Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 673 The Horn of the Counterattack

Li Yue didn't know whether Darkseid, who came to the earth last time and was repelled by Batman and others together, left the earth, is his real body.

But Li Yue understood that even if it was just a clone of Darkseid, it would never be so easily repelled by Batman and the others.

Moreover, there is an even more puzzling place, that is, if Darkseid is really repelled by Batman and others, he will definitely be very unwilling in his heart.

Getting ready, making a comeback, and launching another crazy attack on Earth is the normal choice.

However, at this time, several years have passed since the last time Darkseid was defeated, and he seems to have forgotten the earth.

Aside from the growing number of demonoids, there has never been another massive invasion of Earth.

This made Li Yue suspect that perhaps, Darkseid had already made his own arrangements in secret after he came to Earth last time.

So in the face of the crazy resistance of the superheroes of the earth, he did not deal with it with all his strength, but chose to retreat for the time being and returned to his own Apocalypse.

But before he left, he created a huge crisis for all people on earth.

That is to trigger the dark side of Superman, make Superman black, and make crazy moves to rule the earth.

In Li Yue's view, the reason why Darkseid did this was to delay time to ensure that the plan he secretly arranged could proceed smoothly.

And Li Yue became more certain after feeling the change in the earth's environment. Maybe this is what Darkseid was waiting for.

When the environment of the earth changes completely, it is no longer suitable for human habitation, and the original homeland that human beings depend on for survival will become a hell-like situation.

And when the environment at that time is very suitable for the survival of demons, Darkseid is likely to invade the earth again with a strong force.

At that time, the earth he occupied will be a new homeland similar to Apocalypse, which can allow demons to survive normally.


Of course, these are just speculations in Li Yue's heart at this time.

He didn't know if his guess was correct.

But he understands that no matter what, the change of the earth's environment must be taken seriously by them.

Otherwise, this will become a huge hidden danger for the earth.

The earth is the homeland on which human beings live. Today, before finding a planet that can replace the earth, the earth is the only shelter for human beings.

Protecting the earth's environment is, of course, the obligation of human beings.

"Do you pay attention to changes in the earth's environment? I understand!"

"We've noticed before that there are areas of the planet that have changed so much over the years that almost no one would choose to live in areas where the environment has changed."

"It's just that at that time, we were always facing the threat of blackened superman ruling the earth, and we couldn't carefully explore why the environment changed."

"Originally, we just thought that the change in the environment was a normal situation caused by the appearance of demons."

"But now that you remind me, I also feel that I really need to study this matter carefully."

"Maybe, this is really a conspiracy that Darkseid secretly planned."

Everyone's attention has been led to the change of the earth's environment by Li Yue's repeated reminders.

The special changes in the environment also attracted their attention.

After all, at this time, there is no need to worry about the blackening of Superman ruling the earth, and they also have more energy to think about the huge harm caused by this matter.

Therefore, in Batman's mind, the investigation of the cause of environmental changes has been placed after the matter of solving the superman's ruling regime.

He decided, after dismantling the regime established by Superman, to explore why the environment had changed.

And find a way to re-improve the area where the environment has changed to the original appearance.


"Okay, since we have a plan with a clear division of labor, let's hurry up and implement it."

"I will go to Apocalypse alone,

No accident, I will help you completely solve the crisis from Darkseid. "

"And you, you only need to disintegrate the regime established by the blackened Superman during this period of time and restore the original order of the earth."

"And, before I come back, just protect this earth and not be occupied by others."

"I believe that with Clark's help, it is not difficult for you to do this."

Li Yue spoke slowly with a smile on his face and announced his plan.

The five were divided into two groups.

Li Yue went to Apocalypse alone to solve the threat from Darkseid.

The rest of the people, taking advantage of the good opportunity that Blackened Superman was not on Earth, completely disintegrated the regime he established.

Destroy all demons on earth.

Then restore the original order of the earth, and find out the specific reasons for the changes in the earth's environment.


Of course, while the situation to resolve the crisis may seem urgent, it is not in a hurry.

Li Yue and others just came here, they experienced a battle with the blackened superman, and it was not time to rest at this time.

Therefore, they decided to take a break and start the counterattack plan after tomorrow.

But both Batman and Flash in this world have not rested.

Because they still have to make every effort to contact the resistance armies scattered around the world, prepare for the subsequent counter-offensive plan, and convene manpower.

After all, after several years, the regime established by Superman has basically been in a state of stable control of the earth.

Although there are still some people who are silently working hard to resist the dictatorship of Superman, they have been brutally slaughtered by means of blackening Superman.

Some resistance legions have also suffered heavy losses. Up to now, they cannot gather effective resistance actions at all. They can only hide in all parts of the world, quietly waiting for opportunities to move.

But now, it is a perfect opportunity not to be missed.

Batman's own strength is naturally limited, so he is ready to contact the resistance legions around the world as much as possible in the next period of time.

Spread the news that Superman is no longer on Earth.

Gather more forces to join the resistance camp.

Of course, the people that Batman calls are not limited to ordinary people, but also the superheroes who once knew him.

In this battle of resistance, the power that the extraordinary can exert is naturally the most important.

After all, the millions of demons alone cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

Without the help of a group of extraordinary people, only Batman and a few people will be able to eliminate all those demons.

Therefore, while Batman is summoning the rebel army, he is also summoning all kinds of superheroes with extraordinary abilities.

At the same time, they are going to launch a full-scale counterattack against the regime established by Superman, completely defeat the regime established by the blackened Superman, and restore the world to its previous order.

The horn of the counterattack is finally about to sound at this moment!


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