Marvel Comics: Crossing into Krynn, I am the Master of Technology

Chapter 102 The experiment is successful and the press conference begins

“The first critical point is reached, energy output is stable and conversion is normal.

"Now start to increase the output, 200,000 degrees Celsius, 300,000 degrees Celsius... 500,000 degrees Celsius, 1 million degrees Celsius. Now the energy gain factor q value has exceeded 0.500."

"According to the data, the current energy output can be self-sufficient, but the fuel Brownian motion in the vacuum chamber is very intense, and the longitudinal field strength of the D-shaped superconducting longitudinal field magnet is insufficient. It is requested to continue to increase the energy output."

With the continuous changes in major data, researchers in the laboratory at this moment have also begun to continuously report the data they are responsible for.

"Allows increased energy output."

"The data group always pays attention to data changes!"

"Start fine-tuning the energy output."

At this moment, Dr. Otto was looking at the scene in front of him with a calm expression. Under his little words and orders, the atmosphere of everyone present could not help but become a little calmer.


"The energy output has been increased, and the device is now very stable inside."

"The temperature of the vacuum chamber begins to increase again, the energy reaches 10 million degrees, and the q value is also steadily increasing."

Next, although Dr. Otto was behind to control the field, for these researchers, for only ten seconds, they still felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. However, even so, they still reported all the progress diligently. .

"The internal temperature of the device has exceeded 100 million degrees, the energy gain factor q value has exceeded 100, the magnetic field response is stable, and the coil and equipment detection is normal."

"Energy output is stable!"

"We succeeded, we created a miracle!"

When he said this, the researchers present couldn't help shouting loudly, and even cheered at the end. Everyone, regardless of gender, who was close to each other at this moment, all hugged each other. Everyone's face is now full of happy and excited smiles.

"Okay, don't rush to celebrate, continue. According to the current data, it is still possible to continue."

"And if we really want to amplify our original goal, we are still far away."

"Continue to increase the energy output, the magnetic field response continues to increase, the overall horizontal and vertical field coil temperatures are maintained, and the liquid helium cooling system continues to output."

While everyone was celebrating, Dr. Otto frowned and said loudly to everyone.

Although it is considered a great success now, since there are no problems with the instrument and data, we must continue and try the theoretical maximum output of controllable nuclear fusion.

After hearing Dr. Otto's serious words, everyone present immediately put away their excitement and began to lower their heads and continue their work.

"Now start increasing energy output!"

"The magnetic field response continues to be normal, and the temperature parameters of the horizontal and vertical field coils are normal."

"The equipment is generally normal!"

"The liquid helium cooling system is continuously outputting and maintaining stability and everything is normal."

"The temperature of the reactor device is currently continuing to increase at a rate of one million degrees per second. The increase process is normal. It is expected that the pressure inside will exceed 100 billion atmospheres."

"700 million degrees...800 million degrees...900 million degrees"

"One billion degrees!!!"

"Report!! The ultra-high vacuum chamber has now reached one billion degrees Celsius, the energy gain factor q has reached 10,000, and the product of plasma density and time has exceeded one quadrillion. The entire device has now entered a stable state."

"Doctor! We really succeeded!!!"

As time passed, in the control room in the middle of the reactor, after seeing the normal data on the control panel, the researchers present roared.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but cheer loudly.

This time, even Dr. Otto, who had always been strict with himself, did not say anything more. Instead, he looked at everyone present with a look of relief, and looked at Killian next to him with eyes that lived up to his trust. .

"Congratulations, you did it."

Looking at the man in front of him, Killian admired sincerely.

In another world, Dr. Otto died just because he wanted solar energy. Unexpectedly, in this time and space, he could complete controllable nuclear fusion energy in disguise without the help of tentacles.

At this moment, Killian couldn't help but want to see the scene when the two Dr. Otto met in the future.

"Thank you, boss, although these are all technologies provided by you."

"But I don't know why, after completing this experiment, I felt like my obsession had dissipated."

After hearing Killian's words, Dr. Otto at this moment spoke to Killian with an extremely relaxed expression.

"The most important thing is your efforts. There is a big difference between what I give you and this technology."

"Unless you tell me that I will give you the dark matter capture technology, you can build me a dark matter engine. In this case, I can think that my technology is very effective."

Looking at Dr. Otto in front of him, Killian smiled and joked.

Before he traveled through time, the world's cutting-edge laboratories were able to capture dark matter, but they could only capture it. Further development and research would not be possible for decades.

The role of dark matter is even greater.

But these are still extremely distant things.

"Hahahaha, boss, then this challenge is too great, unless you let me spend a few years studying academic materials on dark matter."

In response to Killian's joke, Dr. Otto replied with a smile.

Not everyone is like Tony Stark, who can study someone else's entire academic paper in one night and still get a degree.

Normal researchers basically only study in one direction throughout their lives, not to mention that dark matter is a new topic.

If you want him to do this project, he will not dare to get started without at least a few years of preparation.

Unless the design drawings are completely placed in front of him.

Otherwise, even with the current drawings that can be reversed, he thinks that it is not something that can be done in a short time.

Nuclear fusion technology is mainly a process in which two lighter nuclei fuse into a heavier nucleus and release energy.

The easiest fusion reaction to achieve in nature is the fusion of hydrogen isotopes—deuterium and tritium. This reaction has continued on the sun for 5 billion years.

This is why in Spider-Man, Dr. Alto calls it the energy of the sun.

Because the principle of the sun is nuclear fusion reaction.

