Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 153 Asshole trick!

I came to Professor Bu Lois's house in the evening. Why did I come? It was definitely not to do something bad. Rather, Professor Bu Lois is an expert in telegraphy and also in electromagnetism.

A little research.

Using the principles of telegraph to parse code, well, it can be a little vague, but to be precise, [

It should be to use the principle of telegraph to complete the writing of computer code

The most basic structure of a computer is a program, and a program is made up of code. It's clear to say so.

Beep, the doorbell rang, and it was Mrs. Sharon who opened the door. When she saw Jiang Yifu, her eyes flashed with surprise, and then her face was frosty, "What are you doing here?

Shameless bastard! Get out of here!

"Wife, who's here?" Professor Bu Lois's voice came from the living room, obviously wanting to ask the guy who came to visit at night.

"Professor Bu Lois, it's me. I'm doing an experiment recently. I want to ask you something about telegraphy. I don't know if it's inconvenient for you?" Jiang Yifu said loudly

He responded, not because he had any thoughts on Mrs. Sharon, but something really happened, joking,

Rich women can't be found, and now is not the time to embrace them!

Sometimes people like Jiang Yifu are really shameless. They have several wives, and then tell others that he has no interest in picking up girls and has never picked up girls. It's shameless to the extreme.

Could it be more shameless?

"Oh! So it's Dr. Yves! Wife, why don't you hire Dr. Roar Yves in! Hey, you're right, aren't you just drinking a little more wine, go make some tea, Yvebo

Come here, there must be something wrong. "Professor Bu Lois still doesn't know that he is in the green prairie, he only knows how to communicate with etiquette, and he asks the other party something for his son.

Love, now the other party has to ask themselves some other professional knowledge and there is no reason not to agree!

Mrs. Sharon was very angry, but she couldn't say anything, because some things couldn't be said! He glared at Jiang Yifu, warned him not to mess around, and then

Turn around to make tea.

Jiang Yifu shook his head. What happened that day was a complete accident. Although it wasn't a very glorious thing, the cause of the whole thing can't be blamed on him at all.

Isn't Mrs. Sharon very cooperative in the end! But I dare not say this, for fear of being beaten to death.

Well, thinking about the future Professor X and Magneto beating himself together, uh, what do you think about this scene, it seems that the odds of winning are very low! Forget it, keep it low-key and low-key!

"Professor Blyth seems to be in a good mood, and he is still drinking wine at night, is it really that bad to be drunk?

, what's the matter? please take a seat, please take a seat

Dr. Iver,

so fun?

"Cough, that's it

Professor Blyth, I've been working on an electronic signal recently, but I don't have any clues. I thought about it, and I should be able to refer to the origin of something.

reason. So come here to ask you about the principle and working process of the telegraph! " As soon as Jiang Yifu talked about scientific experiments, the whole person became very serious, rigorous attitude and erudite

interest attracts women's eyes and attention

So much so that Mrs. Sharon didn't glare at the bastard when she brought the tea!

"Oh! Well, it's very simple. Let me explain it to you! The telegraph uses electromagnetic technology.

、Using electromagnetic waves of different lengths to complete the sending of signals, pick-up and drop-off

The number is to use a special telegraph to receive, need to amplify the signal! Simply put, it is the principle of electromagnetism.

There is an introduction to electromagnetic waves in the library!

, she is an academic master! "Professor Bu Lois joked a little,

Oh, right,

A woman professor without an invention patent,

, Lady Beverney has it everywhere,

It is estimated that the name of lifeless (patent) is still hanging!

Fortunately, I met Jiang Yifu, a smart student,

Are there many kinds of coding? Looks like a good study

Jiang Yifu touched his chin, audio signal encoding? Well, it seems that the encoding used by the computer is not audio! Forehead

"Oh, is that so, Professor Nabu Lois, could you please show me the relevant books? Please explain it again, I seem to have a clue!


Inspiration is incomparably vague and incomprehensible, but one must catch a flash of aura hidden in the mist. Creative thinking will be infinitely magnified

Through many problems and difficulties that were not seen before!

Professor Bupin nodded,

, got up and went to the study to get some books out. These are books on the principles of electromagnetism, academic fields such as electromagnetic waves.

Jiang Yifu took over the book and constantly looked at it, while Professor Bu Lois explained and pointed.

an occasional question,

An occasional answer. An hour passed quickly,

, Professor Bu Yingjian said that he was a little thirsty, and there was a faint inspiration

I feel like I can pick up a pen and write a paper again.

Jiang Yifu has gained more. Originally, electromagnetism is his major. As long as someone helps to find a door of knowledge, he can break through and see another world.

. The book in my hand is turning faster and faster,

An inspiration gradually formed in the mind. About the composition of the coding principle.

Starting from nothing is the most difficult, but once you get used to innovation, your thinking will not be restricted by rules, and there will be many unexpected imaginations. like a latrine,

Ordinary people cover their noses and walk around. And scientists will definitely go over there and see,

It's not that I have a bad taste when I'm full, but I think about whether these things can be turned into other things.

kind of energy! This is the limit of thinking and imagination!

You are really a genius, such a theory can be! Electromagnetic wave transmission across the globe

The look of the Burgess religion is getting more and more joyful,

. Night! Dr.Ever

And use! This subject matter is awesome! You don't mind if I put it in the paper! "This is a very creative and sensational thing! Said with a little hope, after all, this is

other people's ideas.

If it was before, Jiang Yifu would definitely rush to do it, but seeing the other side's expression of hope (Wang Liaozhao), and seeing Sharon looking at the magazine on the other side

Madam, an idea came up out of nowhere!

Clearing his throat, Jiang Yifu's voice was like a demon returning from hell, with a hint of irresistible guidance, "Hehe, when it comes to writing papers, I've had it before.

The second experience, after drinking a lot of alcohol last time, the whole person is in a state of being drunk but not yet drunk. At this time, the thinking is very confused and very focused!

After a pause, I saw that Professor Bu Lois was attracted by his own words and attracted the attention of the other party, and then continued, "Then I will try to write papers and do experiments. You send

What will happen now? "

"How is it? How is it? Dr. Yves, please speak up!" Professor Bu Lois was obviously in a hurry, and hurriedly urged that he had no interest in money, it was hereditary anyway.

Big land rich man, what he is after now is fame, money? I'm sorry he really has no idea at all! .

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