Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 769 The Speechless Flash

When Kryptonians are irradiated by yellow stars, they will have superpowers, and their bodies can store the energy of yellow stars, making their bodies as powerful as gods.

But the Achilles' heel of the super-powered Kryptonians is kryptonite, which emits radiant energy.

This is a plot written by the comic editor who built the DC universe, to prevent Superman from being too invincible. Like a real god, he will create a gap with comic readers and specially add a special rule to Superman.

In some cases, having a weakness means that Superman is just a "human" with relatively powerful strength, not an omnipotent god.

Such a superman will give readers a more intimate feeling and be more popular with readers.

However, in this real universe, this has become a basic rule of the universe!

In this universe, it has become an indisputable fact that kryptonite is the weakness of all Kryptonians.

It is basically something that cannot be changed without the powerful ability to reconstruct the rules of the universe.

However, the superwoman at this time, after being subjected to a special experience, she actually overcomes this cosmic rule.

Kryptonite is not her weakness at this time, and can even be used as a source of her strength.

Although it can't make her very powerful in a short time like the solar energy, it is a means of restraining other Kryptonians.

If there is no accident, Kara can use the Kryptonian energy to make the other party lose his original power and become an ordinary person whether he is facing any Kryptonian with super powers.

And this also shows that the superwoman at this time has become the first Kryptonian born in the universe so far that is not affected by kryptonite.

This means that Kara has almost no weaknesses.

With this ability, she can become a truly omnipotent god.

It may be a gift, but it may become a curse.

However, in any case, Kara now has a chance to defeat Clark, who is more powerful than her.

And Kara, at this time, just wanted to stop Clark from carrying out that crazy plan to rule the entire earth.


Unfortunately, in Kara's view, the plan that had been successful immediately was unexpectedly destroyed by Li Yue.

Therefore, in Kara's eyes looking at Li Yue at this time, there is not only a strong surprise, but also a kind of anger that wants to beat Li Yue.

However, Kara didn't choose to act rashly at this time. She wanted to know why Li Yue could also control the Kryptonian energy he released and absorb it from Clark's body?

"Cough, lady, I don't think I did anything wrong! Because, I feel that there is a big misunderstanding between you and Clark!"

Hearing Kara's questioning, it was as if he was some kind of wicked, unforgivable, helpless villain.

Li Yue understood almost instantly that the reason why Supergirl would attack Clark at this time was because there was some kind of misunderstanding between them.

Looking at Supergirl's performance, it seems that everything she has done before, including passing kryptonite energy into Clark's body and trying to incapacitate Clark, is just to prevent Clark from carrying out some kind of evil plan!

"Misunderstanding? How is it possible! I was imprisoned here by his own hands! Moreover, he himself told me his evil plan to rule the entire earth!"

"When you help him now, you are helping this demon devour the entire earth and all the humans on the earth!"

Hearing Li Yue's calmer tone, Kara couldn't help but feel a sense of doubt.

However, she came back to her senses quickly, and she complained excitedly about the evil deeds done by the "Clark" in front of her.

"Ruling the Earth? How is that possible!"

Hearing Supergirl's accusation, Clark instantly understood that he seemed to be wronged by the female Kryptonian in front of him.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding. She said that the person who did these things should be another Clark!"

When Supergirl said that Clark wanted to rule the earth, everyone present almost instantly understood what the situation was now!

"Cough, lady, I think this is indeed a misunderstanding!"

"Although the person in front of you looks basically the same as Clark in our world, in fact, he is not the Clark you think!"

"He didn't come to plan to rule the earth, but to help us save the earth!"

Before Clark could explain, the Batman of this world came out and clarified to Supergirl.

"This... who are you? Why should I believe what you say?"

Hearing Batman's words, a hint of hesitation and doubt flashed across Kara's face again.

But soon, the expression on her face disappeared instantly, and she asked Batman seriously.

"Because he's Batman! Haven't you heard of him? Or, don't you even know that Batman has been fighting against Clark's rule?"

Suddenly, a flash of silver lightning flashed, and the Flash, who had just been knocked away by Supergirl, finally stood up.

He came to everyone's side in an instant, and said to the superwoman speechlessly.

"Really, it turned out to be a misunderstanding, and I got punched by you in vain!"

The Flash had a speechless expression all over his face at this time. He didn't expect that all this was just because of a misunderstanding.

And he received a heavy punch from Supergirl before, as if he had suffered a disaster.


"What? He's Batman? Who are you?"

Hearing The Flash's speechless words, Carla suddenly felt that it was indeed a misunderstanding!

Although she has basically lived in a watchtower since she came to Earth, she knows very little about things on Earth.

But that time she and Clark completely turned their backs on Earth, and Cara learned a lot of things.

Not only did she understand that Clark had been lying to herself, he even wanted to rule the entire planet.

She has also heard the name Batman in the mouths of other humans.

Because of the Batman at the time, he has been trying his best to prevent Clark from ruling the entire earth, and he even established a resistance organization specifically against Superman's domination.

In fact, in Kara's original plan, she was going to leave Clark to find Batman to stop Clark.

But unexpectedly, Clark had discovered that she came to Earth without permission, and used her weakness to be affected by kryptonite to directly control her.

While being imprisoned in the kryptonite room, Kara has also been thinking about how to stop Clark's evil plan if she has the opportunity to go out.

And what makes Kara feel like the most likely thing to stop Clark is to find Batman.

If they cooperate, maybe there is a good chance to stop Clark!

It is a pity that although he knows that Batman is the leader of the rebels, Kara has never seen the real Batman except for knowing his name!

She doesn't even know what Batman looks like.

It is precisely because of this that when she just faced the crowd, Kara only recognized Clark, and Clark's existence naturally aroused anger in her heart.

She doesn't know anyone else at all.

If she knew Batman, perhaps this unnecessary misunderstanding would not have occurred!


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