Nuclear fusion reactions mainly rely on hydrogen isotopes. Nuclear fusion does not produce the long-term and high-level nuclear radiation that occurs in nuclear fission, does not produce nuclear waste, and of course does not produce greenhouse gases, and basically does not pollute the environment.

People first understood thermonuclear fusion from the explosion of hydrogen bombs.

Therefore, scientists hope to invent a device that can effectively control the process of "hydrogen bomb explosion" and ensure continuous and stable energy output.

Because nuclear energy itself is the largest energy source known to mankind today.

It mainly includes two main forms: fission energy and fusion energy.

Fission energy is the huge energy released by the fission of atoms of heavy metal elements. This has now been commercialized.

However, heavy metal elements such as uranium required for fission are scarce on the earth, and conventional fission reactors produce long-lived and highly radioactive nuclear waste. These factors limit the development of fission energy.

Another form of nuclear energy is fusion energy, which has not yet been commercialized.

Deuterium is abundant in the earth's seawater, with up to 40 trillion tons. If all of it was used in fusion reactions, the energy released would be enough for human use for tens of billions of years, and the reaction product would be helium without radioactive pollution.

In addition, since nuclear fusion requires extremely high temperatures, once a problem occurs in a certain link, the fuel temperature will automatically drop and the fusion reaction will automatically stop.

This means that the fusion reactor is a subcritical reactor and will never have an accident like the former Soviet Union's Chernobyl nuclear (nuclear fission) power station. It is safe.

Therefore, fusion energy is an unlimited, clean, and safe new energy source.

Now Killian and the others are using the latter, relying on the magnetic confinement of the currently mainstream Tokamak device, which mainly uses hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium as fusion fuel.

Moreover, the most critical measurement parameter for the realization of controllable nuclear fusion is the output-to-input ratio Q\u003e1 (self-sustaining stage). To achieve commercial power generation, Q must be greater than 10 (maintaining balance of payments stage), and to achieve a change from the traditional power generation model Absolute advantage, the Q value may reach more than 80.

It can be said that the larger the Q value, the higher the energy utilization efficiency. Now, after their experiments, the Q value has reached 10,000.

This means that in the process of energy conversion and output, there is almost no energy loss, and 100% efficiency conversion can be achieved.

If after this, the power supply of the entire laboratory is replaced by a new nuclear fusion reactor, its daily power generation can even reach 200 million kilowatts per hour, which is equivalent to the same power generation of the entire Three Gorges Power Station.

The main reason for this is that the energy release of nuclear fusion is greater than that of nuclear fission, at least 4 to 8 times that of nuclear fission.

For details, please refer to the comparison between hydrogen bombs and atomic bombs with the same yield and volume.

It can be said that starting from today, Kilian's Pioneer Technology will no longer have to worry about energy issues.

Even large amounts of energy can be used to produce the T-800's controllable fusion batteries without limit, and one battery can maintain the T-800's functional activities for 120 years.

At this moment, Kilian seemed to be able to see himself being shocked by the people of the world at the press conference that was to come soon.

A few days later, along with Killian's rest.

On the other side, Pioneer Technology’s press conference once again kicked off in front of the public.

But this time, what makes the public satisfied is that although they may not be able to go due to various reasons, Pioneer Technology has launched a live broadcast on the company's official website.

And according to Pioneer Technology's external publicity, 100 lucky viewers in each country and region will be selected to give company gifts.

Because of this, the number of people in the company's live broadcast room once exceeded eight figures.

And you must know that this is still an era when the popularity of smart devices is far less than that of everyone in the future.

It can be said that almost everyone who has access to the Internet and has the conditions to do so has come to support it.

And according to Lisa’s backend, more than 70% of people who have purchased Pioneer Technology smartphones watch on their phones, and this number is still increasing.

It is expected that by the time they start, it will be 90 percent.

At this moment, the scene of Pioneer Technology Company is no less crowded than on the Internet.

In front of the Pioneer Technology Building, there is a lot of traffic at this moment.

Originally, this place was just a technology industrial park. In addition to angel investors, most of the people who came here were employees in the park, because the location was also very remote and it took more than half an hour to drive to the nearest city.

But today, there was an unexpected scene of huge crowds of people and an endless stream of vehicles.

The last time there was such a flow of people was during the Spring Festival.

With the arrival of 12 o'clock at noon, in front of the main entrance of Pioneer Technology Building, there are already countless news trucks and media from all over the country. Many reporters and anchors are facing "a long shot and a short cannon". In the middle of the crowd, he began to report the scene to the camera.

"Hello, dear friends in front of the camera, this is the New York Times, and I am your old friend Eliza. Our current location is in front of the Pioneer Technology headquarters in Miami, Florida."

"I believe everyone can see that this place is already a sea of ​​people. In addition to us, there are reporters from dozens of news media here."

"Today is an extremely special day, that is, the product launch conference of the new products of Pioneer Technology Co., Ltd., the largest technology company that we call the 'Black Technology Company', will start here today. .”

"As one of the most influential technology companies today, Pioneer Technology's development is quite low-key, but its company's product launches attract the attention of the whole world every time."

“Since the company appeared in people’s sight, it has held two product launches in one year, and each launch has shocked the world and everyone’s attention. For the first time, the advent of Dabai, a personal health assistant, allowed mankind to officially enter a new era of medicine from that day on. People can check their health anytime and anywhere to prevent and eliminate the occurrence of various major diseases."

"As for the second press conference, I believe that no one who has used Pioneer Technology's smartphone will not say good things about it. At least now, all the colleagues around the reporter are fans of Pioneer Technology."

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