, this guy is really getting more and more abhorrent, he has to make an inch! But why don't you have any resistance in your heart?

No, I still look forward to it! Hippoly is just right, you are the queen of the Amazon, so be reserved!

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