Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 2275 Looking for a fight?

The power of the dark dimension with a strong corrosive effect can corrode a person's mind, which is why Dormammu's believers develop so rapidly, only the magician with strong willpower and extremely powerful spiritual power can resist this kind of corruption.

Will not swear allegiance to Dormammu, and instead use this power.

"You thief, you're stealing things again!" Dormammu reacted, this guy was stealing things, stealing dimensional power to use, just like the stinky bitch from Ancient One, making him helpless.

"What is a thief! How can you speak? The labor and capital hate thieves the most!" Jiang Yifu crossed the magic rune and punched out his fist burning with magic flames, knocking Dormammu's huge body into the air. , smashed the small floating lines one by one

"You" One Four Three "This is not what a thief is!" Dormammu roared angrily, staring at Jiang Yifu with both eyes, as if he was going to burn him out with anger!

"Are you crazy? You are a thief with dimensional power. The labor and capital are going to rob them in an open and honest way. Are you crazy? Believe it or not, the labor and capital beat you? You are special." Jiang Yifu raised his fist and gestured For a moment, he said eloquently

Hogarth and Agamotto looked at each other and had to give Jiang Yifu a silent thumbs up in their hearts. He was the first person to be able to speak of robbery so well, "Nah, I'm not literate. The world!" said a classic Internet language

come out.

The old gods are also gods, and they can also access the Internet. In particular, Midgard has a superhero known in the multi-universe, which makes them more curious about Midgard.

There was only one Ancient One before, and then there was another Jiang Yifu. After that, another Strange came. Although he wasn't that powerful, his ability was also very high. During the holidays, it was estimated that he could surpass Ancient One.

If you want to surpass Jiang Yifu, don't even think about it, unless you have a goddess as a wife, you can't even see the tail lights of the car

Dormammu's unusual anger, constantly drives the energy of the dark dimension to bombard Jiang Yifu, the bombardment of columns, the storm of spiky barrage, the surprise attack of sharp spears. All thrown out at once, the strongest attack in history, unknowingly in the case of Rage

made it out.

Jiang Yifu took a deep breath from Roar, white magic power poured out, and pieces of pure white debris appeared in the surrounding space. Use both hands to do Taijiquan starting position, and send both hands forward

The scattered shattered lenses were pushed forward and collided with the sharp-blade storm. The forces of the two dimensions collide, constantly ablating, constantly shattering the lens,

It seems that Ping is at a disadvantage, and when the lens is broken to a certain extent. The entire scattered broken lens magic exploded, turning all the incoming magic into magic butterflies.

The magic butterfly flew towards Dormammu and looked at it in a daze, what's going on?

Boom! When the magic butterfly flew for a distance, a dazzling flame erupted from the center of the butterfly, just right under Dormammu's feet!

Boom! The flames form a strange magic circle that rotates rapidly, extracting all the surrounding dimensional power, forming the form of fuel to make the flame burn more intensely!

"Ah! You bastard, you lied to me again!" Dormammu resisted painfully in the flames. Just as he was about to struggle, he found that Jiang Yifu had divided thousands of duplications, and each duplication threw a crimson chain to him to lock. firmly stuck in place, painfully

Burned by magic.

White magic is more effective for defense than dark dimension power, this scene is very similar to when Doctor Strange vs. Thanos

The power of the dark dimension is dominated by the magic flame mixed with white magic for counseling, and the pain of burning Dormammu is incomparable

"Ah! I've suffered! Damn, do you really think I'm so easy to bully?" Dormammu roared angrily.

Peng! A big fist smashed Dormammu into the flames, and thousands of magic runes began to absorb the power of dimension to nourish themselves, similar to the effect of the Ark Reactor.

With all the dimensional power being extracted, Dormammu finally panicked! "Stop! Stop it! Damn it, stop it now. Jiang Yifu, we can have a good talk. I didn't draw anything in the Asgard battle, and I didn't have any changes. You stepped on the border like this.

A bit too much! What exactly do you want?"

Jiang Yifu said with a smile, "I'm here to invite you to fight the Nine Serenity Hell together. We don't know how big the hell is. Compared with the dimension of hell, it's just a small mountain village that sells dog meat.

"Since you're here to negotiate, why are you hitting me!" Dormammu said in a displeased tone

"Hey, buddy, this duel was completely provoked by you. Although you were beaten badly during the duel, I had a great time and I won. But the responsibility for this kind of thing is not on me. , it's up to you, you're stupid, do you want my lord

I'll tell you, bro, you can't beat me, you'll only lose miserably in a duel with me! Do you say that?" Jiang Yifu sneered!

Dormammu was so angry that he didn't know what to say. What the other party said really made sense. It was indeed such a truth. It seemed like it was all his fault.

"Okay, it's decided, you and I will attack the Nine Nether Hells. Let me tell you, now the seal has been completely destroyed by Darkseid, this is the catastrophe of the multi-universe. Strictly speaking, all dimensions They are all part of multi-universe, another part of Jiuyou hell

On one side is another world.

"At that time, we will divide up the territory of Jiuyou Hell, and we will divide it according to merit. How much you can get in the dark 0.7 dark dimension depends entirely on how much effort you put in. At that time, I can hide and lead those hungry ghosts to you. The direction of the dimension. When you suffer, I

Take another shot, what do you think?" Jiang Yifu said with a smile, it was this smile that made people shudder.

Dormammu didn't feel that the other party was lying. Dormammu would sneer if Strange said that while the Ancient One was alive, and wouldn't believe it at all. But what Jiang Yifu said, he believed very much, because this is a bastard, there is absolutely a reason to do it

The so-called moral integrity, when it comes to him, it is complete bullshit!

I can give you five minutes to think, and when the time is up, you have to give me an answer! " Jiang Yifu lit a cigarette


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