Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 721 Rebuilding Apocalypse

Under Darkseid's insistence, a huge amount of energy was released from his body.

The huge energy enveloped half of the galaxy almost immediately, and all the areas affected by the attack released by Li Yue before were enveloped by the energy released by Darkseid.

With Darkseid insisting so hard, the entire void began to change dramatically due to his efforts.

The originally very chaotic energy in the void slowly calmed down.

The space cracks caused by the raging energy of the Power Gem also began to slowly close up. x PC:

Except for some relatively huge space cracks that have not completely disappeared, the rest of the smaller space cracks have completely disappeared.

The entire galaxy is developing towards its previous calm.

However, as time went by, Darkseid, who released his energy with all his strength, had an increasingly ugly expression on his face.

He seemed to be suffering intense pain, and even a drop of sweat appeared on his face, but it disappeared in an instant.

But this is also acceptable, after all, it would be difficult for even Darkseid to release such a huge amount of energy at one time. (First launch, domain name (please remember _three\u0026lt;three^small" said (web) W, ω, ω@.x, 彡, 彡, x`¥[email protected], o-м text) word \u0026lt; more ¥New/Speed¥Most \u0026amp; 駃=0

What's more, while releasing energy, he also needs to control the energy at all times to repair the chaotic state of the surrounding space.

A region so large that it is almost half a galaxy is naturally not so easy to control.

This is Darkseid, if it is someone else, I am afraid that the energy in the body has been squandered long ago.

And Darkseid's hard work finally ushered in a huge harvest.

The chaotic starry sky finally returned to a calm state after less than half an hour of hard work.

Maybe in some areas around, the energy is still a little chaotic, but that's not going to make a big difference.


After the surroundings returned to calm, Darkseid slowly recovered the huge energy he released.

When all the energy has returned to the body,

Darkseid couldn't help taking a few deep breaths.

But looking at the calm starry sky around him, Darkseid also felt very happy in his heart.

"Then now, it's time to rebuild my home!"

Everything has been restored to a state of calm by himself, and Darkseid knows that it is time to start rebuilding his homeland.


"Then, everything that was destroyed, start to recover at this moment!"

After calming the energy in the body, Darkseid did not hesitate, and directly stretched out his right hand, aiming at the previous position of Apocalypse.

The next moment, a very special energy was released from his right hand.

This special energy does not have any color, but it gives people a very strange feeling that cannot be ignored.

The strange energy, in front of Darkseid, was constructed into the appearance of a planet.

And this planet composed of energy is exactly the home of Darkseid, what Apocalypse looks like.

However, the special energy does not have any color, it seems transparent, but it is impossible to ignore.

And the planet composed of this special energy also looks very strange.

However, the weirdness only lasted for a short period of time.

Soon, the planet made up of these strange energies began to undergo tremendous changes.

Energy seems to be slowly condensing into substance, a real planet is slowly emerging.

"Yes, that's it, my homeland, my country, my people, everything I dominate, at this moment, let's all recover!"

Darkseid looked at the scene in front of him at this time, and his heart became extremely excited.

The energy he released was slowly recovering everything he had lost.

Just wait for a while, and he will regain everything he lost!


Special energy, I don't know what kind of effect it has.

But things made of this energy seem to be capable of producing real life.

The planet composed of energy actually became a physical existence after a very short period of time.

A small Apocalypse that seemed to have been shrunk countless times, reappeared in front of Darkseid.

Everything on Apocalypse looked extremely real.

It seems that this is the appearance of the previous Apocalypse, which has been reduced countless times.

However, this is completely impossible.

Because the Apocalypse that once had been destroyed by Li Yue had already been directly destroyed, not even a bit of planetary debris was left behind.

But at this moment, if Li Yue was here, he would be shocked when he saw such an incredible thing.

In Li Yue's view, it is not very difficult to rebuild Apocalypse.

He can completely rewind the time in the local space, and return to the time when Apocalypse has not been destroyed.

In this way, Apocalypse was naturally rebuilt.

However, even Li Yue, he probably would not have thought that Darkseid would use such a very strange-looking method to rebuild Apocalypse.

Soon, after the strange energy was solidified, it looked like an Apocalypse that was several times smaller, but everything was extremely real.

Everything above is very real.


"Return to the original appearance!"

Looking at the several times smaller Apocalypse in front of him, Darkseid showed an extremely excited expression on his face. x https:/m.x/

However, he soon suppressed the strong excitement in his heart and continued his unfinished recovery plan!

The even larger strange energy was released from his hand, and then merged into the Apocalypse that was several times smaller in front of him.

And as more energy was integrated, the Apocalypse began to grow at a terrifying speed.

The volume is constantly expanding, and in the blink of an eye, it becomes incomparably huge.

However, although the expansion rate is very fast, there is still a long way to go from the real Apocalypse.

However, Darkseid also knew this, so he also did not stop the transmission of energy.

And under Darkseid's near-constant energy delivery, the huge Apocalypse did not stop growing for a moment.

It took more than ten minutes, and Darkseid kept releasing energy during this time.

His face looked a little ugly, as if his body became a little weak after the release of huge energy.

But his expression was extremely excited, and his excitement was beyond words.

Because, at this time, the Apocalypse composed of strange energies in front of him was almost separated from the real Apocalypse by a thin line.

In terms of size, there is only a negligible gap with the real Apocalypse.

And if this gap is made up, it means that a new Apocalypse is about to reappear.

And this also means that Darkseid has rebuilt his homeland with his own hands.

"That's it, everything lost today, come back from this moment!"

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