Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 198 Howard's commission!

Today's energy seems to be relatively strong, Jiang Yifu has tossed until noon before leaving satisfied, fortunately, Syndra usually exercises, and her physical fitness is not bad, otherwise it must be

I can't stand it, I can only curse Jiang Yifu in a low voice, this tall beast is not a human being!

Ate at the Enchanted Castle -

A lunch, um, or a brunch? No matter, it's more than a dozen burgers anyway, and a big bottle of milk makes me feel refreshed. Aunt Santana

I did thirty in a row.

I'm used to this rich student

"Master Yves

. If you can't finish eating, you can put it in the storage space and it won't break! want

It's the master's magic that's a little deeper.

You can try to learn how to cook!

, the use of magic power is more skilled,

"Oh? What is food-making?" Jiang Yifu thought it was really amazing, how could there be such a magic?

"The art of cooking is a kind of magic that only high-level magicians can, and the lady can also,

However, it is rarely used. If the young master wants to learn, he can ask his wife to learn! There are many magic

It is necessary to master the magic power very carefully in order to learn. Because this is the premise, I only remembered it after seeing the ability of the young master. This is called arcane magic!

Physically, young master can study and study slowly! I'm going to look after the lady first! "Aunt Santana took a step back, sat on the magic broom and left, Madam deserves Syndra.

little sister

Naturally - it's Zatana!

- A black old action, "Cooking! It seems very interesting, is this the kind of magic used by Santana? It seems not, it is a single

Jiang Yifu touched his chin,

The action of practicing magic to expel objects,

, write it down first, and then go to - understand.

A way of using pure magic! Um,

Opened a portal and returned to the apartment again. The apartment will be cleaned every once in a while, so it is still very clean, at least not - there is dust everywhere,

, "Hey guys, handle these things with care and be careful! Oh!

Out of the apartment, into the laboratory,

Ward has already started to build machinery there,

There is no sense of time at all,

Are you going to let a brilliant scientist be the conductor!

you guy is finally here

"Come on, you bastard actually cares so much about this job,

, Well, there must be something yin conspiracy!

Jiang Yifu greeted Roar with a smile and started to assemble the machine with the blueprint.

"Cough low

, I'm not ready to witness the moment of miracles! "He wouldn't say that he received a large amount of policy support.

Howard said guiltily,

, where is it, haha

To help, reputation is important, but money is more important!

Yi Fei, what do you think of this kind of mechanical stun? I read your research report, some things do use some dense machinery to complete some exquisite works

and experiment,

Is it possible for Bob to make it? "Howard is still very interested in this new thing.

(It is the two used by Howard to study Rubik's Cube energy crystals in Team 1.

Mechanical arm

"Definitely, this requires plenty of electricity, air pressure. You know, people's nerves are all different, so the hand will shake! These are very slight, but in some need

Very stable experiments are deadly! To remove this effect, unless you also have a serum. Ha ha! " Jiang Yifu said jokingly, this was his idea a long time ago

It's just that after having magic, I found that magic is more useful, so I didn't continue to study it. It is said that my computer has just been completed, and I have not continued to study in depth.


So much time to come!

"Hey, so, now you're studying the robotic arm, how about I'm in charge here? I promise it's going to be done well here. You focus on making it, that thing has a lot to do with me.

Useful, even if it is sold for money, it can be sold for a high price. Think about it, the manufacturing industry, that industry doesn't need these things!! That's the golden frank

Lin ah! "Howard said, shaking his moustache, in comparison, the assembly problem of this equipment,

He can do it alone.

"I knew you didn't have a good lead voice! Well, remember to invite me to the bar for a drink!" Jiang Yifu had no objection.

It's good to find some other fun

"Haha, no problem, don't worry,

Recently, Anthony and I discovered another very good bar, and the girls there are very hot! "Howard winked,

The meaning only men can understand!

"Noisy, why don't you invite me too

How about going together? Hehe! "Pejika tried to stand beside him at some point, clasping his hands, and seemed a little dissatisfied,

"Ahem, it's a card test agent, we're joking! Oh, damn, be gentle, don't break the machine!" Howard seems to be very impressed by this single beauty.

Interested, naturally will not continue this topic. After talking, he walked away, obviously for an excuse to leave, um, the legendary Urine Escape Dafa!

Ask for fresh recommendation 0

"Are you ready to go, Yves! It is said that it is a very special striptease bar!" Kaxi said with a half-smile, not sure if it was true or not

"Definitely not, ahem, you know, I wouldn't go to that kind of place to spend time. By the way, did you say when you will go back to France?" Jiang Yifu

But I won't admit it, since I really want to see and see, but I definitely can't say that in front of a woman, so I have to stagger the topic.

"About a week later, we need to go back and select soldiers. After that, I will follow the soldiers and supervise all things in this department!" Kaxi will not continue to struggle with that.

Problem, the man doesn't go to the bar, as long as he doesn't go overboard. Besides, the two have nothing to do with each other, and naturally they don't want their country to lose in the war.

"Oh, so, be careful on the road. Get familiar with the environment first this week, and you'll have to stay in the future!" Jiang Yifu said meaningfully, which can be said to imply himself

-It will definitely get a card ring, which can be said to imply that France will definitely lose in the war.

It's not that the French cuisine is very good, but the vision and policy of the marshals of the two sides in the strategic layout are different, and the results are different. Just like the war between ** and the little devil

In the same way, isn't the little devil well equipped? Now, isn't he trapped in the quagmire of war, and the two sides are fighting back and forth. This is the role of the strategic vision and policy of war

Well, to put it simply, only Qianyue is a thief, but Qianyue is not a thief! Active attack is better than passive defense!

"You seem to know something, Yves!" Kavu didn't seem to understand the man, and there was something in his words.

"No, after you go back, if you don't go, you're going to come back. If you come back, you will definitely not leave.

before the end of history. Don't think too much! I'm about to start work, trouble beautiful card

Miss Shi gave me a cup of coffee with a little more sugar, um, no sugar, glucose! " Jiang Yifu took out a notebook and white paper from his backpack and began to design the drawings of the mechanical back

, it's a bit like a secretary! Hey, the secretary has something to do, if you have nothing to do,

The card ring agent's beautiful eyebrows were raised. Without refusing, he turned to pour coffee for the other party.

, gift

Noisy exposing your hammer! Hey! Study without abundance! What are you thinking! Learning (Jin Ping Mei) makes me happy! five

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