Marvel Comics: Crossing into Krynn, I am the Master of Technology

Chapter 260 The Universe Rubik's Cube changes

"Sir, do you really want to prioritize them?"

It's just that Hill and Nick Fury obviously have different ideas. After hearing Nick Fury's order, Hill also had a look of confusion on his face, but insisted and asked.

Under such circumstances, paying attention to these irrelevant things is just nonsense in Hill's opinion.

But the other party is her superior after all. In SHIELD, the ability to kill someone at the highest level can be said to be taken to the extreme.

If you don't do it, others will do it, and you will be killed.

"Unless it's the end of the world, we have to follow the established procedures."

"Move all the equipment down there. Every component of the second-stage prototype needs to be loaded onto a truck and transported away. There will be a transport plane waiting for you outside."

After hearing Hill's words, Nick Fury also stopped at this moment, turned around, looked at the deputy in front of him with his deep eyes, and then said in a deep voice.

"Okay, sir."

After hearing that the officers in front of him were so dissatisfied with his attitude and even issued an ultimatum, Hill did not persist any longer. He just turned around and walked outside after answering.

And looking at the deputy in front of him who did not agree with his ideas and had a completely different work style, Nick Fury couldn't help but shake his head.

He wanted to train the other party as his deputy as much as possible, but perhaps the inherent difference in thinking between men and women led to the fact that even if Nick Fury wanted to hand over his usual style of doing things to the other party, the other party has always been Not too cold.

He even has his own style of doing things when it comes to his own words and arrangements.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that as a leader, she has the persistence that she will not change, which happens to be the most important thing for a leader.

Because as a leader, and leading a top-level spy organization like SHIELD with tens of thousands of agents, as long as the leader has even the slightest doubt about his decision, it may cause the organization he leads to split or even be cannibalized.

But this also has disadvantages, that is, if you are wrong, the parties involved can easily reach a dead end.

The specific situation only depends on the fate of the other party.

After shaking his head, Nick Fury also turned around and continued downward toward the underground base.

"Tell me about the situation, doctor."

After arriving at the laboratory on the last floor underground, Nick Fury immediately spoke as he looked at Dr. Aurora Bolton, who was constantly debugging on site in an attempt to prevent this from happening.


After hearing Nick Fury's words, Dr. Aurora Bolton immediately put down what she was doing and walked toward him sweating profusely.

He really has no way to do anything about this crap now. Who knows how the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which was always stable, suddenly works with such intensity, and even the energy fluctuations continue to rise.

If this continues, sooner or later the entire earth will be exploded by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

And this is why Aurora Bolton did not evacuate immediately.

Because it has reached this level, unless the Cosmic Cube can suddenly cool down, it will be the same wherever it goes.

That's all. Dr. Aurora Bolton and Hill have the same opinion.

"So what exactly do we know now?"

After watching the other party walk up to him, Nick Fury also asked directly.

"I'm sorry, sir, the Cube is a bit disobedient right now."

After walking in front of the other party, Dr. Aurora Bolton spoke in a black humorous tone.

"So should I smile?"

After hearing what the other party said, Nick Fury said with a smile.

Compared to employees, he actually prefers employees from Asia. They are serious and meticulous in their work, and they don't make inappropriate jokes at critical moments like their counterparts. However, for American employees who like to joke at critical moments. At some point, he was used to it.

All I can say is that everyone has his or her own merits.

"No, I'm not kidding."

"The Cosmic Cube has not only been awakened automatically, it is even running autonomously."

"If this continues, it won't be long before we can go to see God collectively."

Looking at Nick Fury in front of him, Dr. Aurora Bolton also spoke immediately.

As if to verify Dr. Aurora Bolton's words, the researcher on the side took a metal rod and put it in front of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and tried to touch it. It was only a brief contact, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube casually The leaked power turned the metal rod into ashes.

"Why don't you unplug the power and try?"

Looking at such a severe environment at the scene, Nick Fury immediately suggested.

After all, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has always been driven by energy to produce energy to make weapons. So since it is energy-driven, it can definitely be blocked by turning off the energy.

"No, sir, the Cosmic Cube itself is a huge energy source. We all extract the energy from it, so there is no such thing as unplugging the power source."

"And we tried turning it off, but it turned on by itself and wouldn't turn off."

"If its energy level continues to rise, then..."

After hearing Nick Fury's words, Dr. Aurora Bolton said while leading him towards the Cosmic Cube.

"Isn't that what we want? Dr. Aurora Bolton."

"Use the energy of the Cosmic Cube to create more powerful energy weapons."

After watching the other party walk back to the research platform of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Nick Fury also spoke in a louder voice.

In Nick Fury's view, this riot in the Cosmic Cube is both a danger and an opportunity.

If they can effectively absorb and transform the energy erupted from the Cosmic Cube, then Nick Fury cannot even imagine how powerful the weapons created from this energy are.

Under his conservative estimate, it would at least destroy the entire continent.

At that time, with this weapon, SHIELD will jump back to its original position as the world's number one armed force.

Instead of being crushed by a mere technology company like now.

