Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 169 Undead magic?

After tossing for two hours, Jiang Yifu walked out of the room again contentedly humming a ditty, and also raised his pants shyly, just like the stinky hooligan who just finished his bad deed.

Um, what's the bad thing? Hey, it must be an uncivilized file size anywhere, otherwise, what bad things can be done!

Not only like you, Jiang Yifu seems to have found that his mastery of dry magic has risen to a new level. In the past, he still needed to recite the incantation in his heart, but now he only uses his spirit.

Just imagine it once, and the magic is done!

Well, if it's a metaphor. Need to chant magic spells as fast as riding a bicycle

It's just a lot faster than before

the same as the car. But just imagine the speed with mental power, ahem, it can be said to be a flying car, not a sports car, it is countless times faster than a sports car! !

Not only that, but also according to the casting of magic spells, it can use mental power to achieve fine and trace cao control. stretch your fingers,

A little flame just rises at your fingertips! Mmmm

Very handsome, just like the grass Nan Jing in The King of Fighters!

The fingers crossed in the air, and the small flame quickly enlarged into a circle of fire and revolved around the body, constantly transforming into mysterious patterns and shapes! If the -East in the circus

The same skill!

Fei Tang's sleeves and incredible! The mind changed again, and the ring of fire that was burning just now suddenly turned into rusty pure water! Circles of water circles gathered from the surrounding, changing

- a small water polo.

The small water polo gradually grew larger. With the accumulation of water elements, the small water polo changed from a table tennis file size to the size of a basketball, and finally continued to grow until there was a small house.

It stops growing when it is so big. It's not that the limit is reached, but Jiang Yifu feels that there is no need to continue.

, Although it is a little bit more than Kwai. But it's straight!

Just like going to a restaurant to eat, and leaving without paying after the meal, and then being caught by the police, asking why, and then pretending to take out his wallet to pay the bill,

One last word

You can give money, but it is not necessary!

Ahem, I guess if you do such a thing, you will definitely be beaten to death! Well, definitely, you will still be beaten to death! Very cruel!

With a thought, the big water ball shattered, there was no downpour as imagined, the pure water slowly dispersed into water droplets, and finally returned to nature, a dream-like magic

Show and perform!

Jiang Yifu is very satisfied with his magical advancement. If he takes a few more spiritual journeys, wouldn't he be strong enough to break through the sky? Unfortunately, it can only be used once! how many times

That's it! Cough cough, forget it, don't be greedy, just accept it when you see it!

Looking at the time, there are still two days before the appointment with Ophelia and the others. In fact, it seemed like a long time ago, but it was only a moment.

Continue to stay in the library, this time alone. Because Syndra has been tossed a lot, now she can only replenish her exhausted mental power through sleep

Open the magic book again. This time, there are many places in the magic book that seemed obscure and incomprehensible before, but now I understand it all at once.

Play at sea.

Magic spells are not static, and making magic spells one of their own instincts is the most important part of magician. Also a prerequisite for becoming a silver defunct magician

Spiritual growth is a good thing! Jiang Yifu is even more confident about this trip to Eastern Europe, what is Eckwater, what is dark necromancer, huh, labor and management follow

The big BOSS was blown by Ka Khan,

People who are begging for the mountains will be afraid that you will fail!

A magic book in the body freeze, it seems to be written that the magic is not very good. Kind of like dark magic or undead magic! these two

Turning, turning, suddenly turning

All kinds of magic are spurned by the magician association, but the power is huge and relatively cruel. There are still many necromancers and magicians working on it.

As a File size sister with a great background, Syndra has inherited the books of her prophet's father in her private library. She has almost all magical knowledge, including dark magic and death.

There is nothing strange about psychic books.

And even if someone gave it to Jiang Yifu, the library would naturally not restrict it. Anyway, you can read whatever you want, but if you want to read magazines like Playboy

Words, cough, sorry, there really is no such thing!

For dark magic and undead magic, Jiang Yifu will not feel spurned. This is the same as the AK47 invented by myself. In the hands of the police, special police, and soldiers, it is a defense

A weapon to protect the lives of the masses! In the hands of robbers and gangsters, it is the source of countless crimes.

Can you say AK47 is wrong? There is nothing wrong with firearms, and neither is the person who invented them. Only the people who use it are wrong! Good use is good, bad use is bad

ask for flowers 0

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yifu opened the first page. I saw the portrait of the goddess of death, wrapped in a dark green cloak, covered tightly,

I can't see anything. I have a strange hat on my head that looks like a few spider legs. Just looking at my face makes me feel astonished.

Arrived Hela is a bit like it!

Thinking of Hela's attractive appearance, Jiang Yifu's heart burst into flames, but she is really a Onee-san type beauty full of mature femininity, it would be a pity for such a woman to die

It's better to be carried home by yourself and have a baby on the hot kang head, at least you can live in peace!

Shaking his head, he got rid of unrealistic thoughts. He estimated that he was not enough to squeeze Hela with one finger. In comparison, it was the same as an ant and a lion.

Hanging power

"Dark magic is a means of absorbing the power of darkness and using it to attack the enemy. The power of darkness is too overbearing and has the ability to corrode the mind.

Huge, but be sure to use it sparingly! "At the beginning, I wrote such a paragraph, which is very direct and explains the situation very well.

, it's up to the reader whether to see it or not.

Jiang Yifu continued to look down, "Undead magic is the evil magic that controls the souls of the dead, spreads plague, and poisonous gas. It is the most terrifying war magic on the battlefield, there is no one! This kind of magic.

The magic is too vicious, please watch carefully! "

It's interesting here,

It's for people to watch, not use! It seems that the person who wrote this magic book must have seen the power of undead magic!

The more this is the case, the more interested Jiang Yifu is. This one has to be well understood, what kind of crowd tactics, this is great! Is there any harm? I'm dumb, a bunch of vindicators! Apply

A certain great man said, no matter whether it is a black cat or a white cat, the cat that can catch mice is a good cat!

Magic is created to be used, otherwise what is it used for? Eat it as a meal, or collect it as an antique, a family heirloom?

It’s like making food as a work of art, right? Jiang Yifu couldn’t help but despise this author, the more magic you know, the better, um, the skills don’t overwhelm you, sometimes

Maybe it can be used! five

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