Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 357 I am a scholar and I love to learn! (Wan Reward Plus 8th bullet)

Jiang Yifu shook his head, and decided to read the book first, the old ladies of Ancient One, one day she will make her look good! Sometimes it is not reliable, but since it is said that

This magic circle is definitely not so easy to crack!

I tried to use space magic and found that there was no response! It is not an ordinary space element that I communicate with, but a special space element that has added dimensional power.

There is no response now! No wonder that old lady said that if you want to get out, you must crack the magic circle. It's kind of interesting, it's the first time I met so strange after the last battle with Thomas


It is a humble way to say that there is a day outside the world. Anyway, that old lady from Ancient One means that you are too good, so you should go back and practice more and come back! I also, fortunately, use the ratio

A more modest statement, otherwise you will really be blown up!

Since space magic really can't be used, let's study it honestly! I'm so numb, sometimes I really have to thank my wife Fanny, my mentor,

I have used the book sea tactics, otherwise I will definitely be blinded when facing hundreds of books at once.

, the dimensional power system, the communication between the theory and the dimensional power, how to borrow the dimensional power! A book that has never been seen before, these

Dimensional Space Mystery Theory,

I don't know if it is Ancient One's private collection, but it seems to be quite high level. Magic books are written in ancient characters, some in English, some in Chinese, and some unknown.

The text is available in various languages. Jiang Yifu really wanted to hit people.

This is so special, even in English,

But some are joined with local discourse, which is a bit of a blindfold!

After watching it quietly for two hours, Jiang Yifu closed the magic book, meditated for a while, and then snapped his fingers,

A place full of fragrant and delicious beef appeared! This

It is a meat food that is completely synthesized by magic elements. It has the meat texture and aroma of beef, but it does not have the nutrition of beef, because it is all synthesized by magic and elements, which can fill the stomach.

Son is very good!

"It turns out that the further understanding of meal making is like this, does it mean to bring a little Origin Magic Power? Isn't this the same as that girl from Scarlet Witch Wanda! I'll go,

But what can Syndra do for the hand line, can she also Origin Magic Power? " Jiang Yifu doesn't understand a little bit, forget it, it's his wife anyway, so I don't care about her,

don't tell

Want her to fight and kill.

Ancient One, who was drinking tea outside the magic circle, glanced at Jiang Yifu's situation and nodded, then continued to read the magic book. In the room full of classical atmosphere, except for the burning spices and

Like everything else is forbidden,

Another two hours have passed. This time Jiang Yifu closed the magic book, followed the mysterious magic gestures and added special spiritual guidance to condense the magic into an orange-red ball.

Throw the ball and hit the magic circle!

Om, the magic circle is slippery, and the invisible magic circle begins to show strange lines on the screen

It is densely packed, and every road seems to have a series of magical marks.

The lines of the numbers have their own functions, and when they are connected together, they become a defensive force - a super powerful formation!

If you want to crack this magic circle, you need to find the center point and destroy it. Just like demolishing a house, detonate the pillars supporting the house and the focal point, and a high-rise building will be instantly destroyed.

Collapse clear. The same is true of the magic circle, the key is to find the central control point that is constantly moving.

It's really annoying.

There is such a strange thing! Jiang Yifu wants to hold the power gem at this time,

Then he punched it, and the magic circle shattered.

Think about it like this,

, even the guy from Doctor Strange who has been in the business for less than three years can match Thanos halfway.

"It's a surprising guy. Did you discover the secret of the magic circle so quickly? Interesting little guy,

: Let me see where is your limit? Hope you can get it soon

Growing up, Sorcerer Supreme needs a new successor, otherwise a person will always be difficult to support! " Ancient One said something indifferently, no one heard it, it was a little bit more

The idea of ​​​​seeking death, because you have lived long enough, and this kind of work is very tiring!

If Jiang Yifu knew, hehe, he must be mocking Ancient One, an old woman who is just as corrupt as Bifrost Asgardian Heimdall, who oversees the Nine Kingdoms!

Why do you say that, I didn't see Heimdall being kicked away by Loki, ahem, well, he ran away by himself. Then take over as Bifrost's guard Skolcini Duoxiao

Sprinkle, taking advantage of the convenience of Bifrost, how many interesting things and weapons have been collected from the nine kingdoms, and even a little sheep electric car! Can you believe it! but

It was done by others, and they used it to pick up girls! Ahem, so, Sorcerer Supreme is not a tiring thing, but a fat shortage!

ask for flowers 0

Jiang Yifu is fantasizing about what he would do if he became Sorcerer Supreme! Propose to Odin? Then take Hela Onee-san, the goddess of death, home and do some shyness

thing? Ahem, and then doing bad things all over the place? Well, that's right, don't do bad things, what's the difference between that and salted fish? Author Fungus: You are now a salted fish,

Odin, who was patrolling Asgard from afar, suddenly shuddered, Madd, as if there is a little bitch who is calculating labor and capital! Who is it? Is it because he is old?

Your physique is getting weaker, and you are about to catch a cold? What are you kidding me, I am the God King Odin!

If the Ancient One with a cultivating mind knew that some bastard was doing something more than the so-called pagan Kaecilius, I wonder if he would shoot him right now.


In order to beat Thanos, blackmail Odin, and rob a girl on Mount Olympus in the future, oh no, it is to maintain the peace and security of the universe, Jiang Yifu has begun to fight! Full of confidence!

be slow

Molecular theory of magic, multi-dimensional casting, communication dimensional power.

He flipped through the books one by one again, this time Jiang Yifu read it very carefully, because the theory was too stinky,

Slow to understand, the previous books are the same as the formula for the multiplication of ninety-nine, and now it is the turn of the quadratic equation, and the difficulty is a little higher.

While reading a book, snap your fingers and use the cooking technique to make grilled steak and fragrant milk tea. When you read a book, you have to eat and drink. I really think I am a cultivator!

Concentrating on work, ahem, the time spent concentrating on reading always goes by very fast, Jiang Yifu doesn't know how long it has passed, anyway, there is food and drink here, and even horses.

The buckets are all ready, really, well, Ancient One, you won, the calculations are so good! Five

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