So now he doesn't want his daughter to marry such an unstable time bomb that may transform into a monster at any time.

He always felt that his daughter should marry a soldier like him.

Only in this way, even if one day she is gone, the man will be able to protect her.

Instead of like this now, if he really has to leave one day, he will probably have to find a way to climb out of the cemetery. He will not feel relieved if he does not see his daughter live her whole life.

"Don't you think they are like the protagonists in Romeo and Juliet?!"

"They are both each other's true love, and they are both people who can resist everything for love."

"Believe it or not, even if you object to them being together, they will find ways to be by each other's side. In other words, you think your daughter may transform into an irrational monster, but after seeing your daughter At that time, Dr. Banner still controlled himself not to hurt your daughter at the critical moment. Their love is not as pure as this story?!"

After hearing what the other party said, Killian immediately spoke with a smile on his face.

After hearing Killian's words, as expected, Ross fell silent. He knew about his daughter's condition. The doctor made a diagnosis and required at least half a month of rest before going to the ground and starting rehabilitation training.

But even in such a bad physical condition, after hearing this brat's voice, he still walked out regardless.

Even Rose had no doubt that even if her legs couldn't get out of the bed, she would have to crawl out.

After all, she knew her daughter's character. She had been soft on the outside and strong on the inside since she was a child, although she often listened to his words.

But once you identify your reasons, you will do it without hesitation.

Just like her mother.

As for the other person, Bruce Banner, although he looked down on this kid from beginning to end, his conscience, the other person had already given all his love to his daughter.

Even if the love between the two people does not reach the level of Romeo and Juliet, it is not far behind.

When he thought of this, Ross couldn't help but feel confused.

Do you really want to compromise? !

He couldn't pull that old face off, and he didn't think this guy could protect his daughter.

"In other words, what you want to see is a scene where you force your daughter to break up with Dr. Banner due to your tough stance and strictly forbid your daughter to be with Dr. Banner, and then the two of them commit suicide one after another?!"

"Believe me, they can definitely do it."

"Do you see what Dr. Banner is wearing on his wrist?"

As if he was afraid that his words were not convincing, Killian pointed to the watch on Dr. Banner's hand not far away, and then said to General Ross.

"I saw a watch, what? Do you want me to give him an award?"

After hearing Killian's words, Ross, who looked along the field of view, just said lightly.

"What if I said it was a suicide device?!"

Looking at Rose's casual attitude, Killian continued.


At this moment, Ross enlarged his voice and said.

She even wanted to run over and pull her daughter away.

You wear a suicide device, just wear it, why are you so close to his daughter? ! What if one accidentally implicates his daughter? !

"Why are you so anxious? You can't threaten anyone else."

"That's just a super-dose concentrated tranquilizer."

"It's injected from the dial into the arm."

Seeing Rose in front of him who was about to run away before he could finish his words, Killian immediately grabbed him and explained under the confused looks on Banner and Betty's faces.

After hearing Killian's words, Rose was relieved.

Who knows what his heart went through in just a few seconds.

"You mean he carries a tranquilizer with him?!"

After slowing down his heartbeat, Rose looked at Killian in front of him and said again.

"Once again, it is a large dose of tranquilizer. One unit can instantly knock down an elephant, two doses can kill you, four doses can knock down a whale, and five units can bring down all living creatures known to mankind. As long as you are injected, you will die immediately."

"And he directly adjusted the watch to five units when he came."

"It means that as soon as the monster appears, this watch will automatically inject five units of dose. I think you should understand the consequences of this."

After hearing Rose's words, Killian spoke with a serious expression at this time.

After all, to be honest, even he had to admire him for being able to do this for the one he loves. It can only be said that Dr. Banner's love for Betty really transcends everything.

"He's going to die?!"

After listening to Killian's words, Rose also took a breath of cold air at this moment.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head with a complicated expression and looked at the man who was still caring about his daughter.

To be honest, he really didn't expect this man to do this for his daughter.

"Yes, do you know his attitude when he first got this thing?!"

"It's happy and exciting, and it means you don't have to worry about your daughter losing control of her health after meeting her, and it will affect her."

"I asked him before on the way here, if I brought this thing with me, wouldn't I be afraid that I might accidentally press it down while sleeping or at ordinary times?!"