Even because of this, the Council's financial support for SHIELD has been reduced again and again. He believes that if he didn't still hold the super killer weapon of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, then the people from the World Security Council would have been there long ago. Give up on S.H.I.E.L.D.

But even so, the current situation is not much better. Because Pioneer Technology Company continues to produce technology and sell new weapons products to major countries in the world, S.H.I.E.L.D. is also available to them. Dispensable existence.

Even if they continue, Nick Fury feels that even if they successfully develop the Cosmic Cube to the third stage, those people will not take a second look.

Therefore, Nick Fury also knows that if SHIELD wants to survive the next changes and successfully return to its previous status, it is inevitable to become radical.

And this is why, in recent years, he has asked his people to vigorously develop the Cosmic Cube, at least to a degree that exceeds the previous application of the Cosmic Cube by Hydra.

"But there's nothing we can do to control it, sir."

"We're not even close to taking advantage of it."

"We have only been using the 'waste' produced by it to make weapons, and there has been almost no in-depth discovery of the weapon itself."

After hearing Nick Fury's words, Dr. Aurora Bolton also spoke ruthlessly at this time.

After all, the scientific and technological system contained in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube itself can be said to surpass several huge levels of technological civilization for the current earth.

Just relying on the current human technology system, it is simply impossible to crack or use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

And what they have done now, including some energy weapons made with the Cosmic Cube, is just the waste that this thing usually spits out.

To put it bluntly, it is the ‘excrement’ of the Rubik’s Cube.

For humans, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is more like a living creature with its own emotions, sorrows, joys, and thoughts. They can only follow the Cube's temper to appease it so that it can produce more energy.

As for wanting to tame the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, use it to fight, or even explore the nature of its existence, this is like asking an ape to fly a fighter jet.

This is totally not something that can happen in this era.

"It's releasing interference and radiation, low-energy gamma rays, which are harmless."

But after finishing speaking, and looking at the shocked expression of Nick Fury in front of him, Dr. Aurora Bolton continued to speak.

"There might be harm."

"Where's Agent Patton?!"

After hearing the doctor's explanation in front of him, Nick Fury, who realized that something was wrong with the situation, also began to ask about the existence of another person.

"Up there!"

Regarding Nick Fury's words, Dr. Aurora Bolton pointed to the fence not far away, and then said.

Agent Barton is considered a detached existence in this base. It can be said that the person in charge of the base cannot control it, nor can the armed personnel. He himself can directly intervene in anything in the base that he thinks involves the Cosmic Cube. Or even block.

Of course, Dr. Aurora Bolton has no opinion on this either.

After all, there is such a super agent as a security guarantee, and he himself has no other small ideas. Taken together, the other party's existence can be said to be the best protection for him, so he is also happy to do so.

"Agent Patton!!"

"I asked you to come here so that you can better observe the scene at close range."

After hearing what Dr. Aurora Bolton said, Nick Fury immediately looked at Barton, who was standing on the edge of the fence a hundred meters away, scanning the entire field like an eagle eye, and spoke through the intercom.

"Standing from a distance helps me see more clearly."

After hearing what Nick Fury said, Barton jumped directly and came down cleanly along the rope, then came to Nick Fury and said.

"So did you see exactly what activated it?!"

Not caring about how the other party observed the scene, Nick Fury just wanted to ask about the other party's observation of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

After all, the Hawkeye and Black Widow in front of him can be said to be the few super agents he has who are trustworthy and capable of great use.

"Doctor, the energy level has reached its peak again."

Along with the conversation between the two, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube not far away burst out with energy again, pushing the entire energy stance to a new peak.

"No one was coming in or out and Dr. Aurora Bolton was fine."

"No one is communicating with the outside world or transmitting information."

"If there is anything abnormal, then according to my guess, it is not from our side, Sir!"

After walking close to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube with Nick Fury, Hawkeye Barton, who looked at this small thing no more than the size of his palm, which had infinite energy, also immediately spoke.

"From our side? What do you mean?"

However, after hearing Barton's report, Nick Fury, who suddenly seemed to have grasped the key point, also looked at the other party and asked like a cold sweat.

It was only now that Nick Fury finally knew what he had ignored.

Yes, the Cosmic Cube. From the beginning, they only cared about using this thing to create powerful energy weapons, but they ignored its own power. It was used as a teleport in the universe in the legendary Odin Treasure House. A powerful artifact.

"Of course, according to the description in our information, isn't the Cosmic Cube a transmission channel to the other end of the universe?"

"Then since it's a channel, it means it's bidirectional."

After hearing Nick Fury's question, Hawkeye shrugged and continued as if nothing was wrong.

Anyway, the views he mentioned were more of a casual chat. After all, he was not one of those researchers with a Ph.D. or mentor resume.

He was just stating an idea of ​​his.

However, for Barton, this is just an idea, but for Nick Fury, this is the key to the problem.

Just when he wanted to turn around and prepare, the Cosmic Cube suddenly began to erupt with huge energy fluctuations, which began to sweep through the entire underground research base.

All the agents in the underground base began to look around worriedly.

After all, they are now underground, and if this intensity of vibration continues, the consequences will not be a good thing for them. (End of chapter)

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