Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 2252 PhD informant

Eddie scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "Actually, I thought about becoming a superhero, but I don't have the strength, and I'm also a little afraid of death and timid. Brother-in-law, do you think I'm a failure?

"That's not true. Everyone has cowardice and fear. You are not a failure, and you can become a somewhat famous reporter. You say that if you have a very powerful force, but this force drives with you constantly to hunt and eat, you can use your will

Power suppresses this kind of thinking, right? Only those who control power and are not influenced by power can be called strong. " Jiang Yifu flicked the cigarette butt with a smile.

"I don't know." Eddie shook his head in confusion. He was just an ordinary person who had only dreamed of it. How could he really prepare to be a hero.

Didi! The horn of a car rang, and an ivory-white sedan approached from a distance. The style of the sedan was a bit outdated. It seemed that the owner of the car had no intention of changing the car.

A blond Caucasian woman of about thirty-five years old opened the car door, fairly well maintained for her age. He was holding a mobile phone in his hand, his eyes were a little flustered, he seemed a little scared, and there was a hint of perseverance and pity in his fear.

"Are you a reporter Eddie?" The self-bred beauty asked cautiously.

"I am, are you that enthusiastic person?" Eddie stepped forward and asked, showing his press credentials that he still kept, and carrying a camera with him.

"Yes, I'm Dr. Dora, I work for the Life Foundation. I'm sorry for making you unemployed, but the atrocities of the Foundation have not been stopped, and a large number of homeless people still die every day because of experiments." Dora The doctor said with a hint of sadness

"I take the liberty to ask, what is the Foundation's experiment? My name is buddy, I'm Eddie's friend, and he called to help. Although I also really want to uphold justice, I have to understand the origin of the matter first. , then you can decide how to act, and avoid rabbits

being deceived. I'm sorry, although I really want to help you, but we have to have the right to know "!" Jiang Yifu stepped forward and said with a charming smile.

Dr. Dora was in a trance for a while, the man's smile was fascinating, and it seemed that no woman could resist this kind of smile. "Yes, you have the right to know what happened, and I will tell you everything.

Just as Eddie was about to speak, Jiang Yifu interrupted him and said, "It's not safe here, come to my van and say that the Life Foundation is very powerful, and no one dares to fight against them in San Andreas. Don't worry, if we're here to hurt you, now

I'll catch you right away

Dr. Dora nodded, the other party was very calm, and she said all her concerns, she was upright, and there was really nothing to be afraid of.

The three came to the commercial car, which Jiang Yifu took over. Dr. Dora took out a stack of materials from the information bag. The first piece of information showed a place where a rocket fell, the fire was blazing into the sky, and three cans of strange dark semi-solid objects.

"This is a kind of life material that Dr. Drake collected in the meteorite pile by chance after he used a rocket to lift off into outer space. Several cases of this kind of life material have been recovered before, but they were all unexpected in the research. Failure to control it leads to death, at that time

Experiments with humans have not yet been conducted. "Dr. Dora's expression became serious.

"No wonder the Foundation's rocket launch experiments were so frequent before. The secret is here! They secretly brought back the alien material, aren't they afraid of causing alien invasion?" Eddie's expression was very angry, no when ready

Aliens bring back Midgard, it's the act of a traitor!

"It's as if no aliens have invaded before, please, as early as World War II, there were aliens invaded, but it's a long time ago, and you probably all forgot. The Apple City War a few years ago did not Is it an alien invasion?" Jiang Yifu

A kind reminder.

The atmosphere seemed to become a little awkward. When he was scolding righteous words, it was exposed, which was very embarrassing. At least Eddie blushed but couldn't speak.

No recognition result

Dr. Dora ignored the two, but took out another picture again. There was a semi-solid fluid on it and the integration of other animals, but without exception, the animals died without any external scars, and it seemed that the internal organs were failing. and die,

"This is an experiment conducted by the Foundation, using various animals for experiments. There are animals in various subjects, such as bats, lions, ants, elephants, etc., all of which have failed without exception. All the experimental subjects died. Can't integrate." Dr. Dora frowned

"Is there a successful precedent for the integration of humans and this substance? Otherwise, why choose humans?" Jiang Yifu asked suspiciously. He probably guessed it, but he was not sure. Wouldn't it be fun to leave some suspense? He is waiting, waiting An opportunity. Chase women the most

The effective way is to save the beauty with bears!

"Yes! There was a homeless man who successfully integrated this substance before, and once turned into a strange monster, but still maintained his human shape. And his rational thinking is also very clean and awake, and he destroyed the laboratory and caused damage to the Foundation. A great loss." Dr. Dora points

And head.

"Then you wiped it out?" Jiang Yifu couldn't help but lit a cigarette when he said this. Seeing Dr. Dora's frowning expression, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I forgot there was a beautiful lady, but Don't worry, this is a medicinal cigarette, using medicine

It is made of raw materials (good), similar to incense, which is harmless to health and beneficial.

Dr. Dora took a sniff, and it really is like that. She studies subjects of life and health. She can tell if it is true or false when she smells it. At least after she smells this smoke, she will not feel sick, but will feel relaxed and happy. .

"No, at that time, fifty or sixty people were sacrificed without destroying him. That person was already indestructible, and bullets couldn't do any damage to it. He suddenly fell down by himself. After our inspection, we found that his organs were abnormal. exhausted, unable to lift

Sudden death caused by energy supply! "Dr. Dora's eyes flashed with fear.

"Then it's the same as I guessed." Jiang Yifu suddenly smiled mysteriously and sold it off.

"Brother-in-law, what are you guessing?" Eddie asked cooperatively, just like a number one fanboy. servant


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