"Do you know what his answer was?"

Knowing that Rose's attitude in front of him had relaxed at this moment, Killian also hurriedly struck while the iron was hot and continued.

After all, he knew that the reason why the other party looked down on Bruce Banner was simply because he felt that the other party did not have the masculinity of a soldier and the ability to protect his daughter.

But what if the other person has the obsession to die for the one he loves?

With such an obsession, even if he doesn't have the so-called tough identity of a soldier, so what, not to mention that if the two are really better than one another, it's really not certain.

"how to answer?!"

At this moment, even if he didn't want to admit that kid Banner, Ross still asked out of nowhere.

"His actual words were, 'It doesn't matter whether he dies or not, as long as her girlfriend won't be hurt again because of him, that's enough.'"

"How about it, General Ross, I believe having a son-in-law like this protecting your daughter is better than having a soldier or something like that in your heart, right?"

"And can you be sure that they are willing to die for your daughter like Dr. Banner?"

"To put it mildly, if you meet a man who covets your power and wants to rely on your status to be with your daughter, if you really retire in ten years, then your daughter will also In his 30s and in the long life ahead, who do you think he can rely on?"

After hearing Rose's words, Killian continued to speak.

"But having said that, the monster is inside this boy now."

"Don't try to fool me. I saw him transform with my own eyes. I have been on the battlefield. I know very well that the monster's eyes reveal unstoppable rage. It is impossible to transform him in a short time. It’s solved.”

Okay, now Ross has admitted that he was persuaded by Killian, but even so, the monster in Banner's body is still a hidden danger. Unless it can be solved, Ross will never put his daughter there. Push inside the fire pit.

"Hahahaha, you are worthy of Sir Ross."

"We actually already have a solution to this problem."

After hearing Rose's disguised agreement, Killian also laughed and said.

After looking at the doubtful look cast by the other party, Killian continued without any detours: "First of all, it is the current watch he is wearing. This is an indicator method that can be used for a short period of transition."

"Then I have people working hard to develop inhibitory drugs. As long as they are successful, the mutated cells in his body can be chemically reacted, neutralized and reversed, and then turned into the original normal cells."

"This way, he will become a normal person."

"So you can rest assured that this technology is not difficult for us."

At this time, after hearing what Killian said, Ross, who finally understood what the other party meant, felt relieved.

As long as you're not with that monster, it'll be fine.

"How about it?! Do you want to go over and formally shake hands with your future son-in-law?!"

At this time, after seeing the other person's relaxed expression, Killian also put his arm on the other person's shoulder, and then suggested.


However, after hearing Killian's words, Ross, who knew that he had fallen into the opponent's hands, just glanced at Killian in a bad mood, snorted and walked away not far away. .

And when he walked up to Banner and Betty, he saw that the two people were nervous but holding hands with each other and mustering up the courage to face him.

Ross, who stayed for a while, just glanced at the two of them, then turned around and walked in.

Not long after, under the confused gazes of the two people, Ross, who had put his coat next to the hospital bed, walked out without looking back.


At this time, after watching her father leave, Betty, who was standing there, couldn't help but shout.

Ross, who had already reached the intersection, suddenly stopped leaving after hearing his daughter's call. However, after being stunned for a while, he continued walking away into the distance.

"Sir Kilian, this is..."

At this time, Bruce Banner, who was still confused, looked at Killian walking over with a proud smile on his face, and asked in confusion.

After all, he didn't know whether the other party's negotiation was concluded or not.

If the negotiation was successful, why did Ross ignore them just now?

If the deal didn't work out, why was Killian smiling so happily again?

"Ignore him, you old arrogant person."

"The reason why he ignored you just now is because he just didn't want to admit that what he insisted on was wrong."

"After I said, Dr. Banner, you are willing to even personally wear this watch with a lethal dose for Betty, he no longer objects to your relationship."

"It's just that he doesn't want to admit that he was wrong in front of you, so... you may have to resolve this yourself afterwards."

After hearing Banner's words, Killian raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

To be honest, he had seen a lot of arrogant people, but this was the first time he had seen an old arrogant person like Rose, and he had to say it was quite interesting.

"Really?! Thank you so much, Mr. Killian."

