Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 2289 Queen, Erica

In the killing dimension, Erica has slaughtered more than 9,000 monsters, and she is still spotless. Her beautiful eyes exude amazing killing intent, her eyes are very calm, and the ice-cold Bingxin spends freezing her mind. With the magic circle, it is fast. Condensing the power of dimension, with

Guarantee Erica's mental stability.

Feeling the child in the belly, it seems that it has become stronger, and occasionally kicks it playfully, so that the mother Erica knows her liveliness. Another daughter, a lovely and sturdy daughter.

Jiang Yifu looked at it, found a hillside, sat down and looked at it slowly, while taking out the map of the demon world and looking at it. He will not choose to become a dimensional lord, this is just a very powerful force with a clear ceiling, and it is not suitable for him. What he wants is to grow

"One-five-seven" method for unlimited growth, similar to Infinite Gems.

As for surpassing the Nemesis, you don't have to think about it for the time being, at least a thousand or ten thousand years ago. Six Infinite Gems plus the power of the Wall of Origin, this power is really more powerful than Yuka Khan who can beat Darkseid at will

A woman who can only run away!

Nemesis's proposal has her reasons, whether it is because of insufficient strength, or because of other reasons. It seems that after thinking about it, Jiang Yifu's strength has not reached the level she needs, and women are too strong and not a good thing, and it is difficult to control.

Roar! When Erica slaughtered the 9999th dimension monster, the strongest dimension lord, Hei Kong appeared!

It looks like a leopard, but it has the head of a mouse, the ears are like the big ears of a koala, and the sharp nails are like a cat! It's a weird shape, it's hard to believe that such a one doesn't look like anything The monster is actually the lord black of the killing dimension

Erica took a sigh of relief and calmed her heart, holding a Mitsubishi thorn in each hand, a scarlet combat uniform, and scarlet twelve-centimeter combat high heels. At this moment, she looked like a queen. .

Sandra opened her tired eyes, took a glass of wolfberry water, and felt better after drinking it. It was too difficult for her, and she was under a lot of pressure to face such a young and strong husband as Jiang Yifu.

"Erica, kill it and take its core." Jiang Yifu casually flipped through a book, the magic book recorded things about the demon world. If he wants to win the demon world, he will either surrender or die. No one is allowed to sit back and enjoy the success, watching him and Jiu

You Hell and the Black Death have fought and stayed out of the matter, and maybe they will have a knife in the back.

"Okay, husband!" Erica nodded, smiled sweetly at Jiang Yifu, then turned her head, it was a piece of ice, her high heels stomped in the void, and her whole body flew out like a cannonball. With that agile skill, she can't tell that she has five months

of pregnancy.

"Husband, will Erica be too dangerous, she is still pregnant." Sandra lowered her head and said, she is also a pregnant woman, she is very aware of her strength. It's okay to deal with the battle, but it won't work after a long time. I want her to be like Erika.

So, she definitely couldn't do it.

"No, Erica is one of the most suitable candidates. After you are familiar with the dimension of killing, those who enter the red room, no matter who they are, must undergo killing training." Jiang Yifu said lightly

Sandra hesitated for a moment, "Be a little cruel to those children." Those daughters are all her daughters. They are not related by blood, but they have a nominal relationship, which is naturally different from those orphans trained before.

"How can you say cruelty? Don't worry, you won't die, just suffer a little bit. What cruelty is there? You don't endure hardship when you are young, but when you grow up, you eat dirt!" Jiang Yifu said dissatisfiedly, he was still more concerned about it. daughters growing up

Sandra wanted to say something, hesitation, but still didn't say, "I know, I will do it.

On the other side, the battle between Erica and Hei Kong has reached the white-hot stage. Hei Kong's fighting method is very simple. It is to use the animal's instinct to bite, or to swipe with huge amounts of claws, and occasionally use the tail to whip it. All Beast-like battles


And Erica is still very flexible in dodging the opponent's attack, and she can't see that she is still pregnant with a child in her belly. The serum of pregnant women gives her the advantage of not miscarriage or dystocia, and she can fight unscrupulously. .

This feature was originally tailored for the female warriors of the Amazon. Those sturdy shrew never knew what it meant to be cautious. During pregnancy, they would ride horses for chop training. Don't do it, just go down to the ground

A sturdy woman herding cattle.

"Roar! Die!" Hei Kong rarely said the second word. Under the sharp claws, there will be bursts of blood and rain, and the killing power attached to it will cause all kinds of hallucinations to the creatures it touches, and follow it recklessly. It duels, fought to the death, and was finally swallowed whole by Heiko

make up for your strength.

Erica's eyes were clear, she didn't feel any impulse, she calmly dodged and counterattacked, dodged and counterattacked. There is a black magic rune on the thorn that restrains the opponent from healing. Every contusion will make the black sky roar, in addition to becoming more Rage

has no effect

Hey, the speed of Hei Kong in Rage has become faster, and it suddenly spits out at an extremely fast speed, similar to the Toad skill of the Evil God of Fire Cloud. The fierce teeth are already open, just waiting to eat the tall and slender woman in front of him.

Erika's eyes narrowed, and she jumped up when Heikong was moving. Just after Heikong rushed over, he just appeared on the top of Heikong's head 0.7. The Mitsubishi Army thorn in his hand was burning with magical flames, and suddenly fell in an instant. Straight through the black sky's head

The thorn suddenly became longer, nailing Hei Kong to the hot ground.

With pointed high heels and jade toes smeared with burgundy nail polish, Erica stepped on the hot magma floor without feeling hot at all. Mei Mu was full of killing intent, her idea was to kill this monster.

It may be Erika's amazing killing intent, and Hei Kong, who was still very fierce just now, let out a cry of grief and spat out a volatile orb. Leaning his head on the floor, he made a puppy-like submission gesture, as if begging Erica not to kill it, let it go, it would

Being a dog! Made Erica a little at a loss for a moment.


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