Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 772 Kara's Persistence

It turned out that after being locked into the room full of kryptonite by Hei Chao, Kara had to endure the radiation energy released by kryptonite constantly weakening her body almost all the time.

The other side is also exposed to the sun's rays full of intense thermal radiation energy.

The two energies were like water and fire that couldn't blend, and a strong rejection reaction occurred in Kara's body.

Although the thermal radiation energy released by the sun is very powerful, other energies can hardly compete with it.

However, after the destruction of Krypton, kryptonite, which absorbed the special radiation energy generated by the explosion of Krypton, seems to be the nemesis of solar thermal radiation energy!

Although the heat radiation is replenishing the energy consumption in Kara's body every moment, it still cannot allow Kara to regain her original power.

And with Kara's power after being affected by kryptonite, he couldn't escape from that specially made room at all.

In this way, Kara was kept in that room by Clark.

Every moment, I am experiencing a strong conflicting reaction of two incompatible energies in my body.

Over time, Kara's body gradually got used to this rejection.

Although this rejection was still going on in her body with a strong degree, Kara no longer felt the tortured feeling she had before.

At the beginning, Kara was very tired from being tortured by this strong conflict reaction, and her body was in a state of extreme weakness almost all the time.

I'm afraid, if it wasn't for the sun's energy constantly helping her mend her kryptonite-ravaged body, I'm afraid she would have died from the prolonged exposure to kryptonite radiation.

This is not shocking, if a Kryptonian with superpowers is exposed to the influence of kryptonite for a long time, it will indeed be seriously life-threatening.

At this time, Kara is undoubtedly very lucky!

Because she didn't lose her life because of kryptonite, and even in this situation, it was a blessing in disguise.


I don't know how long she had been locked up in this kryptonite-filled room.

And when she gradually became familiar with the strong conflict between these two energies in her body,

Kara's body is no longer as extremely weak as it was at the beginning!

The power in her body, at some point, has begun to slowly rise.

And which two mutually exclusive energies seem to have found a balance in Kara's body after a long struggle.

They are finally no longer like before, and they start an extremely tragic "war" as soon as they meet!

Instead, they began to non-aggression and interference with each other, and each established their own "territory" in Kara's body!

And Kara, who was affected by this situation, seemed to have awakened her superpowers again.

Her strength was growing every day, even faster than she had in the past few years.

Almost every day, Kara's power has undergone earth-shaking changes from before!

It took less than a few days to recover from a state of extreme weakness to the fact that the body has hundreds of tons of powerful strength.

At that time, Kara didn't know what kind of situation she was in at that time.

In her mind, there is only one belief, that is to quickly restore her strength and escape from this room.

However, although her strength had recovered to a few percent, she was unable to break through the wall inlaid with kryptonite.

Because although she can ignore the influence of kryptonite radiation at a distance at this time, she can still be affected by kryptonite as long as she is close to kryptonite at close range.

However, although the power within the body will be suppressed by the kryptonite radiation, her body can quickly absorb the energy of kryptonite under such circumstances.

However, this is also destined to make Kara, who has regained some strength, still unable to break through this room full of kryptonite and regain her freedom!

This situation naturally made Kara feel very unwilling, so in the following time, she was exercising herself every moment.

First slowly approach the huge amount of kryptonite and enter the range that can be suppressed by kryptonite.

Then, with her unyielding will and her strong desire to go out and stop Clark's evil plan, she resisted the torment of weakness that kept filling her body.

And Kara's unyielding spirit has indeed made her progress.

With this method, she is actually making continuous progress. Originally, when she was only ten meters away from kryptonite, her body would have to endure this incomparably strong sense of weakness.

Make her feel like she takes a step forward, as if she will not be able to stand!

But after a period of time, she actually broke through her limit, and she could even insist on getting close to the kryptonite within about ten meters before her body reached a state of complete weakness.

This is a very significant improvement, and it also gives Kara hope that as long as she keeps making progress, she will eventually be able to escape this room full of kryptonite.


After that, Carla did not rest almost all the time and kept moving forward.

When she felt that her body was weakened by the kryptonite radiation and almost collapsed, Kara slowly stepped back a distance and regained her strength by absorbing the sun.

Then when the body recovers, it will continue to move forward, and it must be closer to the kryptonite wall in front than the last time to rest.

And just like that, with Carla's almost insane paranoia, she made progress almost every moment.

From ten meters away from kryptonite, you will be completely weak, and slowly it will be able to stick to a distance of nine meters, then eight meters, six meters, three meters, one meter...

In the ever-shrinking distance, Kara had to spend more perseverance than before in almost every moment in order to continue to move forward a small distance.

In this difficult situation, she almost forgot even the passage of time and whatever else was on her mind.

In her mind, there is only one purpose, and that is to get close to the wall in front, and then gather powerful strength into her fist, and punch the wall that blocked her from leaving.

And in the process, Kara's body is also getting stronger every moment.

This is because Cara's body can not only become stronger by absorbing sunlight, but also by absorbing the energy of kryptonite.

However, the main effect of kryptonite's radiant energy is obviously not to help the body become stronger.

All the Kryptonian energy that was absorbed into her body by Kara was entrenched in her body, without any movement or other circumstances, as if she just regarded Kara's body as her own place to live.


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