"What?! Death?"

After hearing Killian's words, Banner and Betty both said loudly at the same time.

It's just that one person is grateful, while the other person is frightened.

At this moment, Betty, who was still wondering why her boyfriend suddenly put on a watch, after hearing Killian say that this thing turned out to be a suicide device, she looked at Banner in front of her. , with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Hurry, get it soon."

"Are you a fool?! You..."

After reacting at this time, Betty wanted to control her weak body after finishing speaking, and started to unfasten the watch on Banner's hand.

"Betty, this is of my own free will."

"If I don't even have the determination to protect you, then what reason do I have to stand in front of you."

Reaching out to hold the other person's outstretched arm, Banner said with a gentle expression.

Later, after a lot of expressions of love between you and me, the two of them finally remembered that there was an outsider behind them.

"Thank you, Mr. Kilian. As soon as Betty is settled here, I will start work immediately."

Banner, who was separated again, looked at Killian in front of him and said.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. I'll give you a month's paid leave first, so you can enjoy your hard-won sweet moments."

"Don't worry about the company's affairs, I can wait for you."

After hearing Banner's words, Killian nodded and said.

Immediately, after continuing to chat with the two for a while, Killian also returned to the base.

"How is the situation now?!"

Killian, who returned to the biological underground laboratory again, looked at Samuel who was doing experiments and asked.

"Boss, you know what? This is unbelievable. I have never seen cells containing such huge energy."

"Any gene or drug will be eroded as soon as it enters his cells, just like the T virus. No, this is more powerful than the T virus. The T virus is far less than it, and it can't even combine the two. be compared to each other."

"If we can master this power and apply it to the super tyrant, then we will have a true army of gods."

After hearing Killian's words, Samuel removed his eyes from the microscope in front of him and spoke to Killian with an extremely surprised and enthusiastic expression.

"Come on, don't forget about Dr. Banner's side. Break through as soon as possible. You must know that this is also beneficial to us. We must have the ability to use this super weapon, and we must also contain the super weapon."

After hearing what Samuel said, Killian also warned him.

After all, the sooner Bruce Banner's physical condition can be resolved, the faster he can get back to work.

"Don't worry, Boss, it won't be long."

In response to Killian's instructions, Samuel also turned his attention back to the microscope and spoke while operating something.

"By the way, have you tried Bruce Banner's cousin's blood?"

After hearing Samuel's words, Killian, who originally wanted to turn around and leave, suddenly seemed to remember something, and then asked.


At this moment, after hearing Killian's words, Samuel raised his head and looked at him with a confused expression.

He didn't remember what the other party wanted to do with Bruce Banner's cousin's blood.

"Damn, well, I probably forgot."

"Cousin Bruce's blood has a miraculous effect on green cells. It can cause the green cells to expand and erode while maintaining the stability of the original normal cells."

"To put it in layman's terms, if this green cell is transplanted into cousin Bruce's blood, then the transformed Hulk will have normal human sanity."

After seeing the confused look on Samuel's face, Killian suddenly remembered that he seemed to have simply asked someone to collect blood from Bruce Banner's cousin. Killian also slapped his forehead and said with an embarrassed look.

After all, I just wanted them to get Banner's blood first, and I didn't say anything about it.

"So boss, what you are saying is that as long as we have cousin Bruce's blood, not only can we solve the problem of Dr. Banner's violent transformation, but we can also put it into use directly?!"

At this moment, looking at the boss in front of him, Samuel said with a resentful look.

You have to know why he came over for the experiment without stopping. Wasn't it because he took a fancy to the potential of this green cell and wanted to get rid of its shortcomings as soon as possible so that he could be controlled by them? !

As a result, he has been working hard and concentrating on research here for so long, and you told him that this problem can be solved by directly using other people's blood.

At this moment, for Samuel, if the other party was not his boss, he would probably go to pieces.

However, the good news is that after his men brought the blood of Bruce Banner's cousin that had been prepared, it was brought to the laboratory.

Samuel also immediately began to conduct experiments.

The experimental process was extremely smooth. In Samuel's opinion, this green cell could be said to be born for Bruce Banner's cousin.

It's just that it was given to the wrong person at the beginning.

Now it's time to return the property to its original owner.

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