Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 225 Soviet-Finnish War, World War II upgrade!

Just when Jiang Yifu was still learning how to use magic to be a good cook. On the faraway continent of Europe, two warring states with different hearts

signed a non-aggression pact.

One is a fighting nation and the other is a German, i

If the two countries fight, hey, it must be a bloodbath.

One soldier is small: but there are many elites, and the fighting quality is very high

- The quality of a single soldier is ordinary, but it can't stand the large population! The piles can be piled to death!

On the surface, the soldiers were ordered to be punished, and they were ready to fight.

, Dejingji Nazi troops also began frequent mobilization. War is an arena where soldiers are active, especially Nazi taxis

Qiu couldn't help but start a war under the head of the state,

Excellent equipment and advanced tactics have given them unprecedented confidence, confident that they can put the armies of all countries

All beat!

The Soviet Union is also busy mobilizing the army, but instead of fighting the German Nazi army, the target is "680" in the country of Finland. Due to the distance from Finland

Leningrad, the second-largest town in the Soviet Union, is so close that if a surprise attack is launched, it will not take a day to reach the city. In order to solve this problem, Finland can only be beaten

Let the other party cede the land in exchange for more depth space.

, quickly attracted international attention, and everyone was watching. Even the Anglo-French coalition forces have slowed their build-up a bit. the reason is simple

The movement of troops between the Soviet Union and Germany,

Just to see if there will be a war between the Soviet Union and Germany

, well, it'd be nice if it hits

Everyone is happy, the group of fighting nations will charge in the front line, and they will wait and see from behind. If the Nazis are defeated, hehe, then they will start to grab the territory and gain benefits! If the Soviet Union

If you can’t stop it, then take the opportunity to reap the benefits, first extort a sum of money from the beard, and then go to war with the Nazi army on the Western Front.

Anyway, the war has been declared, and the fight will definitely be fought.

It's just a small price for supplies in exchange for the biggest war dividend! If this move is good, maybe

Plunder a large number of materials, stabilize the domestic decadent economic situation, re-show the glory of the empire, and continue to dominate the world!

It is because of the mutual testing and distrust between these countries that they always want to take advantage of and steal opportunities, that will give the Nazis the opportunity to defeat them one by one and the space for strategy implementation!

, In the Polish War, the casualties of the Nazi army were very few, so few that they could be ignored. And the Nazis on the Western Front B

The head of state on the Nazi side has issued preparations for battle,

On the other hand, they kept their fingers on the table, guarding against the attack of the British and French allied forces.

The main nine units of the car line are divided into several parts.

A copycat sequel to the occupation of Poland,

Part of the Middle East is approaching, occupying small countries with oil resources in order to maintain the army's daily oil consumption! It is fundamental to transport oil by sea

Not realistic. No matter how you go, you have to pass through the Red Sea Strait, where the main force of the French and English fleets is located.

If it is transported by land, the consumption is too high, and there are not too many vehicles, which is not cost-effective. It is not bad to have half a ton of oil for a meal to the destination. The rest are all on the road.


War is all about logistics, ahem, it’s also very important to make sure that the war on the front line is also very important. If the six gods costumes are cut over by the people who go out with the Dolan sword, then there is nothing to say, wash and sleep

Brother, you are too bad, please uninstall the game!

The other two parts are for the Netherlands, Mianwei and Belgium. In addition to the massive fish and meat resources, Yongwei also has some very important


It is believed that a division led by Red Skull is a member of the attacking Fuwei Legion, the purpose of which is to find the lost treasures of the gods! Don't know where to get it

In addition to Jiang Yifu's flickering, Norway, which is close to the product, is the first target!

The other Greece and Egypt did not go, because the distance was too far, and there was a god of war Ares hidden in the Nazis, so naturally they would not run to demolish their hometown.

Although he doesn't like other gods, but his own statue is still on the Greek ruins of Olympus, and he dismantles his own statue? Even if it is installed in his head

People who are full of muscles won't do it!

The first target of the Nazi army is not the behemoth of the Soviet Union, at least not now. If you start a war with such a big country and cannot defeat the opponent quickly, it will be dragged.

In the muddy wine that is arguing, there is still no chance of winning against the other party's logistics system.

The first task is to observe the combat effectiveness of the Soviet army and make an evaluation and estimate. The second task is to first crush Germany's most vicious France in World War I

Fight with England first! Do not solve the east, and then move to the west to avoid the situation of two fronts. This is the strategy of the Nazi army!

On March 5th, it was a sunny day. Although there was still some cold, at least there was no rain or snow. Finnish soldiers on the Finnish border are

Lazily basking in the sun and enjoying the rare good weather!

The scout couldn't help but want to take out a cigarette to warm himself up, and the peaceful earth suddenly began to tremble! "earthquake?

The scout was shocked by Roar. Earthquakes are not a big deal, they happen occasionally.

But not often.

.It's just that the trembling of the ground is getting worse and worse, and there is still a faint

The roar of the car came! Rows of dark shadows began to appear on the distant horizon, the shadows of tanks!

"The Nazis have invaded! Everyone pay attention! Don't be careless, rule the cities in the rear and the nearby military camps!" The captain of the reconnaissance team was still very experienced, and hurriedly ordered the team

support instructions.

Because the army on the Finnish border can often see the patrol vehicles of the Nazi army, I subconsciously thought that it was the Nazis attacking them again!

"Yi Chang, I think you'd better take a look first,

"A team member can see the Soviet logo in the binoculars, watching the billowing steel

, this doesn't seem to be a Nazi tank model!

Iron Torrent, I swallowed my saliva a little scared

The captain of the reconnaissance team grabbed the binoculars and looked up, only to see that the original black spot had slowly turned into the shadow of a tank, the classic symbol of the Soviet Union,

- a scythe and series

The pattern that the children cross together!! This made him wonder why the Soviet army,

, not the Nazi army! Did the Soviet Union and the Nazis start to join forces at the same time?

Before he turned around in his head, dozens of bullets poured out, directly tearing all the members of the reconnaissance team into pieces! The frost-covered snow was dyed red with blood!

On this day, the Soviet Union launched an attack on Finland! The original Winter War arrived ahead of schedule, and officially started the second large-scale war in the Second World War 0.5!

Take more depth space to ensure that the big city Leningrad is not threatened, and also want to annex Finland,

Re-enter the situation of Russia and Finland!

When the Soviet army launched the attack, the Nazi army who received the order also launched the attack at the same time. An elite army of about 200,000 invaded the Netherlands from the mainland. 300,000

The elite corps returned from Poland to directly attack Denmark, and tried to defeat Denmark, using Denmark as a springboard to invade Norway!

On this day, the war broke out again! It is frightening that the Soviet army and the German Nazi army attacked at the same time,

However, only a small number of departments remain on the bordering territories of the border.

Alert soldiers. The Nazis don't really care. Anyway, it is also Poland's territory. There is nearly a few hundred square kilometers of space as the depth, so I don't worry about being shaken.

When attacking the mainland, Nazi scouts are not for nothing!

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