Although this battle is comparable in scale to the final battle of Avengers IV.

But because Li Yue was not very familiar with some of them.

So even if he watched the battle in person, Li Yue didn't feel too excited.

There is absolutely no excitement like watching the final battle at the beginning.

I have to say that sometimes, when the inner feelings are at stake, people can't help being excited about something.

And the plot of Avengers IV is generally not too brilliant. In Li Yue's opinion, it is not even as memorable as Avengers III.

But there are too many feelings in Avengers IV.

Let everyone who likes Marvel movies have a sense of resonance.

It also makes them subconsciously ignore some loopholes in the plot of the movie.

And the big scene where all the Avengers assembled at the end made all those who like Marvel movies excited.

Every familiar character appeared, making people feel extremely excited.

And this is the power of emotion.

With this kind of feeling, it is naturally easier to resonate.

At this time, Li Yue did not have too many feelings for the characters in the DC universe.

In the camp led by Batman, there are even many figures that he does not know.

This naturally caused Li Yue not to feel too excited about this battle.

What's more, if Batman and the others were facing the Apocalypse Army led by Darkseid at this time, Li Yue would probably feel even more excited.

But unfortunately, at this time, Batman and the others are only facing a relatively large number of demon-like legions.

There is no existence like Darkseid leading this army of demons.

Even the blackened superman who was supposed to lead these demon-like legions was not there at this time.

So, this battle, at the beginning, lacked some epic feel.

Naturally, Li Li Yue couldn't be more excited!


However, although he was not too excited about this battle, Li Yue would not miss the opportunity to watch this battle up close.

After all, this is the first relatively large battle he has seen since he came to the DC Universe.

Even if it can't make him feel too excited, he doesn't want to miss the excitement.

Therefore, after Li Yue found out about the battle, he did not hesitate too much, just dodged and came to the air at the battle scene.

Being at an altitude of several thousand meters, Li Yue was completely able to see everything that happened below.

And the two sides fighting below will hardly find the existence of Li Yue.

Moreover, the battle below had already reached a white-hot stage at this time.

Although there are some existences with special energy in the camp of Batman's side.

Even facing the demon head-on, it can cause a strong lethality to the demon.

Several of the figures that Li Yue was familiar with were even more powerful enough to kill demons with ease.

Especially Clark, the hot rays in his eyes are constantly releasing and sweeping towards the dense area of ​​demons.

The lethality caused is very tyrannical. In the short time after Li Yue appeared here, there were no less than thousands of demons who died in Clark's hands.

And before Li Yue arrived, Li Yue didn't know how many demons he killed. It was probably an incalculable number.

However, even their side is stronger than a single demon in terms of single-player ability.

Clarke single-handedly killed thousands of demonoids.

But the difference in numbers between the two sides is so huge that it is almost impossible to make up for it!

On Batman's side, there are only more than a hundred people with super powers.

It is estimated that this is the reason why Batman did not lead ordinary people to fight against these monsters.

After all, in the face of these powerful demons, ordinary people are completely dragging their feet. Not only can they not be of any help, but they may also suffer heavy damage.

Instead of bringing ordinary people to participate in this battle, it is undoubtedly the best choice to fight against these monsters.

To avoid casualties of ordinary people as much as possible.

However, this choice also caused the gap between the numbers of the two sides to become very large.

The densely packed demon-like legions flew above the sky, like a thick layer of dark clouds, almost covering the entire sky.

The number of demons is probably no less than one million.

Facing the Batman camp with only more than 100 people, he has the absolute upper hand.

Even in the face of millions of pigs, more than 100 people do not know how long it will take to kill them all.

What's more, this is not a million pigs, but a million demonoids with great power.

Even if they are tired, I am afraid they can exhaust Batman to death.

Therefore, for a while, Batman and others seemed to be killing the Quartet, and no demons could resist their attacks.

But in fact, except for Superman, the situation of others is not very good, and they may run out of energy at any time, and be besieged to death by the surrounding demon-like army.


"It seems that the number of demon-like legions is still very dominant. If Batman and the others don't have any decent group attack skills, then I don't know how long this battle will last until it is completely over."

Li Yue found that under the frenzied killing of Batman and others, thousands of demonoids were killed in almost no second.

If it goes on like this, it is indeed possible that they will end the fight after a while.

However, the most helpless situation is that the number of demon-like legions has not gradually decreased with the elimination of Batman and others.

On the contrary, it is increasing!

The pressure on them is also increasing.

The reason for all this is that when they were fighting, there were still countless types of demons flying around to join the battle group.

I don't know where it came from, but the number is almost constant.

Many demons were killed, but more came from afar and joined the warband.

"I don't know how many demons exist on this earth!"

Li Yue felt a little speechless as he watched the endless stream of demons appearing, as if he could never finish killing them.

It seems that there are more than 100 million demons living in the area of ​​the earth that has been transformed into the environment.

If it wasn't for Li Yue and the others arriving on this earth in time, I am afraid that the owner of this planet will change hands in the near future.

Humans will no longer be the masters of this planet.

Because, the environment of this planet has been changed to be more suitable for demon-like survival.

And the ever-growing number of demons will eventually replace the status of human beings as the masters of the earth and become the new masters of the earth.

I'm afraid, this is also Darkseid's plan.

He wants to kill the enemy and use a slow plan to slowly transform the earth into another Apocalypse.

Then, he can command a huge number of demon-like legions and completely occupy the earth with ease.

This is undoubtedly a plan that makes mankind feel desperate.

Because, at that time, human beings will not be able to change their future destiny.


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