Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 716 The Final Change

Li Yue used his own method to make some changes to the whole weapon.

At this time, the weapons that were originally silver-white as a whole, from this moment onwards, turned into the appearance of purple energy lingering around them.

The weapons at this time looked more mysterious and domineering than before.

Moreover, when the purple energy released by the Power Gem kept flowing from the weapon, the whole weapon exuded a strong momentum, showing its sharp edge!

"Yes, it seems that not only has it become stronger, but it has also become better-looking!"

Li Yue looked at the weapon whose appearance had changed a lot, and still felt very good in his heart.

With the blessing of the violent energy of the power gem, Li Yue's weapon at this time can feel its power just by looking at it.

The violent purple energy swirls and flows in the weapon, making the whole weapon seem to have a very terrifying power.

Moreover, compared to the previous appearance, Li Yue still prefers this appearance at this time.

"All in all, this time, the transformation of the weapon inlaid with the power gem is really very good."

Li Yue was very satisfied with the status quo of the weapons he transformed.

"However, only part of the transformation has been completed now, and there are more critical parts that need the same change."

"Then, keep trying!"

However, at this time, Li Yue only changed the handle of the three-pointed two-edged sword.

The energy channeling the Power Stone flows in a special but very planned way on the handle of the three-pointed two-edged sword.

Moreover, Li Yue's changes to weapons are basically permanent.

If he does not make changes in the future, the power gem energy in the weapon will flow according to the current state.

But at this time, Li Yue only changed the running state of the gun handle, and could not completely change his weapon.

If he wants to completely integrate the power of the power gem with his weapon and enhance the power of the weapon, Li Yue still needs to make the same changes to some positions of the weapon as before.

for example,

Among the weapons, the sharpest position is the edge of the three-pointed two-edged knife!


Li Yue, who felt very good about his weapon modification, did not hesitate.

After changing the position of the gun handle of the weapon, the next target to be changed is the sharpest part of the weapon, the blade of the three-pointed two-edged sword.

The position where Li Yue set the power gem on the weapon is exactly where the blade of the three-pointed two-edged knife connects with the handle of the gun below.

Therefore, the power gem that exudes purple energy is connected to the blade of the three-pointed two-edged knife on the top, and the handle of the three-pointed two-edged knife is connected to the bottom.

I feel that the power gem at this time seems to be the source of power for the entire weapon, connecting the weapons together.

What Li Yue changed just now was the position below the power gem, allowing the energy released by the power gem to flow freely in the area below, and was no longer bound.

However, because the position of the blade has not yet arrived, the energy of the power gem has not yet flowed into the blade of the three-pointed two-edged sword.

However, at this time, Li Yue was already preparing to transform this last part. It is estimated that soon, the energy of the power gem does not need to be forcibly restrained like this.

"Then, the method of changing the blade should not be much different from the previous one. It is also the energy channel created in one's own weapon that allows the energy of the power gem to flow."

"However, although the principle of change is basically the same, the modification of the blade cannot be exactly the same as the handle of the gun."

"In addition to making the weapon have a smoother energy flow channel, it is also necessary to take into account the beauty of the weapon."

Li Yue pondered in his heart, what should he do, so that his weapon can fully integrate the powerful power of the power gem without lack of beauty.

After all, Li Yue didn't want to fight with an ugly looking weapon.

That goes against his original intention of making this weapon for the sake of being handsome.


For a long time, Li Yue thought carefully about how the weapon could be both powerful and beautiful.

However, in the end, he finally thought of a change plan.

Although his transformation is not necessarily perfect, Li Yue feels that in appearance, Sima himself can still accept it.

Since he can accept it, Li Yue naturally does not hesitate and is ready to start the final transformation plan.

Of course, Li Yue didn't need any special preparations.

He still carried out the transformation of the blade part according to the transformation method just now.

In the same way, Li Yue concentrated his mind, controlled the space energy above the weapon and the position of the blade, and slowly released the shackles of the power gem energy.

Although the violent energy of the power gem has one end that can release the pressure, it is a power gem after all, and the violent energy still has a lot of pressure.

At this time, after Li Yue slowly released the restraint on the other end of the power gem, the violent energy in the power gem also began to flow according to Li Yue's relaxation trajectory.

At this time, Li Yue, after a successful transformation process, naturally does not need to be carefully transformed.

He controls the space energy with ease, and smoothly relaxes the bondage of the power gem energy.

Then on top of the weapon, a path is constructed that allows the energy released by the Power Stone to flow freely.

It didn't take too long, Li Yue's transformation has ended successfully.

An energy running channel that almost runs through and connects the entire blade has appeared in the blade.

With Li Yue's reinforcement of the channel, this energy channel has become extremely strong.

At least, under the operation of the violent power gem energy, it will not happen that the channel is easily overwhelmed by the violent energy.

At this time, the position of the blade of the three-pointed two-edged knife, like the previous gun handle, has undergone an incomparably huge change.

The previous three-pointed, two-edged sword was made of Ulu metal, and the entire weapon had a silvery white appearance.

But since then, the appearance of the three-pointed, two-edged knife has completely changed.

Although, the whole is still showing the original silver white.

However, on the entire weapon, there is a very unique purple light that looks very strange and domineering.

A strange purple light radiated from the energy flowing in the weapon.

Although silver is naturally much more than purple in terms of the volume of color emitted, the purple light almost completely suppresses the silver light.

It makes people look as if purple occupies more of the area.


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